Chapter 9

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You guys didn't think I was gonna just write that chapter and wait again to update, did you? Heck no! That'd be too easy c: so here's the next chapter! ~Neek xoxo

ps, in the future, if I don't specify who's POV it is, just assume it's Austin, because he's the main character

pps, listen to The Depth by Of Mice & Men because that's the song Austin is singing!


       "Hey Phil." I say halfheartedly as I sit across from him at lunch. His face lights up as he looks at me. "Hey! What's up?" he asks.

      I dig through my back pack and reach for Phil's sheet music. I pull it out and hand it to him. "I figured I should give you this back, I've played it quite a few times." He takes it in one of his tan hands and smiles. "Thank you. Do you want yours back too?" I nod. He reaches around for his bag.

       You know, it's really hard to hate the person who stole your everything when they're so awesome and nice.

       Phil turns back around and hands me my four sheets of music. Yeah, I write a lot. This isn't eve a fraction of them. "I really enjoyed them. We should show each other more music sometime." I nod in agreement.

      Just then Aaron, Tino, and Ashlyn come up to the table, trays of food in hand. Probably from the lunch line.. "Hey guys!" Ashlyn and Tino say at the same time. They look at each other and laugh. Before anyone else can say anything, Alan comes up to the table and takes his regular seat beside Phil, Monster can in hand.

      Ever since they started dating, he hasn't hung out with me much anymore. Whenever I call him he's hanging out with Phil. It makes me both pissed off and sad. But it's not like I can say anything about it.

      "So guess what?" Tino asks all of us, disrupting my thoughts. He glances at Ashlyn. "Do you wanna tell them or should I?" Ashlyn giggles and says "No, you go ahead."

      What the hell are they gonna say?

     Tino chuckles before saying "Okay, Ashlyn and I are officially boyfriend and girlfriend!" he said excitedly.

      "Finally." Alan said, not very surprised. "We've been waiting for that forever." Ashlyn's head bounched in agreement. "So have I." she said, laughing. "I didn't know you liked me babe." Tino says apologetically. They look into each others eyes and Ashlyn kisses his scruffy cheek quickly.

      "I'm happy for you guys." Aaron says, giving Tino a high five across the table. "Me too." I say truthfully. I'm seriously really happy for them. They seem good together, and everyone was expecting that they would. "Who asked who out though?" Alan asked. Of course he'd ask that.

      "I did," Tino said, flushing. "But technically I did." Ashlyn chimed in. "Well," Alan starts, raising his Monster can to his lips "We see who wears the pants in the relationship." I hear him slurp a sip.

     "Okay, well are we gonna hang out after school today or what?" Alan asks. "And do what?" Phil questioned. "Hm. Order pizza. Watch movies. My place?"

      "I'm in." Tino says. "I'll come too." Ashlyn agrees. "Sure." Aaron says, taking a sip of his juice. "Yeah I'll go." I mumble.

      "What about you, big boy?" Alan asks Phil. Phil laughs and kisses him. I tighten my knuckles in anger, but try to keep my face calm.

      After the school day is over, I head down the stairs to the spot that we always meet at. Everyone's already there.

      It's weird, I haven't seen Justin or Chris all day today. Hm.

When You Can't Sleep At Night (an Of Mice & Men Fanfiction; Austlan)Where stories live. Discover now