chapter 20

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An hour had passed when we finally located the car. Thankfully, neither of us seemed to mind the chill that was carried beneath the wind, since both of our cheeks were heated from laughter.

The car ride was the same as the rest of the evening, filled with laughter and both of us picking on each other. It was only when we barged through the rotating door of the foyer  when everything was ruined. 

There he stood, with a sour smile, with dry cracked lips stretching over his decaying teeth. Harry seemed to catch on to my sudden halt of happiness when he saw who I was looking at.  As if I could hear the clogs in his brain piecing everything together, Harry's mood went straight from Happy to furious at the sight of the man who stood next to the doorman.

"lola!" He jeered ,the façade  being so forced that it was questionable to anyone, yet no one seemed to care that a scrubby old man was in a building as fantastic as this. His smile only made my stomach churn, and to make things worse, he sauntered over the smell of lingering alcohol and marijuana still significant in his unwashed clothes. Harry's anger was palpable ; it almost felt like waves pulsating through his hand that firmly gripped mine. 

"Richard." I greeted, venom practically dripping from each letter of his name.

"Get in the car, we're going home" The old man always refused to beat around the bush. Even when I was little, he refused to do nothing but order me around and this is an example of that.

"No, I am over 18 you have no hold on me." I snapped, holding my ground while trying to ignore the fact that Harrys fingers where twitching in my grasp.

"now, now. Don't be bratty now ; remember what I did to your leg a month ago? I can quite easily do it again. so.... GET. IN. THE.CAR" he drawled patronisingly. I rolled my eyes at the abusive male. He wouldn't do it in public.. he wont hit me here. 

Much to my dismay, I spoke far too soon. It was quick and unexpected, and the middle aged man had knocked me out of Harry's grasp and to the ground.

And then it kicked off. 

Harry didn't even hesitate to slam his fists hard and fast into my foster parents face, stomach, and ribs, leaving the drug addict no time at all to protect himself before he was knocked down to the ground. Richard slumped to the floor ; blood gushing from his nose and cuts along his grubby cheeks.

I expected Harry to continue, to make sure that Richard was out cold but he stood hovering over his challenger. 

" If you EVER, come within a mile of this building again, or in three miles of Lola, you wont breath fresh air for the rest of your life, do you fucking understand?" Harry threatened, refusing to let go of Richards collar. Richard rolled his eyes, but it was clear he regretted doing so, for Harry laid another heavy punch to his stomach.


Richard nodded profusely, his battered eyes glued to the marble floor of the foyer. 

I have to admit , I had never seen Richard in such a vulnerable position and nothing felt better than seeing some pure Karma at its best. Despite the fact that I was far from being religious, I was a strong believer in Karma and that 'what goes around comes around' . Richard deserved everything that he got, and nothing made me happier.

Before I knew it, Richard was released from Harry's hold and was scurrying toward the doors and I was left stunned.

"We should get going" Harry's raspy voice broke my eyes away from the train wreck that is my so called 'family' and to him. Harry's shirt was torn, and a few specks of blood accompanied the rips. Harry looked a state, and it was clear that Harry still had traces of anger in his veins so I took it upon myself to take his hand and silently lead us both to the elevator.

Again, the ride was silent. I knew it was only because we were both in deep thought about the events that had just occurred, so I held his hand in mine and inspected the cuts and bruises on his once perfect skin. 

" you didn't have to do that for me you know." I said softly, stroking my thumb over his knuckles.

" of course I did. I would do it everyday if I had to just to keep you with me." He admitted. He turned to face me fully and our eyes met.

"you mean that?" He moved his hands so his fingers settled between mine before he spoke.

" of course."





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