Kuroo: kittens

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Y/n had been waiting in the park for a little over a hour, why she's waiting for her boyfriend to show up. When she was about to leave she heard her name being called. she turned her head only to find kuroo running up to her yelling wait.


" Y/n wait wait." Took you long enough.

" what took you so long you are over a hour late."

" The line to get your gift was long so i had to wait. Anyway here it is."

He held out a box with little holes in it. I took it out of his hands and set it down on the grass below us. I cautiously took off the lid and looked inside. I found a kitten with little black dots all around its body. My heart melted.

" Kuroo, Its so cute is it a boy or a girl?" i said cuddling the kitten.

" A girl." he said with a victorious smirk on his face.

" She's so cute. But.."

" But what?"

" My little brother is very allergic to cats......so you have the glory to take care of her, she will be our cat. Hmm?"

Kuroo sweat dropped at the thought of have a cat living with him.

" Awww but Y/n-chan i can't take care of a cat." he said whining.

I thought for a moment to real him into this. Bingo.

" I might just visit every day now that i can see two cute things in one, and maybe the cat will want me to stay longer, hmm kuroo?" I said sweetly to him.

" Done, deal you can come over right now." He said while grabbing my hand and leading me to his house.


I ran into his room with kuroo in tow. we placed the kitten in a little quickly made play pin with food and water and rushed into his room. He closed the door with a click and came over to me.

" I like this deal we have going on here." he said picking me up and tossing me onto his bed.

" Hmm i thought you would." i cooed while he climbed over me and pinned me in with his arms and legs.

He leaned down and began to kiss me sweetly.

TIMESKIP ( because i feel awkward writing all that right now)

It was starting to get good but then i heard a quite little meow outside Kuroo's door. I reluctantly broke the kiss me and Kuroo were sharing and walked over to the door. I swayed over to to to the door, Kuroo was irritated but that didn't matter right now.

my hand pressed against the cold doornob and opened it to only be greeted with a baby kitten meowing at me.

" Aww my little baby come here." bending down i picked it up and swung the door around and went back over to the bed that kuroo was on.'

" Its fine now come on." he said annoyed

" No lets all cuddle pweas." i said while looking at him with puppy eyes.

" Fine you little brat come here." He said with open arms.


I plopped down in his lap and gave him a quick peck on the nose.

" thanks love."

" hmmpf" i smiled at his cute pout, and soon drifted off to sleep holding the furry kitten.

Alright thats it for now i guess.........-_- i have no idea what i'm doing with my life. alright bye Aerla & Silver~

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