Change Starts With You

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First of all, if you don't like these, then that's your fucking problem. I'm only doing this for my people and I need to spread awareness. We all do. The world isn't perfect, but stop blaming everything on human nature because you have your fucking common sense to know what's right and what's wrong.

Yes, I'm pissed. Very pissed.

Why? You ask.

You all know that I am someone who will do anything and everything I can to support you guys. To not make you feel alone, so you have someone to look up to in this cruel world.

But now, I see how fucking ignorant most people are. This is not embarrassing, definitely not something I am ashamed of. In fact, I am proud of it and I could care less what you ignorant brats think.

We don't change people, because change starts with yourself! Look, how old are you? Are you younger than 30? 40? Yes? THEN GET UP BECAUSE YOU ARE THE FUTURE!

People make mistakes, yes, and what should we do? We fix it, because we're not fucking robots. You start with yourself.

Are you depressed?
Then wake up, grieving is fine, but letting it take you down is not! You are you, and not a robot. You don't have to be like the others. What do they want? You to study, study, study, follow rules, study, study, graduate, get a job, act like an adult, work, work, work, marry, get kids, work even harder cause everything is getting more expensive, and then finally die.

How does that sound? Boring and depressing, right?

Then how about this,

Study, save up, study, take care of yourself, your health, enjoy your teen years, study hard, graduate, make a lot of friends, get a job, save up a lot more, read books, enjoy cold/warm days, love the rain, sport, do what you love.

No one said you could stop dreaming. No one said the dreams should be too big. We all want to be millionaires, but in reality, it's really just the small things that make us happy and we should enjoy those. Yes, pain is pain, but without it we know what happiness is.

Change starts with us. If you're the popular girl/guy, talk to the person that sits alone in class or during lunch.

Read more, books bond people. Talk about the things you love with others. We often feel connected to people who love the same things as us. Talk about your favorite book, or your favorite song. Your favorite sport, about your animal. Pepsi or coca-cola?

If you're in pain, don't hide it. Because we are the ones who will be taking care/raising the next generation. If you have kids, teach them how to be a better son, a better daughter, a better human being. Don't support friends in what they do wrong in the fear that you'll be friendless forever, because you can make more friends. If you say no, you're lying. Wattpad is still here. Communication is still a thing. If you don't start, then who will?

Who is your favorite singer?

Who is your favorite author?

What is your favorite country?

Favorite color?

Favorite band?

Favorite book?

When is your birthday?

What's your favorite food?

What celebrity do you dislike the most?

Favorite animal?

Weird obsessions?

Awkward kinks?

Favorite fictional character?

Coca-Cola or Pepsi?

Top or bottom? 😂

Tony or Brandon?

Champagne or wine?

Favorite Disney Villain?

Comment and you'll see, I guarantee you'll make a nee friend.

Get a taste of the world and you'll see how beautiful it is.

❤ Stay Strong ❤

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