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hey everybody, i know this book has nothing to do with Joe Sugg but i was re-watching some of his vlogs and i had to scream shot this, it was too funny not to hhahahahah ( btw Joe Sugg is my favourite YouTuber )

Jack holds up his phone ...........Oh Shit

I just stand in the same spot, staring at Jack phone

'' It's not me, i stayed at home when you dropped me of last night so it cat be me'' i say trying to get him to believe me

'' What do you mean ''its not me'' that is obviously you which means you've cheated on me'' Jack said

'' No i haven't pleas just beli-'' Jack cut me of by saying

'' We're through'' And walked away

I am literally heartbroken, i have no one to go to, the best thing i could do was cry. I ran into the toilets and cried, non stop. I missed all my classes because i knew people would call me names. I stood up and walked out of the toilets, i walked down the empty corridor,  the only sound being my footsteps as i walk to the exit of the school. I slowly step outside and the wind hits me like a slap on the face, I've messed up big time, what am i gonna do. I walk out of the school yard and slowly walk down the street, i have no idea where I'm going or what I'm doing but i knew one thing for sure......i was lost. I am walking in the woods by myself and i don't know where to go. I reach in my pocket for my phone to see that its out of charge, great. I sit down at the roots of a tree and start to cry again
I sit on the ground for about 10 minutes when i here a twig snap

'' Hello!'' i call out but i get no reply, i hear another twig snap '' Hello?!'' i call again but this time i got a reply of sorts, i herd a growl and then from behind a tree, a big dog starts to trot towards me, i get scared and slowly walk backwards until i hit a tree. The dog is still slowly gaining but i have no where to g,then in the distance i hear a whistle then a shout of a man, i get a sense of hope but then out of nowhere the dog comes running towards me but before i could do anything, the dog bites my leg really hard. I scream in pain and fall to the ground, my vision goes blurry and my hearing becomes distant, despite  the blurriness of my vision, i see a man running towards me, at this point the dog is long gone, i try to get a clear view of the man but i have tears running down my face and i am still screaming, the man is trying to calm me down while he gets out his phone and starts to call someone. I can hear the man talking but i don't know what he's saying . He gets of his phone and continues to comfort me but not long after everything starts to go black.......


I was taking my dog a walk because it has been a week since i done so. We walk into the woods because my dog Chopper loves it there. Chopper is a cross bread and is very big so its can be a struggle with him in the house sometimes. I let Chopper of his leash and he went running deep into the woods and i started to follow. I heard Chopper growling at something or someone so i followed where the noise was coming from. I shouted and whistled  but Chopper didn't come. I then heard an ear piercing scream so i ran as fast as i could to where it came from. I stopped running when i saw a young girl lying on the ground screaming and crying, at the corner of my eye i saw Chopper making a run for it but i decided just to leave him and worry about the girl. I tried to get her to calm down but she just kept screaming and crying. I looked at her leg to see a deep bite mark and blood oozing out of it, i reached in my pocket and grabbed my phone and dialed 911 and asked for an ambulance, I answered all there questions and they said  they would be here as soon a possible. I dropped my phone and started to talk to the girl but she soon blacked out. About 20 minutes later the ambulance arrived and started looking for me and the girl. I called them over and they soon found us

The people started to get the girl in the ambulance and they said i could come as well. on the way into the Van i see a phone lying on the ground so i pick it up, i look at the cover and see the name Destiny on it and I'm guessing that's the girls name  


I walk into my house to see no one here which is strange because Destiny left school early or so i heard , but if she did leave school early, where is she now. my thoughts are interrupted by the home phone ringing. I walk over, pick it up and put it too my ear

phone conversation

me; hello?

doctor; hello, is this Cameron Dallas

me; yes

doctor;  we have news that your little sister Destiny in in need of stitches, would you like to come to the hospital ?

me; yes i will be there as soon as possible

i ended the phone conversation

'' what has she got herself into now'' i say leaving the house 

hey, hope you like the chapter i will upload as soon as possible
rebecca xx

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