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I finally finished cleaning Cameron's room and returned to my own, i looked at the bandage on my arm. I took it of and was horrified at what i saw.....Nothing was there, It cant of been a dream because i put the bandage on it myself after i got home, but it could have been as well though because sometimes i have a dream, then wake up and put a bandage on it so i probably just had a dream...''THANK GOD'' i shout in my head

It's still Sunday, and its only 5p.m, time just 'ain't on my side today, i swear 24 hour's ago it was 3p.m. To pass time i decided to edit my video so i don't have to do it tomorrow, midway through the process i receive  a text from Jack, i pick up my phone and read it


Jack; hey gf, haven't spoke to you in 2 hour's and i cant handle it

Me; hey, you can talk to me now so no need to worry bf

Jack; yeah, we found Nash he was at the park, he said he had a strange dream

Me; good you found him, what was his dream about?

Jack; he said you where in it, you where at the mall with your friend and he asked to talk to you in the car park, you went and he said that in the dream he cut an N on your arm, you called him a physico and ran away

Dumbfounded, i had that dream too,

me; strange, i had that dream too

jack; oh thats so cool  you both had the same dream

me; yeah i guess it is well gtg, ttyl xx

jack; ok xx

i decided to phone Nash to talk to him about this dream


ring ring ring


hey Nash  i wanna talk about the dream

why, how do you know about it, did jack tell you

yes he did but all i want to say is that i had the same dream, it is strange, i know but i am glad it was a dream and we can put all this behind us and forget about it

yeah  that would be a grate idea, so do you wanna hang out tomorrow at school or whatever

yeah, em i wanna ask you a question

go ahead, shoot

would you ever date Amia

depends if she likes me but i do have feelings for her and i would ask her out

can you pleas do that, i want her to get in a relationship with you, it would be so cute

yeah, I'll ask her tomorrow, i got to go but i will see you tomorrow , bye


i hung up and sat my phone on my bed
''that couldn't have gone any better '' i say aloud

A few minutes of me starring into space ended as i hear my mum walk through the door, i walk down to say hello to her

''Hey honey, how was your day?'' mum asked

''fine thanks, you?''

'' mines was great'' she said walking into the kitchen, i was about to say something but my phone binged


date with Jack tomorrow after school

oh shit, i forgot about that,

'' hey mum, i have a date tomorrow after school, could you help me get ready  ?'' i asked

'' yeah, who is it with ?'' she asked

''Jack'' i said

'' well of course i will help, but now i gonna bed i'm SO tired '' mum said walking upstairs

I'm so excited for this date, but i'm scarred i will mess up like my last date, here is a quick summary of what happened

me and my boyfriend walked in the restaurant and ordered our meal, the waiter was walking towards us with our food, lest just say i accidentally tripped him up and the food went flying

I shiver at the thought, well lets hope that doesn't happen again, if it does, God knows what i will do

hey, hope you like the chapter
rebecca xx 

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