Chapter Ten

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The next few days were pretty boring. I spent most of them working on my tan, considering Jamie's pool party was on Tuesday. Monday morning I went downstairs for breakfast and Grandma was rummaging around the cupboards. I almost laughed as I heard her talking to herself. She heard me enter the kitchen and turned with a bright smile, "I was thinking about making us some breakfast smoothies, you know cause you like being all healthy and what not," she was saying as she turned back to the cupboards. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "But I can't find the blender anywhere," she continued, "I think I may have put it up in the attic, would you mind going and finding it for me?"

I shrugged, heading back for the stairs, "No problem!" I called as I bounded up the steps.

There was a hatch in the hallway that if you pulled down, lead up to the attic. The rope to pull it down was tucked into the edge, so I had to jump a few times before I grabbed it. The ladder swung down, along with a plume of dust. I coughed and pulled down the ladder till it met the floor. I tested my weight on it cautiously before climbing up.

There was windows on each end of the attic, so it was pretty well lit. A bunch of old stuff was sitting in boxes or just kind of strewn around. There was a manequin with  very vintage looking dress hanging from it, and an old sewing machine. I looked around the attic, searching for the blender. I finally spotted it on a shelf along the wall and picked my way over to it.

I had to reach over the manequin so it was a bit of a stretch. I reached the blender with my finger tips, and a box tumbled down as I grabbed it. With a sigh, I set the blender on the floor behind me and reached behind the manequin for the box. A few papers or something had fallen out so I snatched them too and put them back inside. Then I looked at it. It was a picture.

It was a handsome young man in an United States Marines uniform. The photograph was faded and one of the corners was torn off. Frowning in curiousity, I flipped over the picture. There was faded writing on the back, I couldn't read it.

I looked through the rest of the box. There were a few more pictures of the man. Some were with a girl. I studied the girl's face. She had long, wavy auburn hair. There was something about her eyes. Then it finally dawned on me. It was Grandma Tilly, and the man was my grandfather. There were so many letters, and I wanted to sit down and read them all right then, but I realized Tilly was still waiting for me downstairs.

I quickly put everything in the box, gently laying the blender on top so I could hug the whole bundle to my chest with one arm. I slowly decended the ladder and pushed the hatch up till it closed. I hurried to my room and slid the box under my bed before running downstairs with the blender.

Grandma made strawberry banana smoothies which were delicious. I went for a four mile long run and laid out to tan for awhile. My phone buzzed beside me.

A: Hey! What's up?

I grinned at the thought that I had been on his mind. He hadn't said anything about ourdate yet, or that I had kissed him. I didn't exactly want to ask him about it either, that would be pretty desperate.\

C: Working on my tan for the pool party tomorrow.. you going??

A: Couldn't pass up a chance to see you! Would you want a ride?

C: Idk genrally when people see me with you it starts a riot.. haha jk yes please

A: I really am sorry about her :(

C: It's fine it's not your fault! I can handle her anyways. Do you think she'll be there?

A: It's hard to say. Jamie doesn't like her a whole lot but she always tries to include everyone, so she might be there..

I groaned. Yay. More fun times with Lilly.

C: Ugh :( well I gotta go, I'll call you tomorrow or something!

I rolled up my towel from the deck and went inside to the refreshing air conditioning. After a shower, I got dressed in some comfy clothes and grabbed the box from under my bed. I sprawled across the blankets and settled down for some investigating.

There we several love letters written from my grandpa to Tilly. They were the sweetest most beautiful letters I had ever seen. He told her he couldn't tell her too much about where he was, but that he was in good health. As I read letter after letter, a sad feeling started forming in my stomach. The next thing I saw confirmed my fears. I wished I had never seen it.

It was a certificate of death. My grandfather died in Vietnam.

My throat started to close up. Tears were coming but I swiped them away quickly when I found one last letter.

My Dearest Tilly,

I keep telling myself over and over that it is true but I just can't believe it. We're having a baby! So the doctors said she would be a girl then? She will be the most beautiful little girl this world has ever seen. You will be a wonderful mother I just know it. I can't wait to come home and meet my baby girl. It's the greatest homecoming present I could ever ask for. I love you more and more every day. Please don't be jealous though if I have to set aside a little love for our daughter. What do you think of the name Caroline?

You will always be in my heart.



I was sobbing and choking on my own tears, my whole body shaking. My name was my grandfathers final wish. Why was my mother's name Heather and not Caroline? What had happened to him over in Vietnam? I sniffled and started packing away the letters and pictures. He had loved her so deeply it made my heart hurt. Not only had I never met my grandfather, my own mother had never met her father. No wonder she had been so much trouble. I hugged the box to my chest, feeling close to my grandpa for the first time in my life. I thought he would have been an amazing father.

My door opened and Tilly came in my room. She was startled at the sight of my red tear-stained eyes. Then she saw the box.

"I'm sorry," I whimpered, realizing then that she may not have ever wanted me to see this, "I found it in the attic- I didn't mean-"

Grandma was coming to the bed. She sat next to me and hugged me, "It's okay darlin'" she said, rubbing my hair, "You had to know sooner or later."

"What happened to him?" I asked, a fresh wave of tears coming.

"He was shot," Tillys voice caught on the last word.

"I'm so sorry Grandma," I said.

"Why isn't my mom's name Caroline instead of mine?" I asked.

"Well you see," Tilly expained, "I had your mom before I ever got the letter."

She sounded like she was in so much pain, "When I got the letter I was devastated. And when your mom found this box- she was about your age- she was so mad, wanting to know how I could ever do that to Henry."

"I'm sure he understood." I told her, pulling back to smile at her, "And I am very honored I got to have it."

Grandma smiled at me, stroking my cheek, "I think it was meant to be you, sweetheart. You are our Caroline."

My lip trembled at that. She loved me so much. At least someone did.

"Love you, Grandma," I said, hugging her again.

"I love you too."

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