"The Want"

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Have you ever wanted something?
I mean really want something
Like it doesn't matter what price you will need to pay
You are already ready to say okay
Have you ever wanted something you cannot have?
I don't mean something you cannot have for the time being
I mean something you cannot have, ever
No matter what you do the answer is always never
You think of any possible way
Any way you can get what you want
You are willing to make the sacrifice
Even if it's bad
Even if your life will be terrible from that point forward
But you can never reach it
There is no seeing what you want
There is no touching what you want
There is no getting a glimpse of it
Absolutely no getting close to it
You start to get desperate and angry
To the point your willing to kill to get it
Or just to at least get to see it from a distance
Even if you cant get close to it
Still willing to pay the sacrifice
For even just a short moment
Wether words are said or not
As before the answer is remains the same "no"
No matter how much you want it
Or try to get it
It will never happen
You hit rock bottom
It takes over your mind
You can't sleep
You don't eat
You can hardly think
Suddenly you make a u-turn
Trying hard to forget it
Figuring it will be better off this way
Trying everyday you can
But it is still there
Still on your mind
The torture you start to feel is unexplainable
You cannot get
You cannot forget
Everywhere you look
Your reminded you can never have it
But wether you try to get what you want
Or you try to forget about what you want
The results will always come up the same
You will always remember it
And you will never get it

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