The Reason WHY?; 9

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sorry for the lonnggg lonngg wait...

but here it is now!!!

feel free to VOTE, FAN and COmment (just so you guys know, i love recieving comments, it tells me if you like the story or not... :)))

Chapter 9

“Yo Savannah!!” someone called me with my real name when I’m still in Quinn disguised, uh-oh they already knew!

I look around but there’s no one around, and there’s someone running to me… It’s Cameron… and he crashed his lips into mine. WTH??!!!

Then the next thing that happened is, James pushed Cameron away and stab me with a knife.






I woke up breathing heavily. Oh God! This nightmare really has to stop!!

I dreamt about the same nightmare over and over again! What’s with Cameron kissing me? And what’s with James stabbing me?

I looked into my clock and it’s just 5:00 in the morning, I must have slept reading Rue’s journal. I tried to close my eyes again trying to sleep once more, but then I thought it over. If I sleep again, there’s a hundred percent possibility that my nightmare will repeat again. I have no choice but to stand up from my bed and go get breakfast.

I went downstairs and pulled out a cereal box and milk.

I shook the cereal box, nothing came out. Nice one. I shook the milk also… no milk.

I do need a job this instant!

I got ready to go out and drove into town; I need to find a “wanted” sign badly.

Luckily I saw a coffee shop (specifically Starbucks) was looking for someone…

I drove my car to the parking lot and went inside… “Good Morning, I saw the wanted sign plastered on the window, so I suppose you do need an applicant?” I greeted to the guy on the counter.

“Oh yeah, we do.” he turned around… and what are the odds? It’s Cameron. Ugh!!

“I- uhmm… I need a job.” I kind of smiled, innocent smile.

“Of course you do, that’s why you’re here.” he went somewhere to get an application form I guess? “You just need to fill this out and you’re on the groove.” he gave out the form and pen

I took the pen and the form and starts filling it out, (of course as Quinn) I saw the salary price, 5 bucks a day, great… It’s a part time job. “So when can I start?”

“When do you want to start?”He smiled.

“Can I start now?? I mean, I still have to learn how that things work.” I pointed out to the coffee makers.

“Yeah, no problem, I can teach you how, it’s pretty easy.” he smirked, offering his hand again.

“You do know I won’t take your hand right?” I said and went to the counter myself. “Why insists on doing that?”

He chuckled, “taking my hand won’t kill you, will it? And besides, it’s a gesture of a gentleman.”

“Oh yeah, a gentleman, and the courtesy to Mrs. Golden… its 2011 Cameron, it’s not 1980’s” I sarcastically said again. And he laughed. “Why are you laughing?” I asked.

“You are so funny, you always act so sarcastic when it comes to me, but the truth is you’re doing that so that I can notice you, isn’t it? But I must tell you, you’re doing well, because I notice you now.” he looked at me form head to toes. So he thinks I like him?

“Hey mister, don’t misunderstand me, because I clearly DON’T like you. Did you look at yourself in the mirror lately? I wouldn’t like you even if you’re the only man on earth, I would rather die. And you’re the one who asked me for a dinner yesterday.”


I continued on reading the instruction plastered on the coffee maker. There’s a coffee maker with a glass pitcher on it, full of well-made coffees. I took it, but suddenly it burned my hand, “OUCH!”, and I quickly dropped it on the sink.

“You okay?” he came up to me quickly and took my hand and touch the burnt part, I screamed in pain, “don’t you ever try to touch that again!!” he put my hand on rushing water to cool the burn down.

“Why are you so clumsy?” he scolded me.

“I’m sorry okay? I at least the pitcher doesn’t broke into pieces.”

“You think I’m scolding you for the pitcher?? You’re so silly! Why didn’t you notice it’s hot?”

“I’m sorry but I’m not drinking coffee at home. That’s why I don’t know how to operate a coffee maker.” I said.

“Then why did you applied in a coffee shop?” a familiar voice said, I looked up to the counter and it’s James.

“Stay out of it, Powter. What are you buying?” Cameron went up to the counter and deal with James

“Whoa Flatts! Caring for an Estefano again? You’re taste wouldn’t change would you? I’ll have cappuccino.”

“Hmm… cappuccino, you’re new favorite huh?” he changed the subject.

“Uhmm… yeah, since Barbie’s favorite is that.” Cameron gave the coffee to him, “where are you hiding her James?”

I felt a twinge of happiness, knowing that someone cared for me.

“I don’t have her.” Cameron said.

“Well, you should have her though, don’t tell me you’re not doing your job properly, you should’ve dispose that Blondie, the first time she went here. You know she’s a threat to the school and to our town. She has many connections, and did you see her car? It is very expensive, race car, and pink.  You might don’t want to make her life last, I’ll help you search for her.” James said and left.

I can’t believe he said that! He used to be so kind and caring, but at the time that we met, the first thing he wanted to do was to dispose me? I haven’t insulted the school yet then. I should’ve befriended that guy anyways…

“Are you okay?” Cameron went up to me again. I composed myself and managed to say, “Yeah.”

And he started packing his things, “going somewhere?”

“School” he smiled, “you’re not going?”

“Uhmm… yeah, I need to get to school, but what about the coffee shop?” I said.

“My mom will be here soon, and there’s Bob to take charge, no worries. Let’s go? If you don’t wanna be late.” he went outside and waited. I grabbed my things and went outside too.

“Uhmm, hey, I have to get going, I still have to get my things at my house so maybe you can go first, if you don’t wanna be late.” I said and I went straight to the parking lot and drove my car to the house.

I quickly got my things and went straight to school.

I have to be cool around James and Cameron. I know I have to. And since James doesn’t want me here in the first place, better not to go near him from now on.

yeah i know!!

the dream is practically like crap... don't hate me for that...


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