The Darkness of The Broom Closet

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Before you are confused, let me tell you that this chapter is not about actual closets. Sorry!

You have probably heard the phrase, "Someone finally came out of the closet."
This phrase means that a person has come out of hiding to admit something personal and secretive. Something is no longer in the dark, but is now being brought into the light.

So when you see someone who says, "I remember when I was stuck in the Broom Closet when I was young!" Or "I can't do much because unfortunately I am still stuck in the Broom Closet."
This usually means that the person hasn't publicly announced their beliefs. (Especially beliefs in Magick.)

Witches use Brooms for Magick. Brooms are almost a universal image of Witchery. When you see a Broomstick you automatically think, "Witches."
So to make it more edgy, we say Broom Closet. I think it's cute, but let me tell you from experience. The Broom Closet can be a cold, dark place.

Currently as I am writing this, I am still in the Broom Closet. Not an actual closet, mind you. My family would not be accepting if I told them of my midnight ceremonies, book writing, or anything pertaining to magick.
So, I just have to live in my Broom Closet for a little while longer. Eventually I have to pop out and spread my fairy wings, but now is not the time for crazy, active practicing.
When I started Wicca I knew damn well I have to develop a strategy. Some sort of cunning plan to keep my family, and my magickal life, separate at all costs.

My plan was that I would spend my Broom Closet years doing nothing but sheer research. Even though I am a full year far into Magick, I have acquired alot of information and misinformation. (I think this is because of my passion to learn more, so I would take the liberty everyday to learn something new about Wicca instead of fretting over doing Sigilations and Spellwork. I like knowing what to do first.)

Once I am free to be an independent woman, that is were the Broom Closet years would be over. I would get a job. Get a house. I would then put in an altar. Get a Broomstick, a Athame, a Chalice, Wand, candles, oddities, then start actively practicing.

It is quite sad really. You have someone in general, who likes something and want to do it freely. They can't because when they're in the closet, they are being suppressed. Silenced. They're scared of being judged, made fun of, and being harmed. I do not blame them, not one bit.
Some people and kids are lucky to practice what they believe without judgment. Many are unlucky because people just end up denying them.
I just happen to be one of the unfortunate ones... but that doesn't stop my motivation to keep on learning.

If you are stuck in a closet, and I mean any concept of closet, and you can't get out...don't loose hope. You need to hang on. Whether it is your religion or anything, you need to be patient. As of now, I cant admit my secrecy. The Hell my family would spread upon my life would be unbearable. If you're ready and you think your family is ready, then reveal yourself. In my case, I am fully content with keeping this lifestyle as a secret.

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