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Date night, i'm exited but nervous not gonna lie but what is the worst that could happen
Okay, so, it's 6a.m  and i have 6 hour's till the date, i try to focus on my morning routine but then something else came to my mind ''Nash is gonna ask out my best friend'' i though, this could go two way's 1; Amia say's yes 2;  Amia say's no but i will go all the way to make them a thing, i mean they would be so cute together

I finally finished doing my morning stuff and walked downstairs to get something to eat and guess what?, there was one bit of bread left so i ran and grabbed it before  anyone else did

''morning'' my mum said walking into the kitchen

''morning'' i said back then something struck my mind ''i put blue hair dye in Cameron's shampoo'' i thought in my head

''hey mum'' i said


''well i put blues hair dye i Cameron's shampoo'' i said and as if on cue we heard Cam scream

''NOT AGAIN, DESTINY YOU PUSHED THE LIMIT THIS TIME '' Cam screamed storming down the stairs

''morning to you too'' i said '' i like your hair by the way, light blue goes well with your skin colour''i said trying so hard not to laugh at him because it would make him redder than he already is

''I'm gonna kill you'' Cam said

'' that's my cue to leave, bye mum'' i said running out the house to get to school and 2 minutes later i was there

''hey Destiny, why are you running and where is Cameron'' Jack asked

'' well last night i pulled a prank on him for my video and one of them was that i put blue hair dye in his shampoo but i couldn't record it and i ran away because he was gonna kill me'' i explained

'' okay that explains why Cameron has a hood up and a hat underneath haha nice one'' Jack said giving me a high five

'' tonight is date night, are you exited?'' i asked Jack

'' you wouldn't believe how exited i am'' Jack said laughing

I was about to ask Jack an important question but of course, the bell rang

'' well bye, i will see you later'' Jack said kissing my cheek, i blushed but looked away so Jack wouldnt see

'' that was cute'' Amia said walking beside me looking happier than ever

''what got you in a good mood'' i asked Amia

'' Well........i got a boyfriend'' she said excitedly

'' wow that's great, who is it?'' i asked, hoping i was Nash

'' Well my boyfriend is Nash'' she said even more excitedly

''Oh my God, i'm so happy for you, when is the date?''

'' tomorrow after school'' Amia said '' i will talk to you later, i don't want us to get a detention for being late to class'' Amia said walking to her first class of the day. My first class is history and i like history for 3 reasons 1; the stuff we learn is interesting to an extent 2; i like the teacher 3;i like the teacher because he is old and funny

I walk into class an sit in my usual seat at the back, today our teacher Mr. Murfy had an apple and was eating it wile he was teaching us but when he was talking the apple came flying out his mouth and landed on someone at the front. As the teacher was continuing to do this, he took one great big bite out the apple but his false teeth went with the big apple bite and they both landed on the floor, Mr. Murfy was obviously embarrassed so  he ended the class and hour early  

Text Conversation with Jack

me; hey Jack

Jack; hey, are you in class ?

me; no

Jack; why?

me; because my teacher had an apple and was eating it in class, he took a big bite out of it and his false teeth went with it , they both landed on the floor

Jack; haha, i cant text the now, i'm in class bye xx

me; bye

I cant wait till the date tonight but i am really nervous, i hope i don't mess up.....

hey everyone, i was gonna out the date night in this chapter but i thought it would be good for the date night to have it's own chapter, tell me what you think about the story so far, if you like it or not
rebecca xx

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