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      About an hour or so after Ms. Pankhurst's speech, Ada and I finally left for home. 

Ms. Pankhurst invited us to tea and dinner after the rally as a thankful and congratulations gift. She said that we did very wonderful and would adore seeing us say more speeches at her rallies in the future.

It was such an honor to have the chance to meet with her and speak of something you can't share with many people. If Ada and I had told our brothers we were suffragettes, we would be beaten and dragged with a rope around of necks from their horses.

Ada and I walked on the silent, chilly streets, arms linked together and singing Daughters of Freedom by George Cooper.

'Daughters of freedom arise in your might! March to the watchwords Justice and Right! Why will ye slumber? wake, O wake! Lo! on your legions light doth break!'

I couldn't help but smile at the way Ada's facial expressions changed as she jumped octaves in the song. 

'Sunder the fetters "custom" hath made! Come from the valley, hill and glade! Daughters of freedom, the truth marches on, Yield not the battle till ye have won! Heed not the "corner," day by day, Clouds of oppression roll away!'

We giggled as we rolled up to the front door of our home.

Through the window of the lounge, we could see our brothers anxiously waiting upon, what I guess to be, our arrival.

I looked at Ada and smirked.

"Daisy! Our sashes. They're still on." Ada shrieked cautiously, so the boys wouldn't hear us.

"Awe shite! Hurry! Give them to me! I'll give em' to Pol!" I grabbed Ada's sash and ran over to the tree in front of Polly's bedroom window.

"Help me up, eh?" I say quietly.

Ada grabbed my foot and boosted me on the closest tree branch. I climbed up the tree and looked through Pol's window. She was dressed in a night gown and clean of any makeup or hair products. She was sitting on a rocking chair next to her candle, knitting a child's scarf.

I knocked on her window and waved.

She looked up shocked, then smiled. Running to the window, she opened it and laughed.

"Daisy Caoimhe Murphy! What on earth are you doing up in a god damn tree, darling?"

"We need you to take these so the boys don't see em' when we walk in. They're in the lounge still! Probably waiting up for us." I giggle.

I handed them to Pol and she placed them under her bed.

She came back to the window and put her head in her hands.

"How was the rally? Did you girls blow them away with your remarkable speeches?" 

"Oh, it was quite spectacular! But we can go in more detail when I'm not hanging from a fucking tree and Ada isn't freezing her tits off!" I giggle and jump down.

"I'll be in the kitchen, fixing you girls some tea and bread!" Aunt Pol exclaimed.

"Ready to face the boys?" Ada giggled and hugged herself.

"No. But let's do it anyways!"

We walked to the door once again and opened it, after hitting our snowy shoes against the pavement.

Walking into the warm building, we were met with 4 pairs of angry eyes.

"Daisy, where the fuck have you been?!" Dean yelled.

"Why didn't you fucking listen to us when we told you not to go out?!" Arthur joined in with Dean. Both were on their feet, with tomato red faces, and hands clenched into a fist.

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