Chapter 5--Storm

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This was a big day for Storm Heatherwing—the annual interclass basketball game. She woke up even before her alarm clock rang and leapt out of bed, sliding into her basketball jersey she and her team designed together. As team captain, she could never afford to be late. She brushed her teeth, splashed her face with freezing water and rushed out the door.

"Hey it's not even seven! " called out Destiny, her mouth full of toothpaste froth.

"Hurry up sis! You're in the game too! You're not even dressed!"

"You go ahead, I'll be there as soon as I can, right after I water the plants." Destiny said, bubbles dribbling of her chin.

"Ew! Go wash your face! See ya at school then!" Storm banged the door shut behind her. A moment later, the door opened again. Storm dashed in and grabbed the brand new basketball off the desk and rushed off again.

"Oops," she smiled at Destiny as she shut the door behind her.

"Storm! You didn't brush your hair..." Destiny yelled. But Storm was already gone.


The lunch bell rang and Storm, Destiny, Jess, Kaley and Julia hurried to the outdoor basketball court. "Alright everyone! Lets do our warm ups!" Said Storm. As she stretched her arms, she gazed up at the basketball hoop with a determined look on her face. I'm gonna beat ya all, she thought as the other classes arrived. Suddenly, rain came pouring out of nowhere. The court was soaking wet and slippery. Her worst nightmare was here. She had been practicing all week for this competition! They couldn't just cancel it! The referee frowned and told them to go to the covered area.

"I'm afraid we are going to have to cancel it." He said with a frown on his face.

"No!" Storm pleaded "Please!"

She closed her eyes and willed the rain to go away. Let it be sunny, she thought, so that all the rain will dry up and we can get on with our competition, she pictured the clouds floating away and the sun shining brightly on the court. She opened her eyes and gasped. Everyone else looked shocked too. The court was dry as ever and when she looked up not a single cloud was in the sky and the sun was brightly shining. Morrigan, Valkyrie and Erika had been sitting on the bleachers when the court dried up right before their very eyes. They immediately jumped off and grabbed Storm off the court.

"Oh my god! How did that happen?" Valkyrie asked.

"How should I know? I guess this must be my lucky day." Storm laughed.

"You don't understand! Weird things have been happening to all of us!" Erika said.

"Girl, I can't control the weather!" She exclaimed.

"There's a possibility..." Morrigan said doubtfully.

"No way!" Storm said.

The referee blew his whistle and gestured for the players to get back to the court. "Plus, I have more important things to get to." She flipped her short hair and walked away, spinning the basketball on her index finger. Destiny hurried after her.

Valkyrie nudged Morrigan and Erika. "Lets see how this goes." And the three of them headed back to the benches.

Storm was beginning to think that the incident that happened just now was kinda weird when the sound of a whistle rung in her ears. The game was starting.

As expected, Storm got every single basket and led her team to sure victory. But then an accident happened. Five minutes before the end of the game, Andrea from the opposing team barged right at Storm and knocked her down, twisting her ankle. Storm fell onto the court with a thump and pain shot up her leg. Tears of anger flowed down her cheeks.

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