Chapter 13

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The world was a little darker after that night. Everyone knew. I wasn't treated the same by anyone anymore. I received regular beat ups from my 'friends', dirty stares from my peers and disapproving head shakes from teachers. I only saw Harry occasionally, in potions where he'd try to talk to me but we'd sit in silence and I'd do everything or walking down the corridor where we'd both avoid each other's eyes and look down.

The rest of the year had dragged. It was approaching Christmas and the whole school felt like it was packing up and leaving. I wasn't. Father was away on 'business' so I had to stay. I lay on my bed, propped up by a couple of pillows and made notes about potions. The others in the room where busy packing there things away and chattering amongst themselves. The light to my text book was blocked out, I looked up to find Blaise. He scowled down at me, the pure look of disgust contorted his face.

"Your the only one left in this room. Don't. Touch. Anything. Okay?" He sharpened his look and I nodded. He walked away and slung a bag over his shoulder, carrying another he walked out, along with the others. I was left alone. I put my books to one side and spread out over my bed. I could get use to this.

I spent the rest of the day in bed. Thinking of what was and what could be. Dinner time had arrived, meaning a brief view of who remained. We, being a handful of about 25 students, sat along the Gryffindor table, some food appeared and we ate. Dumbledore announced his presence, we stopped and looked. He explained that he and many of the main teachers had to go somewhere, blah blah blah excuse after excuse. Hagrid was to take over and allocate jobs o make sure the school didn't 'fall apart'. They left and hushed chatters began.

Hagrid strode down the hall and stood at the head of our table. He cleared his throat and began on a long job list. Excited student would raise their hands at the ideas of jobs and squeal if there friends where picked too. They excitedly ran out until I was left. He looked towards me.

"I've got a special job for you. Special request too, by Mr Potter himself!" He chuckled heartily.

"You cannot be serious" I closed my eyes and dropped my head into my hands. Why.

"Com'on Draco, we've got the best job of the lot!" An excited voice echoed down the hall and Harry came running up to greet me. I looked up in disbelief.

"I thought you where going with the Weasley's this Christmas?" Confusion flooded my brain as I looked at him in disbelief.

"I choose to stay here, I just wanted to, well, to see if we could spend some time together?" He looked at me sheepishly, Hagrid started to shuffle out of the room. "We haven't seen each other lately, properly and I choose us the best job, I just wanted us again" His head tilted as he slumped into the bench next to me. A sad look poisoned his brilliant green eyes. He has missed me as much as I missed him. I jumped up and pulled him into a tight embrace, breathing in his sent from the crook of his neck.

"So, what are we doing for the next 4 weeks?" I half mumbled and giggled into his soft, warm skin.

He broke away and grabbed my hand, running out of the room dragging me with him.

"You'll like it, I promise!" He spoke loudly so I could hear.  I let him pull me out of the great hall and thought the corridors. We kept running all the way to Hagrid's shack.

"I still don't get any clues as to what we are doing?" I questioned, an eyebrow raised. Harry smirked at me and shook his head. Hagrid swung open the door and walked out the door, followed by Fang.

"Right, gentlemen, I suppose you know what your doing by now?" He questioned.

"No" I replied, Hagrid looked at Harry. Harry shrugged his shoulders.

"You have the best job of tha'lot" He smiled proudly. "You will be looking after all of my animals whilst I sort out the pond, er lake I mean" Harry looked back at me and pouted his lips, raising his eyebrows slightly and nodding his head. "I'll run you lads through what to do and who to look after and what not, then you'll be on your own"

"What's wrong with the lake?" I asked. Hagrid looked at me and smiled shyly.

"Somebody, who will remain nameless, may have put a giant squid in the lake and now it's deemed 'unsafe' to be near" Hagrid sighed as he grabbed a bucket of dead rabbits and started to make his way into the forest. We followed closely behind. We walked along a small path until the forest began to thin out to a small opening where  stone walls created enclosures of sorts and a small shed stood alone. He opened the shed door and walked in, we followed once again, more eagerly now. The shed expanded backwards infinitively. It was filled with carriages and harnesses and food and equipment for anything you could think of. There was even 3 over sized dog collars linked to one lead.

"Now" Hagrid started "You'll need to start by feeding every thing" He began on what each being ate and when to feed them. After that he explained exercise and care. We nodded our heads and returned to the woods. I walked over to the first enclosure and stepped in. I held a bucket of dead rabbits. The paddock remained silent. I walked up towards the nearest tree, where a food manger had been proper up against and started to empty the rabbits into. I stepped back and listened. A thundering of wild hooves grew louder and louder.

"Don't panic Draco" Hagrid reassured "They won't hurt you" Black skeletal horses raced toward me. I remained still as the herd continued towards me. Occasionally one would spread its dragon like wings out then retract them. They crowded around the manger, throwing food up into the air and catching it. A smaller one stood to the side of the group, trying to get in to eat, but failing as it was half the size. Hagrid threw me another rabbit.

"Keep your hand flat for Fangs sake Draco" Hagrid yelled more worried now. I stepped over towards the baby Thestral and presented it with the rabbit, hand flat. It's dragon-like face took the rabbit gently and the beast ran away. I left the pen and continued with the other animals.

"That's the friendliest I've ever seen 'im Draco, well done" Hagrid chuckled.

The day was long and we both ached when we arrived at the school once more. We both showered, changed and ate together. We listened to the excited chatter between the younger students who had been busy on their first days too. Everyone left the great hall. I walked Harry back to the Gryffindor common room. We said our goodbyes and I kissed him on the cheek. I turned to leave when a strong grip grasped my arm.

"Yes" I questioned.

" could, I mean if you wanted to, I just saying I mean, maybe stay in the dorm with me? I-I mean I'm not pressuring you or anything, it's just a bit lonely with out everyone" He was looking at the floor now, his grip more tense now as he was more nervous. I smiled and ducked down to meet his gaze.

"Slytherin is really cold this time of year I guess..." I swung my arm around his shoulder and his arm wrapped around my waist. We walked into the common room where a few younger students played wizards chess. They looked but didn't care. We continued to Harry's dorm.

"Harry, it's freezing in here, how do you sleep?" I mumbled, seeing my own breath before me. He smirked and jumped into his bed. "I'm not even joking right now Potter, I'm absolutely frozen" I started to shake uncontrollably.

"Get in my bed then" Harry spoke confidently. I did.

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