Chapter 4

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The torture of breakfast was over. Gready hands grabbed greasy food, spitting out chunks and they loudly talked between themselves. I had eaten only one slice of toast this morning. I wasn't hungry. Wrong. I had potions first so I stood with everyone else and wandered through the many corridors. I chose to take a slow walk around the school before heading to class. I knew it would make me late but I needed the time. I paced the grounds slowly until the corridors had mostly cleared before heading to class. I was late. I told you so. I opened the wooden doors. All faced stared at me.

"Your late Malfoy." Snaps hissed at me. "You'll have to sit there" He extended a bony finger to a bench row. One space was left at the end. It was near the back which was good. Started to walk hearing whispers and I strode. Confused I looked at who was on the bench already. It was Potter and his friends Wesley and Granger. The name Potter lingered in my head whilst I placed my things down next to him, avoiding eye contact and keeping as much space between us as humanly possible.

"Right then." Snaps began "The seats you have will be the seats you keep for the rest of this year" he announced. There where small 'yes's and high fives around the room. I looked at Potter. He looked at me. Both blank faced and moody we turned back to Professor Snape. I heard Hermione whisper into Potter's ear and him snigger slightly. "Continuing" Snape loudly interrupted "We will begin with some simple potions. With your partners I want you to make all of the potions on page 235 of you potions master book." He finished before flopping into his chair behind his desk. I grabbed my book and opened to the page, groans echoed around the room at the thought of potion making.

"So, Potter, better get started with some of these then" I suggested. He looked with a blank expression. "The potions" I hinted. He wasn't the smartest for golden boy of Hogwarts, but potions then again where not his thing. Am I sympathising with him? I started a small fire under the archaic cauldron between us and made a start on the first potion. I scanned the ingredients list and started throwing them in.

Potions was the only thing I enjoyed enough to learn from. I could sit back and understand everything and relax whilst making potions. It was fun, what can I say?

"What are you doing Malfoy? Why have you put bane's leaf in before powdered raven claw?" He jumped staring at me defensively. His hand grazed mine over the cauldron but he thought nothing of it. My hand tingled slightly for no reason.

"Bane's leaf acts as a binding agent for the powdered ravel claw and rattails in the potion. When it's added last, the potion can become impure or not even work" I looked away from his eyes to the cauldron "Bane's leaf helps the properties of the other ingredients join to create the potion, that's why it's added first." I finished, pouring the potion out into a glass container. Potter span to look at Hermione who also displayed the expression of disbelief. She nodded, presumably for clarification on what I'd just said to Harry, I mean Potter, then he turned back.

"Oh okay then. What's next?" He queried, still in awe. What I said was common knowledge, it wasn't that amazing. I pointed to the next potion in the book and looked for confirmation, me nodded and we started. Potter grabbed random items of the list and started to throw them in randomly, sloshing the potion out of the cauldron onto the work bench.

"HEY, hey, steady now Potter, you'll ruin the potion!" I said with importance.

"Okay, chill Mr. Potion master Malfoy" He grunted, leaning backwards pouting like a naughty child. I stared to fix the potion with neutralisers and turned to him for some ingredients.

"See, isn't that better" I smiled. He pouted harder, going red in the face. We stared a while before we both looked away and giggled quietly. "Not exactly the best at keeping a straight face are we Potter?"

"Oh shut up" he growled playfully. We continued with the potions, Potter handed me things and I put them in. It was nice. We weren't enemies, just...friends? Just 2 people who mutually enjoyed the situation. We chatted every now and then, mostly him asking about ingredients.

Eventually, like all good things, the lesson came to an end. The potions where taken in for inspection and grading whilst we left for the next lesson. I smiled sadly at Potter before leaving, as a goodbye. I had charms next. Great. I left the classroom for the next lesson quick so I didn't get a bad seat.

I sat down in the 'quirky' classroom and the lesson started. I was sat next to Pansy. She kept staring at me, looking me up and down. I was uncomfortable. I kept feeling my skin crawl under the praying eyes of her. I looked desperately around the room for some one, someone to focus on and stop the burning eyes. My eyes darted until they laid rest on one person. Potter. When did he come in. I didn't see him walk here. I focused on him and his hair and his eyes and his clothes. He was a good distraction for me.

"Mr. Malfoy. Please pay attention." I scowled at her. "Right. That's it detention Malfoy." Ugh. I looked down at my book angrily and balled my fist tight. The strain in my arm was immense. I could feel the nails digging deep, which was strange because I had a nasty habit of biting my nails, the jagged edges burring themselves deep into my flesh. The rest of the lesson dragged on until the end. Homework was to be handed in. She walked around the room, collecting sheets of summer homework until she got to Potter. Potter didn't have his homework. He looked down in shame as the detention was issued. I felt sorry for him. What? No I didn't. You get time with him alone now. Stop. STOP. I slammed my fist in the table, alerting the whole room to me. I sat there, internally screaming at how foolish I was. I continued my straight face until everyone had forgotten my mistake. Everyone except Potter who was still looking at me. He was staring whilst the room emptied. Still looking whilst we where on our own. I tried to avoid as much eye contact as possible but as the instructions for our 'activity' during our detention was given, I knew. This was going to be a long detention. Yay.

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