Chapter Four

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I searched down the aisles of Grove Hill's grocery store. Grandma had lended me the car keys and some money so I could drive into town and get some snack food that I liked. It had been an adventure finding the store, but I had eventually.  I managed to find the snack aisle and made a beeline for the Oreo's. I grabbed a box and dropped it in my basket. I also grabbed some Chips Ahoy cookies and Fudge Rounds. I spotted a box of Cosmic Brownies sitting tantalizingly on the top shelf. I reached for them and my fingertips barely grazed the box. I stood on the tips of my toes and stretched my arm as far as it would go.

"Hey there muscles."

I jumped and four boxes of Cosmic Brownies went flying. I sighed and turned to see Aaron strolling down the aisle, chuckling.

"Ha ha very funny," I muttered at I slammed one of the boxes into my basket. I grabbed the other three and attempted putting them back. I groaned, I couldn't reach.

Aaron decided to be the hero and grabbed the boxes and put them back for me.

"I take it you like chocolate," he said grinning down at my basket.

"Yup." I stated flatly.

I walked past him down the aisle and turned into the next one, which held the breakfast cereal. I could here his boots thump on the ground behind me. I gritted my teeth and grabbed a box of Cocoa Puffs and threw them in the basket.

"So did you come with Tilly or did you drive?" He asked, keeping pace with me as I walked towards the front of the store to check out.

"I drove," I said as I set my basket at the register.

Aaron tossed a pack of gum on the counter. I had the strangest feeling that he hadn't come here to buy anything. I paid for my stuff and headed out of the store.

"So you're like seventeen or something?" He asked.

I scoffed. "Sixteen. I'll be seventeen in July." I was the youngest in my class. I would be going in to my senior year.

I opened the back door of the Buick and set my grocery bags on the back seat. I closed the door and looked across the street. Grandma had told me there was a clothing store around somewhere and I thought I'd check it out.

"I'll be eighteen in September," Aaron stated.

"Cool," I said before making my way across the street. So he would be a senior too, yet he was almost a full year older than me.

He jogged after me and I wheeled around to face him.

"Listen," I stated. His eyes widened, "You don't have to follow me around just because my grandma told you to, okay?"

Aaron laughed, "Are you going to stop me?"

I rolled my eyes and turned around. I walked up to the clothing store and pulled open the door. A cold blast of air conditioning hit my face. I scanned the scene and noticed a rack of cute dresses hanging. I wandered over to it and started searching. One of them caught my eye and I pulled it off the rack. It had a denim bustier type top with a cream lace skirt.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Aaron enter the store. He was really starting to get on my nerves. I ignored him and studied the dress a moment longer. I flipped the price tag over. It wasn't too expensive.

"Can't ignore me forever," he said. He was standing right in front of me now.

I sighed and looked up at him. I shoved the dress back on the rack. He had a half grin on his face. I had to admit he was adorable, if not extremely annoying.

"Don't you have a girlfriend to annoy or something?" I asked.

"Or something," he replied.

I sighed walking over to shelves that hosted an array of jean shorts.

"The fair starts tomorrow," Arron stated as he followed me.

"I've heard," I said. Grandma hadn't stopped talking about it for the past few days. I held up a pair of shorts and examined them.

"Would you maybe want to go with me?"

I looked up at him and scoffed. "Like I said. You don't have to drag me around cause my grandma wants you to. I'll manage on my own just fine."

Aaron ran his hand through his hair, "You act like you've never been asked out before," he said.

I swallowed, not answering. So what if I hadn't? I had my freinds to hang out with, and sports. I didn't need a boyfriend.

Aaron chuckled, and my face burned.

"You really haven't have you?" he asked.

I clenched my jaw, "Yeah so?" I asked defensively.

Aaron smiled fully. He had a dimple on his left cheek which I hadn't noticed before, "Well consider this your first," he said.

"And what if I say no?" I asked. I tilted up my chin to meet his gaze bravely.

"Then I'll be alone at the fair and you'll be alone with your grandma," He stated.

I took a slow breath. I didn't want to say yes, but sitting at the house didn't really sound appealing.

"Pick you up at six?" he asked, a smile on his lips.

I blinked a few times. He started walking to the door but turned around. "You should wear that dress you were looking at, it's nice."

My eyebrows raised. He winked at me before pushing open the door and stepping outside.

That did not just happen, I thought to myself.


I sat on the porch that evening, making myself a charm bracelet. There was a craft store in town and I couldn't help but to pick up ebroidery chord and some charms. I had picked out feather, peace sign, anchor, and four leaf clover charms. I braided the string in different ways and added in charms along the way. I finished it with a knot at the end and tried it on, smiling down at my wrist.

"That's a wonderful bracelet darlin'," Grandma said. She sat in a rocking chair to my side, reading a book, or so I thought. I think she spent more time staring at me then anything.

"Thanks," I said. I turned around and faced her, sitting cross-legged on the porch.

"Is it alright if I go to the fair tomorrow Grandma?" I asked, "Aaron asked me to go with him."

Grandma grinned and set her book down at her lap. "That boy sure does know a pretty girl when he sees one," she noted.

I swallowed, not really sure what to say to that. I briefly wondered if my grandma was only referring to me, or if there had been a lot of "pretty girls." I shook my head, clearing the thought away.

"Of course you can go!" she exclaimed. She was getting more excited by the second.

She hurried me inside and tested out different hairstyles that I could wear for about an hour. Then it was on to make up. I was beginning to wish she had said no.

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