Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Jess returned to the kitchen after a long strenuous day. She opened the painting, and hopped through the hole in the wall. Then stretched her arm as she jumped onto her potato bag bed. But her potato bag bed wasn't there, and she landed on the cold hard ground.

She lifted her cheek up from the floor to find stumpy wrinkly toes in front of her face. "Miss, Jessaqua, you cannot be here." A tiny lower class english voice said above her head.

Jess looked up to see Stumpy the House Elf. "Wha?" She groaned.

"The kitchen is not a place to sleep." Stumpy said. "You cannot be here."

"But Stumpy! You're my friend! You wouldn't just cast me out?!"
"You do have a bed, Miss! In your dormitory!" It squeaked back.
"But the other girls use it as a wardrobe!" Jess said.
"I'm sorry, Miss!" Stumpy said, pushing her out the door.

Jess slumped her shoulders as she walked down the hall. She had no idea where to go. She saw Boogles run past her, and disappeared down the corridor behind her. She turned around when she heard a meow at her feet, and Boogles sat there with a concerned look on his face. He always knew when she needed him.

"What should I do, Boogles?" Jess asked the cat.

Boogles whistled through his teeth, like a long winded bagpipe. "Ayy, ye lassy, shudda whack them girlies upside the 'ead, and gotten ye room back when ye could. Insteada standin' 'ere with nowhere to go." Boogles said in a strong scottish accent.

She picked him up and gave him a hug. "Oh, Boogles," she sobbed.

Jess cried into his fur, snotting up her nose. She was hopeless. Then she heard footsteps coming down the hallway.

She looked up to see a handsome boy with a mop full of messy blond hair. He stopped in his tracks and looked at her, startled. "What are you doing out here at this hour?" The boy sneered.

"None of your business, Malfoy." Jess said.

"But you're crying." He said.

"And that is none of your business."

"Well is anything my business then?"

"Ayy, Yeer job is gettin' theese young lassy a bed." Boogles said.

Jess gasped and shoved the cat's head underneath her arm, and pretended nothing was said.

"What did you say?" Malfoy asked, furrowing his sharp eyebrows. "I didn't know you were so good at scottish accents."

""What? No!" Boogles kept making muffled cat noises under her armpit. "What are you doing out here?" She said trying to make Boogles stop talking.

Draco whipped his hair like in muggle shampoo commercials, "Hunting the madman on the loose. They say Sirius Black is in Hogwarts. Not even Dumbledore can protect us now. He's so powerful, he's like the Dark Lord himself. I thought I could keep everyone safe."

"You're trying to kill him? He killed my parents, I hope you beat him up. He deserves to rot in azkaban."

"No, he deserves the unforgivable curses. All of them."

Jess gasped. "Wow, you would do that? You're so brave."

He shrugged. "I'm trained in all of that, and karate." He popped his hand out, and chopped the air. His hair waved behind him from the sheer force of his hand wave.

She was so amazed when his hand came close to her face, that she jumped back, and accidentally let go of Boogles's head.

"Ayy, but where are ye going to sleep Lassy?"

"You did it again!" Draco said. "Where is that voice coming from?"

"Oh, no where." She said.

"Then why is it so concerned about where you are sleeping?" He asked.

""Oh, no reason, I just got kicked out of the kitchen, and the girls in my dormitory are pumpkinroots." She answered, looking at the ground. "I have nowhere to sleep."

Draco looked down the corridor, and then he stepped closer to her. "Why don't you stay with me?" He said softly. "You can sleep in my bed. I like the floor. It reminds me of when my father gets mad at me and sends me off to the basement." He chuckled longingly, and then added after her startled expression. "He shows affection in strange ways."

Draco shrugged again.

Jess looked down at Boogles who shrugged in her arms and said "Ayy."

Draco blinked in confusion, but let this time go.

"I suppose that would be nice, I could never turn down a soft bed."

"Well, right on." Draco said, leading the way to the Slytherin common room. 

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