Chapter 2: Coming Home

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"I'm coming home, I'm coming home. Tell the world I'm coming home." ~ Coming Home by Dirty Money ft. Skylar Grey

Somehow, someway, Tate decided it was a good idea to wake me up at seven a.m. I am not a morning person. It took the slightly older boy about an hour to get me out of bed before I could get ready. Everyone was supposed to meet at the Queen mansion for brunch, if I could ever get ready in time. Tate arranged for the brunch to get everyone together for a big reunion with me.

Now I'm no expert, but shouldn't it be a family and friends sit down discussion and not a brunch where probably no one is going to eat due to how many questions they'll be asking? It'll take all of two seconds to tell them that I don't want to talk about it. Then it'll be awkward. So, what's the big deal?

"The big deal is that you're back after five years away! It a celebratory brunch!" Tate said when he forced me into one of my moms blue cocktail dresses.

It was no surprise when we showed up late to the celebration to 'make an entrance' for me. Sometimes I wish Tate wasn't so dramatic. When we got there he, of course, went in first to 'announce me in' as he said. I heard my name being called after a few minutes of waiting outside the door.  When I entered Felicity immediately gasped at the sight of me.

Oliver was sitting at the head of the table with his wife on his left and his son on his right. Next to Cole was an empty seat for Tate, then was Naomi. On the other side of Naomi was Sara with Jason beside her. On Felicity's left was Thea with Roy beside her, next to Roy was Tommy. Laurel sat next to her husband with Lyla and John across the table beside Jason. There was one empty seat at the other head of the table for me, I'm guessing.

I could tell, the older blonde knew who I was as soon as I walked in. Everyone glanced at Felicity then back at me, and kept going back and forth between us.

"Who's this?" Cole asked his best friend while still looking down at his black iPhone. "Oh, do you finally have a girlfriend?"

The hurt Cole caused Tate was obvious even though he tried to play it off. I felt bad that everyone turned out this way. Maybe if I'd have been here for the past five years I could've stopped some of the pain, but sadly that was not the case.

Acting as the sarcastic girl I used to be I grabbed his phone and tossed it across the room; thankfully it didn't break. "Maybe if you got your face out of your phone you'd recognize one of your best friends and stop being a jerk to the other one."

The surprised looks I got as I took my seat at the table, across from Oliver, were an indication of everyone finally knowing who I was. Naomi got up from her seat and pulled me into a hug, "I can't believe that you're here after five years, oh my gosh, we have so much to talk about-"

"Not now Naomi. There are questions Emily needs to answer first and hopefully will answer." Oliver being the business guy obviously had to ruin the happy reunion. I nodded knowing good and well that I wasn't going to answer any of his questions.

"Emily, to start off, I'm sure everyone here wants to know where you've been for the past five years." I knew exactly what I was going to respond with, "I don't know."

The look in Oliver's eyes tells me he knew that I was lying, but he didn't contradict what I said. "Alright, my turn. What have you guys been doing?" I asked looking around to the many people in the room. That's when Naomi and Sara launch into a 'story time' of everything that's happened in the last five years. During them telling me what has happened I have an eye conversation with Oliver.

Now, I know it sounds a little weird but trust me it was important. It consisted of me standing my ground about not saying anything while his eyes got angrier and angrier.

"You're coming back to school with us right?" I was snapped out of the silent argument to look over at Jason and his girlfriends pleading look. I sighed knowing I'd have to and nodded eliciting an excited squeal from Sara and Naomi. It took everything I had not to go on red alert when the squeal came out.

As we ate in silence I started thinking about some of the things I would be keeping from the people I love. Being stuck on an island, being kidnapped at the age of twelve, being trained like a warrior to survive, and being dropped back off to send a message to Oliver Queen.

That message will never be sent.

Hey guys! The picture is Cole. I hope you guys liked this and I wish I had posted sooner, but I had some major writers block.
Fan and comment please!

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