Chapter One

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I hopped down the steps of Lincoln High School's entrance. Summer was finally here! Three months of rest, relaxation, and hanging out with my girls. I walked quickly to my car, fishing my keys out of my purse. Goodbye to junior year, the dullest, most boring year of school so far.

"Cara!" My best friend Shelby called from behind me.

I turned and smiled as she jogged up to me, her long brown hair swishing.

"Lets go to the beach tomorrow!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes!" I agreed. "Lets get Allison and Becca to go too."

"Already told them," Shelby said.

"Alright well I gotta go, I'll text you!" I said before pulling open my car door.

I rolled down the windows and turned up the radio before pulling out of the school parking lot. I made my way down main street, taking a right. Nice little houses with green patches of yard and colorful flowers enclosed around me as I drove down my rode. I pulled into my drive and parked. My chocolate lab, Emmy, came to greet me with a wagging tail.

"Hey Emmy," I said, stepping out onto the drive. I patted her back as I jogged up to the house. No one would be home yet, both of my parents were still at work. I grabbed the house key from underneath the door mat and jammed it into the door handle. I pushed open the door and waited for Emmy to trot in behind me, her claws clicking on the tile.

Closing the door, I tossed my empty backpack on the floor and kicked off my flip flops. I made a beeline for the kitchen and opened the pantry door. I grabbed a pack of Oreo's and made my way to the couch. I popped one of the little pieces of heaven in my mouth as I grabbed the TV remote and turned on my favorite show, Ellen.

I watched the entire show while eating the rest of the Oreo's. Emmy, who was laying at my feet, woofed and stood quickly. I turned to look at the door as my mom walked in.

"Hey Mom," I said.

"Pick up your bag," She said as she walked to the stairs.

I sighed and rolled off the couch, should have seen that one coming. I grabbed my bag and trudged up the stairs to my room. I'd always been a hassel to them, my parents. I had been an accident, born when they were very young. They probably wouldn't have even married if it wasn't for me. They rarely ever actually parented me, so I could've easily taken the low road and ended up a drinker or a druggie like half the other kids in this town. I'd been smart though, choosing to focus on grades and sports instead.

I hung my bag in my closet, where it would stay for three beautiful months. My mom popped her head in my room. "Why don't you take a shower and put on something nice darlin'?" she said with a little twinge of southern twang popping in at the end.

She'd grown up in Alabama, why she chose to live in Iowa was beyond me. I glanced down at what I was wearing. I'd dressed up slightly for the last day of school, why not make a good last impression? I'd worn a good pair of jean shorts, a cute tank top, and even a necklace and some earings. I was dressed more than nice enough for going anywhere in town.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

My mom smiled, "Oh, you're father is taking us to some place nice tonight."

"Oh," I mumbled. I grabbed a towel from the hall closet and made my way to my bathroom. I wondered what "exciting" news they had to tell me this time. They always took me to some place nice and public before telling me something they knew I wouldn't like. I laughed to myself as I turned on the water, maybe they were finally getting a divorce.

This would normally be a dark thought for a sixteen year old to have about her parents, but I was old enough to know an unhappy relationship when I saw one.

I showered quickly and walked to my room. I twisted my hair up in the towel and started looking for a dress to wear. I picked my favorite one, it had a floral top and a lace bottom with a high-low hemline. My mom hated it, but floral and lace was my thing. She would rather I wore more modern looking things, like solid colors and chunky jewlery. I wrinkled my nose at the thought.

I switched on my radio and sang along to the song. It was also my thing to sing along to songs, in my room, in the shower, in the car, it didn't matter where. I had an okay voice, it wasn't like I was Mariah Carry or anything, but I was okay.

I took my hair down from the towel and combed through it. My long blonde hair was naturally wavy and curly, but I put some gel in it to shape the wild curls. I swiped on some mascara and slipped on my sandals before heading downstairs. My mom plastered a smile on her face. Our perceptions of looking nice were very different.

I grabbed my phone off the counter before walking outside to my dad's car. I slipped in the back and checked my phone as I waited. Two new texts.

Shelby: Hey! So what time are we going to the beach tomorrow??

Shelby: Hellooooo I need to know so I can plan!

I rolled my eyes, she wasn't one for patience.

How does noon sound? Everyone can just meet at my house and I'll drive!

My dad opened the driver side door and slipped into the car, my mom followed quickly on the passenger side. My phone buzzed in my hand.

Shelby: Sounds good! Hey what are you doing tonight?

Dinner with my parents ):

Shelby: Ohhh /: Tell me how it goes!

For sure!

We pulled out of the drive and headed towards Des Moines, which was about forty minutes away. I plugged in my headphones and zoned out to The Lumineers.

We arrived at a huge restaurant and made are way inside. Everyone was wearing either a suit or a dress. We were seated and given menus. I stuggled to kep my jaw from dropping at the prices. I don't even think my parents could really afford this.

"Get anything you want darlin'," My mom said, smiling. I looked up at her over the menu. Whatever it was that they were going to tell me, it was big.

We all ordered our drinks and our food. Once it arrived, I wanted to cry. There was barely anything there! Being an athlete, I couldn't sustain myself on this tiny portion. I sighed and took a bite. Hey, at least it tasted amazing.

"We have some exciting news for you," My mom said. I locked eyes with her, the small bite of steak feeling like a rock going down my throat.

My mom reached for my hand across the table. I looked at my dad but he was staring down at his plate.

"This summer, you'll be going down to Alabama to see your Grandma Tilly, isn't that just great!" My mom's face was as bright as the sun.

My heart starting racing. "For like a week or what?" I asked. I swallowed nervously.

My mom was starting to look nervous, "No, all summer," she ventured slowly.

I tugged my hand from her grip. I could see my amazing, beautiful summer flashing before my eyes.

"You're kidding right?" I asked, I could feel a lump forming in my throat, or was that the steak making its way back up?

My mom laughed, "She's been begging to see you."

I rolled my eyes. I could see the lie written all over her face. She was just pawning me off for the summer to go who knows where with my dad.

"Begging to see me my ass," I countered. People turned to look our way but I didn't care. There was no way I was letting my summer go down without a fight.

"Caroline Abbigail Evans." My mom spat.

My eyebrows raised, she rarely used my entire full name, especially in public places.

"You are going to you grandmother's and that's final." It was my dad who spoke this time. Anger edged his voice.

I pushed away from the table. "I'll be in the car," I said through gritted teeth. I marched past the tables of staring people, my face flushed.

"Your food sucks," I said to one of the waiters before shoving open the door and leaving.

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