Chapter Twelve

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"Wait, what did you do!?" I looked at her in disbelief. 

I can't believe she did that! Why would she do that!? That's how Tony always knew what was going on between Hunter and I. I can't believe she did this. Although I never told her about Tony abusing me, she still betrayed me. She did something I never thought she would do! I looked at her as she shifted nervously in her chair. 

"I told Tony about you and Hunter." she said and looked at me. "I'm sorry for doing this, but I had no other choice! You were hanging out with Hunter and that worried me a bit too much." she said and I chuckled in disbelief. 

"How can you do this to me, Alyssa!?" I grabbed my book and my bag. "I never thought you would betray me like this. Hunter is not what you guys think he is! You all are just fucking douchebags with no purpose in life and all you guys can do is spread rumors about people that aren't even true." I stood up. "And as for Tony. He can go fuck himself for all I care. Bye, Alyssa." I walked out of the classroom as the teacher did her best to stop me. Not today, bitch. Not today. 


I huffed as I held onto the straps of my bag. I have no idea how Alyssa got Tony's number, but the fact the she called him and told him about me and Hunter is just despicable. I still can't believe that. She's just believing rumors. Hunter is not like that, and it is so annoying how everybody has the wrong idea about us. People are just unbelievable. I walked to the school's cafeteria and just sat down with my bag on the table. I wish Hunter was here. 

"Hey." I heard a voice behind me and I turned around. 

I saw a guy smiling at me and I smiled back weakly. "Hi." 

"Can I sit with you?" he asked and I nodded. 

"Sure." I said and he took a seat, also placing his bag on the table. 

He had brunette hair and green eyes, with a smile that could probably light up the whole city. I sighed as I thought about Alyssa again. Stop thinking about her, Zoe. I told myself. It's not worth it. 

"So, I'm Dylan." he extended his hand, asking me to shake it. 

I looked at him. I smiled and shook his hand. "I'm Zoe." I said and he smiled. "So are you new here? Because I haven't really seen you around here." I said as I let go of his hand. 

He chuckled. Well, someone's a bubbly person. "Yeah, I kinda am new to this whole town. We just moved here." he said and I nodded. 

"So, Dylan, like the new town?" I asked, placing my elbow on the table and resting my chin on the palm of my hand. 

Dylan looked around. "I guess I do. You're the first person I've talked to, to be honest." he said and I smiled. 

"Interesting." I nodded my head. "So, you have your schedule already?" I asked him and he bit his lip. 

"Yeah, I do." he said and handed it over to me. 

I smiled when I saw his schedule. "Well, you're first year too!" I grinned. "You have a free period now?" I asked him and he nodded. 

I have no idea how I was able to keep the conversation going. Hunter was right, do I ever shut up? Probably not. I have to keep people entertained, you know. Besides, Dylan seemed like a great guy, and of course, he deserves to be treated well. I looked at his schedule and I realized that I have most of my classes with him. This is fantastic, since I have most of my classes with Alyssa. That way I can avoid her and sit with Dylan. 

The sad thing is that I don't even feel bad for doing this with Alyssa. I know I might seem like a bad person for that, but I don't really care about her anymore. Even though she might have had good intentions on the whole telling Tony about Hunter thing, I still feel like she betrayed me somehow. Maybe this is not what I thought it was. Maybe she was jealous of me spending too much time with Hunter. Or maybe she was just a bit too overprotective, but then again, didn't she see how happy I was with Hunter? 

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