The Importance of Kitchen Witchery

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Yay! A chapter to talk about FOOD!
I mean...Food is a major component to a human's survival. There HAS to be some sort of magick to it...right?
YES! There is!!

You've probably heard the term "Kitchen Witchery" bounce back and forth during your experience on this path of Magick.
When I was just starting out, I think I heard this term like a million times. I always thought that Kitchen Witches were just Witches you hire to clean and bless your kitchen for you.

Turns out, Kitchen Witches are Witches...who work best in the kitchen! They mix in magick with their cooking, magick in their cleaning/sweeping of the kitchen, magick is everywhere whether you are stirring soup or brewing a pot of tea. It's all Kitchen Witchery!

I on the other hand, can't cook. As much as I love food, cooking is a tough thing to do. I can follow the recipe with exact measurements, right ingredients, e.t.c, but somehow I'll end up putting more of something else in, to only have it come out ruined.

But that aside, I do however want to take this chapter and stress the importance of Kitchen Witchery.

You might think that Kitchen Witchery is not really a thing, but I can assure's real and it's important!

(Story time!)
My friend had told me how she had attended one of the Pagan Pride Festivals here in the city. A festival were people come together to celebrate and be prideful in their pagan lifestyle.
My friend had told me of a vendor who made delicious food, ranging from simple to not so simple. Sweet smelling cookies, to bread stuffed with various spices, to extreme hard meals. e.t.c.
The lady had made her all time favorite mixture of spice. The ingredients unknown, but when sprinkled on any food, it'll completely taste different then it was before.
A miracle spice? I have no idea, but stories like this make me wonder what awesome things I could make.

Of course, I've seen alot of Witches who make the best of whatever they find in their cabinets. I've even seen a Witch who made incense out of spices! Just simple Spices...and she made it work!

Not only does Kitchen Witchery involve food, it can even involve other things.
I've seen some work with tinctures, essential oils, they made potions in their kitchen, some chant while sweeping/cleaning their kitchen, some freshen up their kitchen with various sprays, and the list goes on and on.
Amazing right?
You bet!

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