New student?

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Killua's POV

It has been two years since the day Gon heart still hurts thinking about the day and the regret is still somewhere in my heart but it started to fade as time pass by. I used to hope that someday, Gon will come back again but two years has passed and now I stop hoping ,knowing that there is no way that Gon will ever come back again.

I sit at the canteen, it is still very early in the morning,I'm not really hungry or anything,it's just that it is very quite and calm here in the morning, not many students show up at this hour so it is a perfect place for me to relax.

Whenever I sit here,it reminded me of the good memories with Gon, like how we have a food fight and it end up that we have to clean the whole canteen for accidentally hit the other students and Bisky with food.All the students end up covered in food.A small smile crept on my face as I remembered how he can still grins widely even though we have to clean the whole canteen while our body is still covered with different kind of food. "Idiot..."I muttered to my self while the smile on my face grew bigger by any seconds.Gon...I miss you,it's so much fun when you're by my side...

"Thinking about Gon again?" A voice snap me out of my thought,Kurapika already sit in front of me, a book in his hand like usual.

Kurapika is my senior and one of my friend, he is the only one who knows about Gon. Well it is very hard to make him open up at first but then he is actually a good friend.

"Well, cheer up.I heard that there is going to be a new student in your class today. Maybe the new student is going to be Gon?" Kurapika continue without waiting for me to respond. "There is no way it gonna be Gon, there is no way that such a wonderful is going to happen," as much as I want it to happen, I just don't want to get my hope up because in the end I know it just won't come true.

The happy ending where they reunited back with their beloved one and then live happily ever after most likely just happen in some sort of cheesy romances drama. which is one of the reason why it would never happen to me because this is real life, and reality is cruel. Well, I don't care about that new student as long as they didn't turn into a creepy stalker and follow me around for the whole day.

I walk back to my class ignoring the other student who are staring at me.When the school bell rang,all the students begin to rush into he class, taking their seat.I sit near the window, the seat beside me is empty ans so are some others in the class, well it's nothing  extraordinary since some of the classmates had transfer to the other school these past months .

"Okay class before we start our lesson for today,I want you guys to meet your new classmate," that old hag,Bisky said in front of the classroom and the other students started whispering to each other.

"I heard some rumors said that he is a boy,a hot one in fact, "

" I hope that the rumors are true,"

I heard the girls near in front of me whispering to each other while giggling a little.I just stare at the window, somehow this window seem more interesting to me than the new student. I just hope that class could just end as soon as possible. "You may come in now," Bisky said to the new student and they walk in the class,I could hear the girls n front of me giggled so I assume that he must be a guy. I still didn't take my eyes of the window but I think he was already standing beside that old man as the sound of his footsteps disappeared .

"How about you introduce yourself to the others," Bisky said.

" Erm,okay!" he said in a cheerful tone, that tone...that voice...Somehow it sound so familiar, where have I heard this voice before ? "My name is Gon, Gon Freecs," As soon as I heard that I turned my head from the window to the boy that is standing in front of the class, that bright amber eyes, black spiky hair...I can't believe this... "Gon?!" My voice came out a little louder than I expected, catching Gon's attention.His eyes went wide as he look at my direction, he look as surprise as I am.

"Killua...?" He froze at his position as if he is too shocked that we somehow end up meeting each other again, can't say that I'm not though. "Well It seem like you two know each other so Gon, you can sit beside Killua and Killua you will have to show him around the school later," Bisky said before starting the lesson .

Damn that old man...hey,don't get me wrong here. Of course I'm happy that I get to see Gon again,he is my best friend and not to mention my crush too but I'm not ready to see him yet. I just about to accep the fact that I'm not going to see him again and now he appear in front of me, how am I supposed to react ?!

My body tense as I feel Gon already taking the seat next to me. He turned to me and give me the same smile that like 2 years ago it kinda reminded me of how long since I last seen him. His changed but still not much different from what I remembered. He still have that same hairstyle, that same honest eyes except for the fact that he is now at the same height as me, maybe taller than me by a few inch. His body seem more muscular and his face already lost that baby fat, he look much attractive now. I quickly turned my head away when I realized that I was staring at his face.

"Erm...killua?" Gon said hesitatingly

"Yeah?" I replied, trying to sound normal.

"You know...about that day, before I left the town..." What Gon said made my heart skip a bit, I was hoping that he won't brought out this topic...


Hahaha,sorry for the late update, school has started and I kinda busy with homework and I didn't feel very well these days. Well I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.Happy new year everyone, although it is a bit late.My new year resolution is to write something that I can be proub of , something that can make you laugh, cry and more, well I will have to work harder for that.What is your new year resolution ?
:-) Thanks for reading. 

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