Preference #83: What the other teen wolf characters think of you

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Scott :
Stiles- Thinks you're funny
Liam- Thinks you're cool
Derek- Doesn't care
Theo- Thinks you're pretty
Aiden- Thinks you're nice
Jackson- Thinks you're hot
Parrish- Thinks you're laid-back
Isaac- Thinks you're trustworthy
Boyd- Thinks your meant to be with Scott.
Brett- Thinks you're kind
Lydia- Thinks you're an amazing friend
Maila- Thinks you're too quiet
Kira- Thinks you're annoying
Allison- Dislikes you
Garrett: Thinks you should be with him
Mason: Thinks you make Scott super happy.
Corey: Thinks you're an amazing girlfriend.

Stiles :
Scott- Thinks you're cool
Liam- Thinks you're pretty
Derek- Thinks you're trustworthy
Theo- Thinks you're hot
Aiden-Thinks you're a tuff girl
Jackson-Thinks you're okay
Parrish-Thinks you're nice
Isaac-Thinks you're not good enough
Boyd-Thinks you're fun
Brett-Thinks you're laid-back
Lydia- Doesn't like you
Maila-Thinks you're annoying
Kira-Thinks you're funny
Allison-Thinks you're an amazing friend
Garrett: Thinks you're an amazing girlfriend
Mason: Thinks you make Stiles super happy.
Corey:Thinks you should be with him

Liam :
Stiles-Doesn't like you
Scott-Thinks you're okay
Derek-Thinks you're fun
Theo-Thinks you're hot
Aiden-Thinks you're an amazing friend
Jackson-Thinks your trouble
Parrish-Thinks you're nice
Isaac-Thinks you're trustworthy
Boyd-Thinks you're laid-back
Brett-Thinks you're pretty
Lydia- Thinks you're funny
Maila-Thinks you're stupid
Kira-Thinks you're an amazing girlfriend
Allison- Thinks you're meant to be with Liam
Garrett: Thinks you should be with him
Mason:Thinks you're a tuff girl
Corey:Thinks you're cool

Derek :
Stiles- Thinks you're pretty
Scott- Thinks you're hot
Liam- Thinks you're funny
Theo- Thinks you're fun
Aiden- Doesn't care
Jackson- Thinks you're cool
Parrish- Thinks you're an amazing friend
Isaac- Thinks you're kind
Boyd- Thinks you're trustworthy
Brett- Thinks you're a tuff girl
Lydia- Thinks you're an amazing girlfriend
Maila- Thinks you're laid-back
Kira- Thinks you're trouble
Allison- Thinks you're cool
Garrett: Thinks you're stupid
Mason:Thinks you're okay
Corey: Thinks you're nice

Theo :
Stiles- Thinks you're too quiet
Scott- Thinks you're pretty
Liam- Thinks you're laid-back
Derek- Thinks you're cool
Aiden- Thinks you're kind
Jackson- Thinks you're annoying
Parrish- Thinks you're not good enough
Isaac- Thinks you're nice
Boyd-Thinks you're meant to be with Theo
Brett- Thinks you're funny
Lydia- Thinks you're an amazing girlfriend
Maila- Thinks you're hot
Kira- Thinks you're an amazing friend
Allison- Thinks you're fun
Garrett: Doesn't care
Mason: Thinks you're okay
Corey: Thinks you're trustworthy

Aiden :
Stiles- Thinks you're hot
Scott- Thinks you're pretty
Liam- Thinks you're meant to be with Aiden
Derek- Thinks you should be with him
Theo- Thinks you're a tuff girl
Jackson- Thinks you're cool
Parrish- Thinks you're kind
Isaac- Thinks you make Aiden super happy
Boyd- Thinks you're laid-back
Brett- Thinks you're too quiet
Lydia- Doesn't care
Maila- Thinks you're trouble
Kira-Thinks you're an amazing girlfriend
Allison- Thinks you're fun
Garrett: Thinks you're trustworthy
Mason: Thinks you're an amazing friend
Corey: Thinks you're funny

Jackson :
Stiles- Thinks you're hot
Scott- Thinks you're trustworthy
Liam- Thinks you make Jackson super happy
Derek- Thinks you're cool
Theo- Thinks you should be with him
Aiden- Thinks you're pretty
Parrish- Thinks you're nice
Isaac- Thinks you're stupid
Boyd- Thinks you're not good enough
Brett- Thinks you're meant to be with Jackson
Lydia- Dislikes you
Maila- Thinks you're an amazing girlfriend
Kira- Doesn't care
Allison- Thinks you're funny
Garrett: Thinks you're fun
Mason: Thinks you're trouble
Corey: Thinks you're kind

Parrish :
Stiles- Thinks you're annoying
Scott- Thinks you're trustworthy
Liam- Thinks you're pretty
Derek- Thinks you're laid-back
Theo- Thinks you're nice
Aiden- Thinks you're too quiet
Jackson- Thinks you're hot
Isaac- Thinks you're a tuff girl
Boyd- Thinks you're not good enough
Brett- Thinks you're an amazing girlfriend
Lydia- Dislikes you
Maila- Thinks you're funny
Kira- Thinks you're cool
Allison- Thinks you make Parrish super happy
Garrett: Doesn't care
Mason: Thinks you're stupid
Corey: Thinks you're pretty

Isaac :
Stiles- Thinks you're pretty
Scott- Thinks you make Isaac super happy
Liam- Thinks you should be with him
Derek- Thinks you're trustworthy
Theo-Thinks you're an amazing girlfriend
Aiden- Thinks you're hot
Jackson- Thinks you're fun
Parrish- Thinks you're okay
Boyd- Thinks you're nice
Brett-Thinks you're trouble
Lydia-Thinks you're funny
Maila- Thinks you're laid-back
Kira- Thinks you're cool
Allison- Dislikes you
Garrett: Thinks you're an amazing friend
Mason: Thinks you're meant to be with Isaac.
Corey: Thinks you're a tuff girl

Boyd :
Stiles- Thinks you're hot
Scott- Thinks you're too quiet
Liam- Thinks you're kind
Derek- Thinks you make Boyd super happy
Theo- Thinks you're laid-back
Aiden- Thinks you're cool
Jackson- Thinks you're trustworthy
Parrish- Thinks you're fun
Isaac- Thinks you're pretty
Brett- Thinks you're funny
Lydia- Thinks you're a tuff girl
Maila- Dislikes you
Kira-Thinks you're okay
Allison- Thinks you're an amazing girlfriend
Garrett: Thinks you're nice
Mason: Thinks you're an amazing friend
Corey: Thinks you should be with him

Brett :
Stiles- Thinks you're hot
Scott- Thinks you're an amazing girlfriend
Liam- Thinks of you as a sister
Derek- Thinks you make Brett super happy
Theo- Thinks you're a tuff girl
Aiden- Thinks you're to quiet
Jackson- Thinks you're cool
Parrish- Thinks you're okay
Isaac- Thinks you should be with him
Boyd-Thinks you're funny
Lydia- Thinks you're trouble
Maila-Thinks you're not good enough
Kira- Thinks you're stupid
Allison- Thinks you're fun
Garrett:Dislikes you
Mason: Thinks you're annoying
Corey:Thinks you're kind

Scott: Thinks of you as a sister
Stiles: Thinks you're hot
Liam: Thinks you're a tuff girl
Derek: Dislikes you
Theo: Thinks you're an amazing friend
Aiden: Thinks you're funny
Jackson: Thinks you're okay
Parrish: Thinks you should be with him
Isaac: Thinks you're cool
Boyd: Thinks you're annoying
Brett: Thinks you're pretty
Lydia: Thinks you're fun
Malia: Thinks you're trustworthy
Kira: Thinks you're too quiet
Allison: Doesn't care
Mason: Thinks you're trouble
Corey:Thinks you're nice

Scott: Thinks you're trouble
Stiles:Thinks you're nice
Liam:Thinks of you as a sister
Derek: Thinks you're pretty
Theo: Thinks you're laid-back
Aiden: Thinks you're hot
Jackson: Thinks you're not good enough
Parrish: Thinks you're kind
Isaac: Thinks you're trustworthy
Boyd: Thinks you're an amazing friend
Brett:Thinks you're meant to be with Mason
Lydia: Thinks you're funny
Malia: Thinks you're cool
Kira: Thinks you're okay
Allison:Thinks you're a tuff girl
Garrett: Thinks you're hot
Corey: Dislikes you

Scott: Thinks you're trustworthy
Stiles: Thinks you're nice
Liam: Thinks you're pretty
Derek: Thinks you're meant to be with Corey
Theo: Thinks of you as a sister
Aiden: Thinks you're a tuff girl
Jackson: Thinks you should be with him
Parrish: Thinks you're kind
Isaac: Thinks you're hot
Boyd: Thinks you make Corey super happy
Brett: Thinks you're laid-back
Lydia: Thinks you're an amazing friend
Malia: Thinks you're okay
Kira: Thinks you're fun
Allison: Thinks you're an amazing girlfriend
Garrett: Thinks you're meant to be with Corey
Mason: Dislikes you


I added Allison because I think I'm not the only one that misses her...

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