Chapter 3

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The five teens sat around a table in the restaurant, Eliza threw curious looks at the new three guys every now and then.

“I’m not sure this is such a good idea.” Niall whispered to Eliza and Zayn raised his eyebrows, he probably heard.

“Why don’t you think this is a good idea? Are you scared?” he smirked, taking out a cigarette from the pack.

“No smoking inside.” Eliza said quickly and Zayn rolled his eyes.


Harry had moved his seat closer to Eliza’s and now he had his big hand on her thigh. She coughed, and firmly slapped his hand. Harry chuckled and his hand was quickly back on her leg. She sighed and left it, looking at Zayn.

“So what are you gonna do?” she asked.

Zayn shrugged his shoulders. “Depends on how much of a chicken Niall is.” he said.

“Hey! I’m not a chicken.” Niall protested, but his cheeks turned red when two of the boys laughed. The smallest one, Louis, didn’t seem so happy with the situation. He instantly threw looks at the door, looking as if he was going to get up and leave any second.

“Louis, what’s your opinion on this?” Zayn asked. It was probably he who was the leader of this strange little gang.

Louis shrugged his shoulders. “I know about Lucas. He’s not harmless. I’ve seen him, as you can say, in action. Beat the fuck out of a guy on the street. That poor thing hadn’t even said a word, was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.” Louis said. It was the first words that had come out of his mouth this night, and his voice sounded surprisingly light. If you looked closer you could see he had a bored and tired facial expression. He just looked tired, like he didn’t sleep. Like he never slept. The way he never was still, always moving his hands, fingering on his tattoos, showed that he was stressed. Not scared, not nervous, just stressed and tired. Maybe he was tired of life. He kind of looked like he wouldn’t hesitate jumping in front of a train.

“So what’s your plan?” Niall asked after a while.

Zayn chewed loudly on his gum.

“Maybe we can figure out his secret?” Niall suggested. “I mean, everyone has got a secret and he-“ His words slowly died out when he saw how the three boys were looking at him, with raised eyebrows and judging eyes.

“Are you a girl or what?” Harry asked laughing loudly, not very polite.

“I say we just take him down.” Louis shrugged his shoulders. “Shouldn’t be that hard.”

“Um… We’re five, and he has a whole gang around him, the same size as him.” Eliza said.

“Five? Oh, you think you’re coming with us?” Zayn laughed. “Such a waste of a pretty face, don’t you think guys?” he smiled and grabbed Eliza’s chin with one hand and turned her face up. Zayn gently pressed his lips against her neck and whispered: “You’re just to pretty to throw away.”

“Enough!” Niall said loudly. Zayn let go of Eliza and chuckled.

“Someone’s jealous.”

Louis still looked bored.

“So when’s this prom?” Harry asked raspy with his eyes on Eliza.

“In two days.”

“I suggest we wait until then, you get us in,” Zayn pointed at Niall, “and you go with her”, point at Eliza, “and then we take him down.” Zayn said casually, like it was as easy as eating a sandwich.

Niall was kind of nervous, you could tell by his way of looking around with eyes as big as little Bambi’s.

“That shouldn’t be a problem.” Louis said slowly, studying his finger nails.

“I think we need some coffee. Sweetheart?” Zayn nodded at Eliza, who sighed angrily but walked away to the kitchen. All of the boys except from Niall followed her with their eyes and whistled quietly, chuckling. Eliza rolled her eyes, but not so they could see it.


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