Chapter one.

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Athena P.O.V

"You promise you'll keep in touch this summer?" Liliana asks as we load onto the train for the summer.

"Yes I will, I promise." I said rolling my eyes, blowing the strand of my red hair out of my face.

We walked down to the slytherin compartments and sat down.

"It's just last time you didn't." she said and I turned to face her, looking away from the platform filling with eager children.

"Lily, shut up! I promise I'll keep in touch!" I shout and she rolled her eyes.

"Oi! Singer! You gonna give us a sing song?" an arrogant voice shouts. I turned in my seat and faced the idiotic blonde.

"Seriously? It's then end of fourth year and you're still going with this joke? It's getting old." I scoffed turning back to my table getting out a piece of parchment from my bag and start doodling on it.

"I think it's funny." a snooty voice says. I roll my eyes.

"Yes because you're so far up Malfoy's arse, you should probably start paying rent." I said loudly making most of the compartment laugh.b

"Mental savage." Lily Says while I smirk.

"Oh shut up Singer, you're just jealous?" Pansy sneers and I scoff.

"You're so right, I'm totally jealous! Like I really want to be with Malfoy and have a squashed face." I say sarcastically and Lily scoffs.

"Well atleast you're admitting to it, babe." Malfoy says while smirking.

I flashed him a sarcastic smile before continuing to doodle on the piece of parchment.

"So what you plan on doing this summer?" Lily asks the dreaded question. I cringe slightly but cover it up.

"Probably just stay in with Bobby, you know work on the cars and stuff." I lie mentioning my adopted father.

Of course I hate hiding things from my best friend but I'm hardly going to tell her that instead of going on a holiday, I will be our ganking monsters that she only thought existed.

"Ah well tell uncle Bobby I say Hi!" she giggled and I smiled.

"What about you? What are you doing?" I ask and she grinned.

"I'm going back to Hawaii! My father owled me this morning! Do you think I'll see Jake again?" she asks excitedly and I smile.

"Hopefully. I'll be rooting for you." I smirked and she smiled dreamily.


The train made a loud noise before it rolled up upon the platform.

"So I'll see you in a couple of weeks?" Lily asks and I smiled.

"Of course, I'll miss you and enjoy with Jake." I said smirking as I was pulled into a hug.

"Oh I will." she whispered just as her parents approached.

"Hello, Athena!" her mother says sweetly as she brings me into a hug.

"Hello, Mrs Jones!" I said and before turning to her father.

"S'up Mr J." I grinned and he fist pumped me.

"S'up miss S." he said and I laughed.

"Athena." a gruff voice yells from behind me. I turned around to see my "adoptive father".

"Hey dad." I grinned as I was pulled into his familiar awaiting arms.

"Lets go before I start ganking these people." he said moodily and I chuckled.

"I'll owl you!" I shout as I followed after the grumpy man.

"Damn I always hated that stinking train." he muttered and I giggled.

"What times our flight dad?" I ask and he grunts.

"We're not taking the plane this time, Cas is taking us home." he said leading us to the familiar young man in the trench coat.

"Singer!" Malfoy yells from behind me. I groan and turn around irritated.

"What do you want now you insufferable little ferret." I ask and he glares.

"Whatever," he snarls before storming past me to his parents.

Ugh I hate Lucius Malfoy, after second year with the deal with dobby and the chamber of secrets.

"Hello young witch." Cas says and I snicker.

"Hello, Cas." I say taking his arm as his wings flutter, within seconds we were home.

"Still better than apparating." I mutter and dad agrees.

"So what's new with the supernatural world?" I ask as I drag my bags up into the spare room.

"A dick but for some reason very quiet. Anyway, how was school?" he asks and I laugh.

"Hectic, the dark lord really is at large. He kind of killed someone." I mutter and his eyes get large.

"What do you mean? That's it! You're not going back! I thought it was my final decision last year with that Sirius black but that's it!" he shouts and I groan.

"Not this again! Dad I'm sure it's fine! Dumbledore is going to be much safer next year. " I explained and he scoffed.

"My minds not changed. You will go to a normal school and have a normal life." he said going into the fridge and getting a beer.

"I'm not exactly normal if you haven't noticed." I said and he rolls his eyes.

"Listen to you father sweetheart." a mocking voice says and I groan.

"Go away Crowley!" I shout and he snickers.

"What the hell do you want?" my dad asks gruffly while Crowley helps himself to the whiskey.

"Relax lover, I just want to know what's going on in Hogwarts. Apparently dark wizards are taking over." he says while I glare at him.

"Not helping!" I hiss and he shrugs, taking a long sip from his glass.

"You're not going." My dad says sternly while I groan.

"How the hell so I survive in the normal world? I'm a witch, I don't function properly with Muggles!" I said slumping down in the chair at the table.

"It's easy, avoid cheap whiskey and cheap hookers." Crowley says while I glared.

"Whatever, I'm going to bed." I hiss before retreating upstairs.

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