The Reason WHY? 12

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I'm sorry if I only posted this one.... :P

Well, here you go... ENJOY!! :)

Chapter 12

“I’m sorry” Cameron said with sincerity.

“No. You don’t have to say sorry. I’m the on who should say sorry. I’m trying to keep my guard up so much, and I just don’t want you to know who I am really. You wouldn’t like it.”

He hold my hand and squeeze it lightly, “It’s okay.” and he looked away.

“You know when I was back in Poland.” I started; of course I have to lie about my place. “I was like the Queen Bee of the school, I mean everyone likes me, and I do love the attention. But the thing was I’m not so good with boys, even with my father. They always try to get to me, under my pants, but I won’t let them, my sister is like that with boys. Sometimes she won’t go home for a week.

“I was really an attention catcher at school, and not only the students want to get to me but the horrible ones also… the teachers, the last people who I want to get hooked up with.” I paused for a while to see his reaction, but it was clueless.

“But in all the unlucky events, we have a school activity then, or I must say school party, celebrating Halloween exactly. I was dressed with my beautiful nurse costume and all and my friends were like zombies and vampires. After the party, I went to my locker to change into normal clothes. I didn’t know that those teachers’ minds we’re as cruel. They tied me up, I tried to shout but they let me sniff some kind of chemical and I got out of my consciousness. When I woke up, I was in the middle of the soccer field and by then I knew I was raped. It was very frustrating and I hate those teachers.” I started to tear up,

“I reported it to the school, but the administrators won’t believe me, they believed those douche bags instead. They said that I’m just a crazy girl, imagining things, and telling those authorities that I only have such anger in me because of all my failing grades. But no, it’s not because of my grades it’s because of what they did to me.” I break down crying. And he held me in his arms.

“I swear if I saw one of those jerks and douche bags again. I swear I would kill them with my own bare hands.” I sobbed and he comforted me.

Just as I was telling that story, all the anger came back to me, and I just want to search them down and kill them one by one. I don’t care if they have families or I can ruin their lives. They ruined mine first.

“Is that why you’re parents allow you to go here with your sister.” Cameron asked.

All this time I felt like I am Savannah and not pretending, but I know I have to keep my disguise.

“Yes.” I sniffed.

“Quinn, I’m sorry you have to experience such dreadful things and haunt you all this time. I’m sorry I have to brought that up and make you feel miserable again. I just want to let you know that I’m here always, and I’ll be your friend, your shoulder. I’m always here.” and he leans in and pressed his lips into mine.

Oh I wish this moment would last. I never felt this kind of comfort, protection. He kissed me so gently, and I know for myself that I’m kissing back.

The sun shone at our direction, and we know we have to break the kiss already. I pulled away and stood up, “C’mon we have a long walk to do.” I offered my hand.

“And now you’re offering your hand to me. You know I would take it.”

“I know” I smiled. And he took my hand together we went to the woods and began finding our way back.

I freed my hand in his clasped and hurriedly went to my car and drove as fast as I could, I don’t know why but there’s still this thing bugging me.

My phone rand loudly, someone’s calling me. And I’m pretty sure that it is Cameron. What am I going to do? I deliberated while holding my phone.

I pressed answer button and put my headset on, “Cameron?” I started.

“Quinn, why did you drive away that fast? Is there something wrong??”

I strutted, “Uhmm, no, there’s nothing wrong. I just feel like I need to go on shower fast and well, you know, it’s a girl thing.”

“Okay, did you already shower? Am I disturbing you?”

“No, no Cam. I’m already done showering, I’m glad you called… I need to ask you something.” I trailed off.

“What is it Quinn?”

I continued with my deliberation on how I’ll ask him that. I’m still scared and afraid…

But I do need to ask him that so my heart would be at rest… “Quinn?” I jump in startle.

“What are we?”, “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know where were going. We kissed each

other and we both liked it so… I don’t know what we are now. Are we dating? Are we friends? Are we on a relationship? I don’t know. So I am asking you.”

“Do you like me?”

“I don’t know, I’m always keeping my guard up so.”

“What if I tell you I really like you, even before I kissed you or before I tried to set up a date with you? I don’t know what’s gotten into me but I really like you.” and someone rang the door bell.

I opened it to see Cameron with his phone.

I smiled, “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I just want to see you, plus I brought some DVDs and chips, so what about a movie night?” and he stepped in. and I saw the whole house is all messy!

“Whoa... Hey! I haven’t let you in yet. Get out first! I have to clean up…” I pushed him outside and closed the door and began cleaning up… after 5 minutes.

“Come in now.” “Well that’s pretty fast cleaning up.” he chuckled, “hey!” and I hit him playfully.

And we had a very fun night watching that scary film and he laughing at me every time I scream.

“That was really fun.” I said.

“Well, you know it is very late already, maybe I can

Stay for the night.” and he has this smirk on his face and I have to hit him hard.

“No, you can’t! And you are a guy so you can actually take care of yourself outside this house.”

“What are you thinking I would do if I stay for the night here?” he smiled teasing me.”

“Nothing.” I blushed, because I was really thinking of something rubbish.

“You’re such a pervert! Pervert in the house! Got to go now, she might rape me.” and he runs around the house like a crazy person. “Hey! Stop it!”

I chased him around the house and I finally got him and we both tripped and went down. I was on top of him and I am standing up when he pulled me down again causing our lips to crash.

We made out like that for like 5 minutes. And we were like ripping our lips off as we smile. “I really think you should go.”  And I stood up and he does too.

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