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@Edfan10000 was kind enough to comment and put me back on track. So go follow her.

Thanks to the big bloom in readers I decided to do another update. ATTENTION THE USER MENTIONED ABOVE REMINDED ME THAT THE MAIN CHARACTER TWO NAMES AND I WAS GETTING MUDDLED BETWEEN THE TWO. SHE IS CALLED LOLA HAMPTON. got it? good. now lets start the chapter.

Lola's POV:

After an hour of having walked into the good looking man, we had both decided to head to a coffee shop to talk, in which he insisted on buying me a coffee because it was his fault we fell over. I was about to decline his offer only to realise I had left my purse at home to which he called it Karma.

I had learned many things about the kind man. His name was Alex Smith and was a personal trainer and body builder, which was pretty obvious considering it hurt like a bitch when I walked into him.

I told him my current situation and that I had left home ( of course leaving out the parts about my dad) and that I am now working for Harry Styles. ( again leaving out the inappropriate parts. )

We had both finished our coffee and had began to clear our table.

"I really enjoyed today, I'm really glad I walked into you." He joked, his deep blue eyes gleaming. I grinned. 

" I agree, maybe we'll see each other again?" I asked hopefully. It would be good to have some freinds around here. And he might even be able to be something more, I mean he didn't mention a girlfreind and he was pretty charming if I do say so myself.

"Well I suppose I should get your number then?" He grinned cheekily. I laughed. 

"If thats how you think you get a girls number you should try again."  I replied, shooting him down only to have him get on one knee in the middle of Starbucks. 

"LOLA! MY WONDERFUL COMPANION, WILL YOU DO ME THE HONOUR OF-" He declared, causing all eyes to turn our way.

"Sh! okay okay! Ill give it too you god!"

With my cheeks flaming from all the attention, I pulled him up from his knees and placed my hand over his mouth, silencing him. Lets just say we were beyond strangers now.

We exchanged numbers once we were outside the establishment and bid our farewells, promising to catch up later in the week. 

I was very thankful for Alex arriving in my life just at the right time to make me forget about How hurt I was because of Harry.

After departing from the coffee shop and saying our good byes, I headed back to Harry's house, considering it had been a few hours since I left. Once I had exited the elevator, I headed for the front door of Harry's humble abode and made my way inside only to see two pairs of eyes on me. 

"Hi! You're Lola right?" The unfamiliar face beamed, rushing over to me and pulling me into a tight embrace. I wasn't used to such affection but I tried to hide my akwardness by hugging the guy back anyway. What was it with cute guys popping up everywhere?! I looked over to see Harry scowling at Niall, but when his eyes flickered to mine, he sent me a light smile to which i averted my eyes. I didn't want to give into him. It was obvious probably to everyone in new york that he had upset me, and he would be stupid if he couldn't tell.

"I'm Niall. I would love to say and chat but I have my girlfriend waiting at home. Its Pizza night." He grinned and before I knew it the door had slammed leaving Harry and I in an awkward silence.

"So..." Harry began.

However, I ignored him and began cleaning up after the mess he made with his friend. After scooping as many things as I could from the coffee table I started for the kitchen Ignoring the burning feeling of Harry's eyes trained on my body as I moved through the house with him hot on my heels.

"Babe don't do this-" He whined, rolling his head back as he trailed lazily after me into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes.

"don't babe me. I get it Harry, you don't want to be involved with me. It was a thing of the moment right? Lets just forget about it. You keep to yourself and I will keep to mine." I huffed, dumping the dirty plates into the dishwasher and throwing the beer bottles into the garbage. I began to clean the kitchen but before I could start wiping the surfaces down a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and his chin rested on my shoulder. 

"Thats going to be very difficult if you walk around my house wearing those fantastic jeans of yours. Oh, and not to mention your yoga pants." He growled, sending my heart into over drive.  All my action halted before span around only to be pinned against the counter. My breath hitched at the proximity and all I could see, hear, touch, smell, and think of was him. He was consuming and magnetic and I couldn't seem to repel myself from him. we were like north and south, complete opposites yet we were still being pulled towards each other by an invisible force. The tension was palpable.

His eyes were jaded, hooded over as he stared at me with his signature smirk on full display. 

"Your ass looks fantastic in them both, but it will look even better with nothing on" he whispered his hands sliding down to my behind and squeezing it roughly forcing a gasp from my lips as he did so. My hands clasped onto his T-shirt in an attempt to hold myself up, but with the hold that Harry had on me, I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere. Woah.

" and you know what's really annoyed me? I haven't fucked your beautiful self yet, but when I do, i'm going to fuck you into next week....Hard."


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