Chapter 34

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"Harry, where are we going?" I whined as I sat in the passenger seat, watching the rain rattle against the windscreen.

"To bonitos, the Italian restaurant." He shrugged, I sighed and nodded my head, happy the he actually gave me an answer rather than one of his stupid sarcastic comments in an attempt to make me laugh. When I look back on it, what he says is funny, but at the time the jokes never seem to reach my impatient brain.

I sat content, watching the world roll by when I heard Harry mutter something under his breath.

"What was that?" I asked, my heart rate picking up slightly. Did he say what I thought he said? He released an awkward cough, shaking his head and facing the front of the car once again. I gulped.

"Harry" I warned. 

"And you're meeting my parents" He rushed out. Yep, thats it, thats exactly what I heard him say a few minutes ago and at times like these I wish I could rewind the clock so I could just remain being little oblivious Lola and not work myself into a walking train wreck.

A few minutes went by of me coming up with different scenarios in my head of what Harry's parents were like, and how I would greet them. should I curtsey? I had no idea what there interests were so I couldn't pretend like I had something in common with them. I was screwed. So , so screwed.

"Well," He paused, taking a glance at me "this definitely wasn't the reaction I was expecting, are you okay? I'm really sorry I didn't tell you. I just thought it would be better this way because I know you'd be nervous about it for ages." His eyes flickered from the road, taking a wavering glance in my direction as he scratched his neck.

"I suppose you're right. Thank you I guess. d-do you think they will like me?"

"they already do. because when I was looking for you, I stayed with them for a few days. and they probably got an earful from me, as they teased me about you.alot . They're really looking forward to meeting you in person, Lola" He said. His words eased my nerves a little, but not fully. But I Guess I was going to meet them at some point. I mean, he already met my 'father'.

Harry, swung the black jaguar into a parking spot not far away from the doors of the fancy looking restaurant. I was not surprised at the choice of venue, considering this was Harry, and His family were probably rich too.

"you ready?" He asked, a confident and encouraging smile consuming his features.

" as ready as I'll ever be" I nodded, stepping out of the vehicle and joining Harry at the front and allowing him to take my hand in his.

He gave me one last breath taking smile before leading me inside. I expected nothing less- fancy decor, with an Italian twist.

I should have been nervous. I should have been sweating buckets, but for some reason I knew it would be okay. Harry was by my side and nothing could change my opinion of him and I hope to god that his parents wouldn't try and change his mind after they met me. But I had faith, because if Harry really did love me, then there shouldn't be any opinion to counteract the thought.

I was lost in my thoughts when a girlish squeal pulled me right back out and consumed me in a tight embrace. It wasn't until Harry's laughed that I came out of my shocked state and hugged back, who I'm guessing was his mother. 

"I'm so pleased to meet you!" she grinned, pulling me back and holding me by my shoulders to take a look at me.

"I had no doubt that Harry wouldn't bring someone pretty home, but you're bloody gorgeous!" she gushed. I felt my ears turn pink and I looked at Harry for guidance.He simply laughed at my blushing cheeks. After the brunette introduced herself as Anne, a man who Harry explained was his step father put his hand out for a formal shake.

"I'm Robin, and I apologise on behalf of my wife, she can be a bit crazy sometimes" He grinned only to receive a hit on his polo clad chest from his significant other followed by a playful scoff of disbelief. 

"annddd, this is my sister" Harry stepped in, pulling his sibling forward. I smiled politley, not sure if I should hug her just like her mother. instead , she opted for a handshake. She pulled the best grin she could possibly muster an held my hand tightly, almost too tightly. did she not like me?  I thought as my eyes met her icy glare hidden from her parents by he smiling cheeks.

I instantly backed away, my eyes dropping to the floor. even though subconsciously I knew I hadn't done anything wrong or rude, but I couldn't help but feel like I was rejected? 

Harry coughed awkwardly, placing his hand on the small of my back and and gesturing towards the table. Anne and Robin seemed to be the only high spirits, completely oblivious to the encounter and babbled away. Gemma contributed to the conversation, as did Harry and I to be perfectly honest I was too afraid to say anything, as I feared that what I would see would be unworthy ,lacking in humour or not intelligent enough to impress Harry's university graduate of a sister. 

I smiled as best as I could and pretended to be engaged with the conversation but my mind couldn't resist to wonder and beat myself up over the fact that The Gemma Styles was not the least bit pleased with me. 




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