chapter 25

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The following morning Harry was somehow brave enough to go to work, even after our late night. He said it was okay for me to remain in bed, in which I was very pleased about, but when it was nearing lunch time I decided to climb out of Harry's luxurious piece of furniture that probably cost more than Richards apartment. Despite Harry not being around, I was very much content walking around the streets of New York.  I was admiring some old antique book shop when I received a text message from Harry.

I miss you :'(

My heart swelled at the simple statement, but instead of replying I thought it would be a good idea to bring him some lunch to his office.  On the way to his establishment, I went into some wonderful smelling sandwich shop an picked up some bagels and coffees for us both. typical New Yorker. 

I slipped in through the rotating door and entered the lobby of Styles enterprise taking my time to admire the wonderful marble architecture. Harry's building was easily one of the most impressive buildings in New York, perhaps in the whole of America. 

Thankfully I was ignored by the receptionist, and headed straight for the elevator. I recalled Harry telling me that he had the whole top floor to himself , So immediately hit the 60th floor. Business people hopped in and out of the elevator on my way up, each of them either on the phone or conversing with their colleagues. 

I was the last one in the elevator when I stepped out onto the 60th floor, knowing exactly where I needed to go as there was only one door at the end of the hall, with metallic letters above the door spelling out CEO. 

I knocked twice on the huge barrier before I heard a slightly muffled come in.  I grasped the brass door knob in my hand before I twisted it to reveal myself to the man of Manhattan himself.

I stayed quiet as I watched him. He hadn't looked up from his computer until I began to chuckle under my breath at the frown on his face as he concentrated on what was on his sleek computer screen. His eyes snapped up to the sound. His face contorted in surprise once he realised who I was and he immediately stood from his chair and strolled around his desk. 

"May I ask why your beautiful self is in my office? not that I'm complaining.." He grinned, placing his palms on the small of my back. I leaned up, pecking him on the lips before I replied. 

"I brought us both lunch, I figured you were hungry." I smiled, before reluctantly moving away from the comforting yet stimulating place of Harry's chest. 

"You were most certainly correct." Harry smiled before taking my hand in his and picking the paper bags up with the other. He lead me over to the sitting area, which included a coffee table. He placed the food down for a moment while unravelled his tie, as well as undoing the buttons on his wrist. He shot me a cheeky wink before he sat beside me and began to eat. I followed suit and listened to him ramble about the stock market. Although I barely had a high school education, my dad was connected to many twisted people who happened to be extremely snakey with their money. I understood the ins and outs of being successful in gambling and how to persuade people into  paying you big money. I nodded and agreed, before adding some of my ideas which Harry seemed to take on board. He seemed rather impressed with my knowledge with business even though it was for the black market. I explained to him what I had learned while being around my father and he paid attention and often frowned when I told him some of the things he did to get money. My dad had people to get money even if it meant hurting them. And I never told a soul- until now.

Harry stayed silent as I spoke which I was very much thankful for. His face shifted from sad, to sympathetic, then to anger in a a short amount of time. Finally the subject changed when we both finished our lunch. 

"you done?" Harry asked, his voice soft. I nodded and watched as he scooped up the rubbish and placed it all into the bin.  Even in the simple movement, I was amazed by his back muscles contracting under the white cotton shirt.  I found it hard to keep my mouth shut at the sight .

"take a picture it will last longer." Harry suggested, his ego shining through. He watched me with a proud smirk on his face as I snapped my mouth closed. 

"you know, I am feeling rather hungry still" Harry hummed, slowly making his way towards me. I blinked. 

" If you want I can go-"

"that's not necessary; I don't want any food" He breathed, his hot breath washing down my neck as he pushed me down onto the sofa. He slowly crawled on top of me and held himself there in a solid press-up. 

I looked breathlessly up at him, his eyes morphing into the dark forest green that stirred something within me. god he was hot. 

" I want you" He finished before slamming his lips into mine in a heated kiss. Our tongues soon came into play, fighting for leadership. 

Even though our actions were nowhere near as innocent and intimate last night, there was still an fire in which you couldn't ignore. The smoke too thick for us to know what this emotion was. Although the obvious was lust, but there was an undeniable feeling that I still couldn't pin point. 

He lifted me up of the couch and made his way over to the desk, his lips never leaving my neck and his finger tips squeezing me everywhere he could. With one hand holding me up, the other hand swept across the desk, knocking everything to the floor. instantaneously I was on the cold mahogany and he was on top of me.

"you're gonna have to be quiet for this one baby.." He drawled. 

So that was the first of the many times we had sex on Harry's desk. 

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