Chapter 18

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Anything. Anything could change. That was why Jess had to get this exactly as it had been so that she could go home to the future that she remembered. Where Harry Potter wasn't dead, and Malfoy only had one arm! Was that too much to ask?!

With Randle, and past Jess already gone, all Jess had to do was make sure Harry facepalmed Voldemort.

"Harry stroke his face!" Jess said.

Harry looked at Jess in revulsion. "I'm not touching him! He killed my parents."

"Give the Dark Lord a hug or I'll clock you."

Hermione was still holding Harry in a big mama bear hug. Her eyes shifted all over the room. "Jess, we're trying to save him, not give him a disease."

"No, trust me on this guys, I've heard so many stories about how Harry Freaking Potter flicked the Dark Lord's nose right off his face because of true love or something."

Harry inched slowly towards Voldemort, Hermione inching with him.

It was Voldemort's turn to have shifty eyes. He looked back and forth, from Harry and Hermione to Jess, who was still sitting on top of him.

"W- w- what is going o- o- on?" Quirrell stuttered from underneath him.

"Quirrell," Voldemort breathed. "Get us out of here." His voice sounded even squeakier and balloon like than it did before.

Quirrell raised his wand, "Avis!" He shouted, and a jumble of blue birds erupted from the wand, and started fluttering through the air. Jessaquas hair flurried up around her in the wind.

"Wrong spell you nincompoop!" Voldemort screamed, sounding almost like a dog whistle. In the flurry of birds and screeching cries, Harry ripped Hermione away from him and flung himself on top of Quirrell, pressing his fingers into Voldemort's non-existent nose.

Both Voldemort and Quirrell screamed in pain; Voldy's scream quickly getting cut off by the lack of air, used up by Quirrell.

The smell of burning flesh and a putrid smoke rose through the air around everyone. Hermione was gasping for air and Harry had his nose buried in his robes.

Hermione turned towards Jess, "what next?"

"I don't know, he dies, I guess?" Jess said, as Quirrell curled up into the fetal position on the floor as his body turned to dust.

After mere moments, all that was left of Quirrell was a puddle of old robes and ashes.

Suddenly, the angry ghost of Voldemort's face rose from the pile of ashes and barreled at Harry Potter, knocking him over! With a satisfied smirk, his face floated out of the room.

Jess and Hermione rushed to Harry Potter's side, Jess shook his shoulder to try and rouse him. But he was sleeping as soundly as a baby. Jess wasn't used to seeing this side of Harry Potter. She was used to the boy who was tough, and always ready for a fight, not the totally chill-axed Potter that lay in front of her.

""Well then," Jess said, "That's everything, I think History will get back to where it's supposed to be. We can go now."

"But we can't just leave him here!" Hermione said.

"Don't worry, Dumbledore's got this, someone will find him here in a couple of hours, he's totally safe now."

"But why don't we just bring him up to the infirmary right now?"

"Because that's a lot of walking, do you feel like saving his butt again. Trust me, they've got this covered, you're gonna save him plenty of times in the future. He's not all that bright."

Hermione nodded in agreement as she pulled the Time Turner out from her robes and wrapped it around their necks.

Space and time swirled around them, and then they were back in their rightful day and age. Jess let out a sigh of relief. "Well, nice knowing you, Beavertooth." Jess said as she shrugged off the necklace chain and dashed off into the dungeons.   

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