Folklore, Science, and Mankind

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Alright, it's time I break this down further.
I have recently been reading some books whose Authors claim to be "Experts in Wicca."
Now, to be fair and honest, I myself am not a genius in the ways of Witchcraft...but...I do know the difference between what is actual and what is deceit.

First off. Spells are not meant for some sort of transformation. In this case I'm talking about physical transformation.

I'm talking about spells that'll turn you into a Witch, Vampire, Werewolf, Dragon, Fairy, Mermaid, Elf, Gnome, e.t.c
I do not know how many times I have to say it.
We are all humans, and to those who find the path of Wicca and Witchcraft KNOW deep DOWN that we have magick deep in our bones. We humans can do many things like think and reason.

☆No, you will never become a Vampire. You will never suck other people's blood without the consequences of getting some sort of disease.
You will never burn in the sunlight unless you are under it for too long. Hence you would get a sunburn. Which is typical.
You can eat garlic, unless you are allergic. Typical in some cases.
You will not repel against holy water. Holy water is just blessed water.
Crosses won't scare you.
You can't turn into a bat. I'm sorry. You'll never grow wings and transform into a bat and fly. Your structure is a human.

☆No, you will never become a Werewolf. You're a human. You can grow all the hair you want, and file your teeth, but you won't become a Werewolf. All folklore.

☆No, you will never become a mermaid.
Mermaids can breathe underwater and have fish tails. We aren't fishes, not any type of sea life. Our bodies weren't meant to survive underwater. I'm sorry. No one is going to be like Princess Ariel, The Little Mermaid anytime soon.

☆No Fairies, Dragons, Elves.
I will say I heavily awknowledge the Fay as actual forces in nature. I awknowledge them, but I have no desire to physically change my form to be one of them. Even so, it isn't possible to even change your form to become them. No wings. Can't breathe fire on command.

I can totally understand.
You might be there, snuggled in your sanctuary, reading Twilight or a story within The Brother's Grimm. You might as well fantasize being one of them. To be apart of that mystery. That paranormal structure of things of folklore.
But it can't happen.
You are a Human. Yes we are animals, but special animals. We have the ability to think, to reason, to solve problems and to even put things together.
Heck. The whole Folklore fan base could just be a romantic thing. Who knows.
You do.

☆Just because I am a woman of magick, doesn't mean I completely omit out science. Science explains our structure, life in depth.
I do believe that the Lord and Lady have given me and my Brothers and Sisters in the craft, the spiritual mission to work in their name. To live life to the fullest and also protect our planet to the fullest. I also believe Science is the work of mankind, developed throughout time.

Western Modern Medicine for example. It's roots what use to be alternative medicine. Simple herbs to cure headaches, coughs, disease, e.t.c. Now we went even deeper. Such as actual pill medication, vaccines to fight off diseases, e.t.c
Of course I do not strongly think you should ALWAYS resort to modern medicine. The old ways will always have a place in my heart.
When I have a headache, I won't straight away take Advil or Aleeve, or some pain relieving medication. A fresh brewed cup of tea mixed in with honey will do just the trick.

So it is good to know what amazing things are out there and what accomplishes we as the Human race have done.

So as a quick review.
We physically cannot do anything to change ourselves. We will be Humans because we are born as Humans. Take pride in being a Human. We as mankind have fallen and have risen from the ashes many times throughout the course of history. There should be no true desire to anyway shape or form to completely change yourself into a whole different animal.

Dont rely on Magick to be your "wonder drug" for everything. Magick is suppose to bring guidance and help into your life. Not to help you with trivial things, like change your hair and eye color, or getting you a fish tail.
I cannot stress this enough.
You can believe all you want.
You will be greatly disappointed.

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