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If only dreams where real thing, like id i was to dream about dancing tree's, then there would be dancing tree's i real life........ I swear I've never dreamed about dancing tree's (okay, maybe i have but it is normal, i hope)


I go to slam my had on my phone, but then remembered what might happen so i gently place my hand on it to stop it from screaming at me again


I walk downstairs to get breakfast only to find that there is only one peace of bread left, as i was about to grab it, Cameron comes and snatches it out of my hand. Okay there is one thing you should know about me, i am NOT a morning person so this drove me to the point of explosion


''Ha ha no way i'm hungry too, besides, it is just bread i'm sure you can have something else like an apple'' Cam said laughing

I angrily grab an apple from the fruit bowl and shout bye to my mum and start to walk to school, Cam running behind  me

''Ssssssssssooooooo, my little sis got a boyfriend then'' Cameron brought up

'' Yeah, well done for noticing that'' i say

'' I give up talking to you'' Cam sighed

''Well now you know how i feel when you talk to me '' i say

As we get to school, Jack walked up to me

''Are you exited for the party tonight'' Jack asked

'' OH shit i forgot about that'' i thought but i guess i said it aloud

''Well i guess it's good that i reminded you then'' Jack laughed along with me

We got into school and split up to go to our classes

I have history first, great.  As class starts and the teacher starts to ramble on, i feel something hit the back of my head. I turn around to find that Nash threw a paper ball at me, i picked it up and read it

''I've heard that you and Jack j are going out, ''

I turned around again and looked at Nash, nodding my head. Oh I hope that the hole school doesn't know about the relationship between me and Jack


Amia came round to my house so that we could do each other's makeup and hair, i done Amia first. She has a dark pink long dress with gems all over and black heels, and i must admit, she looked amazing
okay it is now my turn. Amia curled my hair and put a nice light blue bow at the side of my hair to go with my dress, then she done my makeup which was nice as she didn't put that much on me because a asked her not to
Once we where sure that we had completely finished each others hair and makeup, we  got into Cameron's car so he could drive  to Nash's house
Once we got there, we found that the house was already jam packed with people and the music was bearing so loud, I'm surprised that we couldn't hear it from our house
Me and Amia started to walk inside the house but what we saw was something that we cant unsee
There where people kissing each others faces of and people grinding on one another, it was horrifying to say the least. I look around to see if i can s find Jack but he is nowhere to be found but as i turn around to ask Amia if she can see Jack, someone grabs my waste which gave me a heart attack , i turn round to see who it was and guess who......Jack

''Oh my god Jack, don't do  that again. You gave me a fright'' i had to shout because the music was so loud

''Sorry but i couldn't resist'' Jack laughed

'' This party is so big. Who knew that Nash had so many friends'' i shouted as we moved around the dancing body's to get to the kitchen where it was a bit quieter

'' To be honest i think most of the school is here, if not all''  Jack said  '' do you want a drink '' Jack asked

''Nah i'm fine'' i said

''Okay then, do you want to go dance then'' Jack tried again but this time i didn't refuse

We walked out the kitchen and went to the dance floor to dance because that's why it is called a dance floor
I'm so clever
We started to dance to the song that came on but when the song came to an end, Jack said that he needed to go to the toilet and he would be back in a minute
I waited where i was for a while but as i started to walk to the side my shoe fell of, as i went to go get it, someone kicked it away . I rolled my eyes and went to go find my shoe, this may take a while...


As i came out the toilet and returned to the place that me and Destiny where dancing, i found no Destiny
I shouted her name but i don't think anyone heard me because the music was so loud, so i went to search for her, I weaved in and out of people and tried to find a girl with a dark blue dress but it's easer said than done, then i got the genius idea to text her

Jack; where are you
Destiny; I'm looking for my shoe

Jack;  you're what?

Destiny;  i lost my shoe

Jack;  oh never mind where are you

Destiny;  eeeeemmmm  i don't really know but i can tell you who I'm standing next to if that helps

Jack ;  yeah i guess

Destiny; okay there is a girl next to me with a yellow dress

Jack; okay. I'll be there in a minute

Right, Jack find a girl in a yellow dress, it cant be that hard. As im saying this, i find a girl in a yellow dress
God is on my side. I look next to the girl and find Destiny standing there on one foot

'' Oh my God i thought i lost you'' i said picking up Destiny and taking her to my car

'' I'm taking you home'' i said

''thank God '' she laughed '' but what about my shoe''

''We will get it tomorrow, it would be impossible to fond it tonight'' i said



So Jack drove me home and said that he would text my brother saying that i am home

I went up to my room and had a relaxing shower,i got changed into pj's and was about to do hair but i heard the doorbell ring

i ran downstairs to see who i could be, but when i opened the door i was shocked at what i saw

I saw my lost shoe........

hey everyone i hope you enjoyed this chapter, i think i is the longest chapter I've done, correct me if i am wrong and comment who you think out the shoe on Destiny's doorstep
rebecca xx

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