Chapter 6

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It was the morning if the match. The favourite match. Everyone turned up for Gryffindor vs Slytherin matches. Joy. I got up first, like usual and had my morning cold shower, followed by looking in the mirror with intense hate, finished with leaving. I got changed into my Quiditch gear, even thought the match wasn't for 2 hours and went for a walk. I left the school and wandered down to the forbidden forest where I sat down at the roots of a tree and just watched the sunrise and thought about things. I was a thinker at heart, even though I am sometimes seen as other things. I'm often thought as lazy or cowardly but really, I just like to think about things and take the simplest route out, which often doesn't do me well for appearances.

The sun rose and I ate bread I had taken from the table. Home life want great so I was use to next to nothing to eat. I munched slowly, watching the tiny specks of students hurry around the school for breakfast in the great hall. I stood at this moment and made my way back towards the school.

By the time I was there, breakfast was just finishing. Students where returning to collect house colours and scarfs whilst players headed to the stands. Our captain gave a pep talk, mildly exciting at that. For some reason the others where hyped for the match. They gathered around a board and discussed tactics whilst the stands filled up. Cheering became more prominent and the teachers took there seats. We grabbed our brooms and stood at the edge of the wooden floor, below a long drop to the floor. Anxiety filled the air, some good some bad but it added to the atmosphere. It was good, I was going to something good too.

We jumped upwards and flew out into the arena. The day was pleasant, for Britain. The sky was blanketed with clouds but there was a minimal breeze. Perfect conditions for Quidditch. Mrs. Hooch flew up to greet us in the centre of the pitch explaining the rules as per the usual. She finished, blew sharply oh her whistle, earning a great applause from the crowd and threw the quaffle into the air. The 2 teams raced off after it, followed by 2 bludgers. Me and Potter remained. She pulled the snitch out of her pocket, looking both of us in the eye before letting it unravel and fly away from her hand. We raced of after the golden ball, heads tucked in to reduce drag. We spiralled up the towers and through the wooden support structures before the snitch decided to go a little of road. Me and Potter, at equal distances chased the snitch through the castle grounds before heading back towards the stadium. We both flew in, Potter opted for a dramatic entrance through the Gryffindor flag that hung between towers. The snitch continued to circle in the arena for a while. Which was nice because Potter couldn't get near it, he had the speed but no agility. I ducked and weaved after it until the whirling sound. The evil sound. A bludger was following. Wood was smashed behind me as it hit each support beam. The snitch, followed by Potter, followed by me then the bludger flew in single file vertically up. We passed through the layer of clouds. The whistling noise of the bludger grew nearer and nearer. I gave up the fight for the snitch and quickly turned and started to try and out run the bludger. That was my mistake, I couldn't put run a bludger. I turned sharply, almost 90 degrees when the foul ball flew straight into my side, hitting my ribs then smashing my broom in two. I fell.

The ground was in view now. I'd passed through the cloud layer.

The grass on the stadium floor grew nearer.




My eyelids let minimal light in as my conscious though returned to my body. I opened my eyes to the bright light of the hospital wing. I looked down, my arm was in a cast, legs both bandaged around the ankles and knees. I breathed in to sigh but has hit by a brick wall of pain, broken ribs. I breathed shallowly and loudly for a while until Madam Pomfrey arrived. She explained my situation, fractured ankle, dislocated knees, 4 broken ribs (a lovely bruise on the shape of a bludger to complement them) and a broken wrist. She had a sickening ring to her voice that made everything she said seem worse that it was. And she saved the best thing for last. Bed rest for 2 weeks.

-a couple of days later-

Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Madam Pomfery was humming to herself whilst changing beds in the other side of the wing. I received 2 visitors. 2 of the younger chasers from the team had come to wish me good luck with the recovery. They left as quickly as they arrived.

The doors opened. Someone dragged there feet over to my bed side and sat. I looked over. Potter.

"Come to mock me?" I sighed.

"No, Professor Snape made me come here and do my potions work with you. Apparently 3 is too many to work around one cauldron, so we both get book work." He grunted. He was annoyed. I sat up, slightly and lent myself against some pillows. He opened his book and started. He occasionally looked up and asked questions about Bane's root or something else and I answered. The silence was peaceful. It felt right. I wasn't alone, anymore. I had someone. They weren't talking to me much but it was enough.

The lesson time grew to a close and I was left alone again. This time it felt different. I wasn't completely alone anymore. Every day we had potions I knew Potter would be sent here. And he was. We sat, did work and chatted. It was good.

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