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They are finally here! Your questions with my answers!! Ya ready??? Of course you're ready ya pretty bitches!!

Here we go!

When did Dylan first realize he was gay?
At first I wasn't really sure how to answer this, but let's just keep it at him having a crush on an old friend 😂 [I was gonna say he found gay porn, but... 😂😂😂]

When was the first time Hunter saw Zoe?
The first time Hunter saw Zoe was when she was struggling to open her umbrella 😊 ... I really just made that up lol.

Can you write a story about Dylan from his POV?
I was thinking of writing one, but I'm not sure yet. I have to finish the sequel to figure that shit out.

What inspired this story?
Uhm, I was just scrollin' down Pinterest and I saw Ash Stymest and his tattoos and I had also recently read a Bad Boy story, so I thought it would be a nice idea to write a very cliché story 😊

What happened to Zoe's other best friend?
Aisha was a plot hole. I was actually going to include her and let her meet Dylan. She would die instead of Blaze, but I completely forgot about her 😕

Will there be another child soon?
I'm not sure yet. I'm just going with the flow. Maybe there will be another baby, but we'll see how much I can handle XD

How do you imagine the lives of the characters in 20 years? How about their children's lives?
There will always be ups and downs in life. I expect or imagine it to be normal. Blaze, of course, will be having problems since she's getting older. Hunter and Zoe will be dealing with their daughter's problems. Hm... Maybe their life won't be normal...

What is Dylan's sexuality?
We leave that for the second book 😏😏

Who is your favorite (if you can pick) character?
My favorite character... That is a difficult question. It would be Tony if I didn't include the sexual abuse, because I gotta admit, I'm actually proud of the villain I made xD but I'll stick with Zoe.

Do I have permission to kill Tony and his friends?
Yes! You all do! TONY KILLERS UNITE!!

How old are the characters?
Hunter, Blaze, and Alyssa are 18, Zoe and Dylan are 17, Tony is 23 (I think. He's so irrelevant I forgot his age.) Zachariah is 38. He was 16 when he had his son.

How come you decided to keep Tony this long?
Because I didn't want to make Zachariah the bad guy. I kinda needed him for the sequel. Besides, everyone hates Tony, who cares.

Did anyone else besides Zoe know about Blaze (Hunter's sister)?
Yes, a few people knew, because obviously she used to go to school, but because she just suddenly disappeared, people just stopped talking about her.

Does any of the characters have any weird kinks?
Aahhh, I love your question 😂
Yes, obviously they do xD doesn't everyone? XD

If Alyssa or Blaze were still alive, what would be their storyline?
If Alyssa was still alive, then I suppose she would just move to another country, because she wouldn't be able to face Zoe. And if Blaze was still alive, she would be cured, and maybe, just maybe, something would happen between her and Dylan.

If Alyssa was still alive, would Zoe forgive her at some point?
Zoe has already forgiven Alyssa. Sure, Alyssa took a lot of wrong decisions, but what's the point in staying mad? Unless ya got one salty ass 😒

To Dylan, are you secretly bisexual?
Dylan: I don't know :/ maybe I am... Wanna try help me figure out? *wink wink*

Is Zoe related to you?
Yes, Zoe is nearly entirely based on me. I do not get abused in any way, but I got to express certain feelings through Zoe. Zoe is me and me is Zoe xD

How did you find Wattpad?
I found it through a friend four years ago. She told me about Wattpad and it slowly became an addiction. (Not slowly xD)

Is Hunter your dream boyfriend?
I guess... Not really honestly. I'd prefer a bookworm xD which I already have, of course lol.

Would you add another character? And if so, what would it's personality be?
I don't think I would add another character to The Tattooed Bad Boy, but if I would, I suppose it would be Hunter's father. He would be a dick. That's all I have to say lol.

Do you have any idea if you're going to be doing a sequel for the sequel?
Hmm, I'm not sure yet. Maybe there will be another book, but I'm not sure! Don't get your hopes up.

How did you come up with such good characters?
By giving them a touch of reality. Things like what Zoe went through, happens to people on a daily basis. You just gotta find a way to keep it fictional and still real. I did make a mistake, I made everything go a bit too fast, but I won't fix it, because it's how I wanted it to be. Zoe went through too much to have Hunter as yet another problem.

What is Dylan's story?
I suggest you read the second book 👀

Is there a secret side to Tony? Like a sweet but heartbroken guy?
Yes, there is. Zoe and Hunter weren't the only ones who went through a lot. I will be writing a story about Tony at the end, to show you guys how he had a horrible life, which made him go all psycho.

Will there be a book about Blaze when she grows up?
Maybe, maybe not.

Are you going to write another story of this?
There is a book two, if you mean that. It's called Life With The Tattooed Bad Boy.

Do you have any writing advice for anyone?
I do. Love what you write. If you add a bit of yourself in your stories, you feel more connected. Try to reach out to your readers. The more you connect, the better! Write as an escape, because you love it, not because you have to. Also, a nice cover and good grammar helps! And a catchy description!

And to readers, don't be a silent reader! Vote and comment! If you leave a comment, saying what you thought of the chapter, it boosts the author's confidence!

So, those were the questions. I hope mah answers were good enough, because damn, this chapter has over 1000 words :|

If there's anything else, you can still ask in the comment section 😊

Hope you guys enjoy, and stay strong ❤ bye guys!

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