Chapter 3.

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"Athena's not my daughter boys." he said making them look at him in surprise.

"Wait, so you're not related?" Dean asks and Bobby shakes his head 'no'.

"But what did crowley mean when he said that Athena's different. " Sam asks turning to face Athena slightly.

Athena let out a small sigh and sat up straight.

"I'm a witch." she said slowly cringing slightly at the brothers reaction.

"What? No." Dean says looking slightly confused as he stared at the young girl.

"It's true." Bobby says sending a gentle smile to Athena.

"It all started with Athena being left on my doorstep." Bobby started.


Bobby groaned as the knocking intensified. He sat up straight and grabbed the gun on the side of his bed.

He slowly walked down the stairs and opened the door. Nothing.

Except on the floor. There was a small cradle. He picked up the baby and carried it inside.

"Well what do we have here?" he asks as he opened up the Babys purple blankets.

Inside laid a tiny baby, with soft red hair and bright green eyes. She softly cooed and clutched onto the necklace around her chubby fingers.

Bobby smiled at the small bundle and picked up the letter on top of the blankets.

To my dearest Bobby,

By the time you are reading this, I am most probably dead or in hiding.

You see I made the terrible decision of joining a vicious group who practiced dark magic. I seen what the group for what they really are and have escaped.

Of course, knowing a deep and dark secret. My dear friend, I plead you see light in this dark time and take care of my beautiful daughter.

Adriana, she has also gone into hiding or as I unfortunately presume. Dead.

In this locket I leave her, will reveal the dark secret that will help Athena to help young Harry Potter to take down the one who shall die.

Teach my daughter your ways, the ways in order for her to survive not only in the wizarding world but also in the muggle.

Again, I plead you take care of her. Goodbye, my old friend. And thankyou for everything.

Remglass Riddle.

Bobby let out a little choked sound of surprise. He of course new that Remglass was a wizard but he didn't know that he had a daughter.

Remglass was his best friend. They had both saved each other from the harsh times.

His eyes watered but he pushed them down. He picked up the little baby and immediately knew that he would do anything for this little girl.

"So that's the story." he said watching the boys every move.
"Have you been able to open the necklace?" Dean asks and she shook her head.

"No." she said and he sighed.

"So who is this man, Harry whatever his name is, need to kill?" Dean asks making Sam roll his eyes.

"His names Harry Potter, and he's the chosen one." Athena explained before further explaining Hogwarts and what has been going on over the last four years.

The philosopher stone, the chamber of secrets and how Athena and Harry killed the basilisk, Sirius black and how he was Harry's God father and finally the triwizard tournament where the dark lord had killed a seventh year Hufflepuff, Cedric Diggory.

"Wow." Dean states and Athena nods.

"Well it's getting late and we have to go to Diagon Alley early to get my stuff." Athena smiled sweetly at her father who scowled.

"Not going to that damned school." he mutters to himself but she snickered as she knew that she was going.


Athena p.o.v.

Sun light streamed through my window making me groan once realising that I forgot to close my curtains.

I looked at my alarm clock next to me to see its 9:30 am. I sighed before getting up and heading into the shower.

I quickly washed before getting out and pulling on a tartan skirt and a burgundy short sleeved top. I then put on my black vans with a floral print on.

I quickly dried and curled my strawberry blonde hair and done my makeup natural.

I walked down the stairs and sat at the table pouring myself a cup of coffee.

"G'morning." Dean says sitting next to me sleepily.

"Hey." I said getting a piece of toast and buttering it.

"What time do you want to head down to Diagon Alley?" my dad asks sitting down next to me.

"I want to head early otherwise we'll face all the first years." I state and he nods.

"Can we come?" Dean asks with an excited look on his face and I giggle.

"Yes, Dean." I said shaking my head.

Ten minutes later we were standing next to the fireplace with floo powder in my hand.

"Okay what do we do?" Dean asks looking quite scared.

"Drop the powder and say 'diagon alley' and don't say it wrong otherwise you'll end up in Knockturn alley. " I said before dropping the floo powder and saying it.

I wait for the others to come out and sit in a chair next to some weird wizard.

Soon they were all out and I was giggling at Dean and Sam.
"Bye Tom!" I shout to the bartender and he smiles and waves.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley. It's magical isn't it?" I ask earning a bewildered nod.

"Athena!" someone shouts, I turn around and I'm squished in-between two gingers.

"Boys. Can't. Breath." I struggled and they giggled.

"Sorry Athen," Fred started.

"It's just we got a little bit," George.

"Excited." They both finish and I giggle.

"For goodness sake boys! Leave poor Athena alone. Fred stop playing with her hair or I mean George or Fred?" Molly questions looking in-between the two.

"I'm George!" Fred says making me roll my eyes.

"Honestly and you call yourself our mother." George says and Molly blushes.

"Just joking, I'm Fred." Fred says smirking just dodging Molly's hit by hiding behind me.

"And here I thought I had peace of you two." I said sarcastically as I was smashed into a hug again.

"Who are these two sweetie?" Molly asks gesturing to Dean and Sam.

"These are my friends, Dean and Sam. Boys, this is Mrs Weasley, Mr Weasley, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George." I said while hugging Ginny and avoiding Ron's flicks to the forehead.

"Nice to meet you dears. Now come on Athena, we have to get your books." Molly said ushering all of us to follow her.

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