Chapter 14

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I awoke to soft beams of light strewn across the room. I stretch my limbs out and roll over, falling out of the bed, taking the covers with me. I jump up and look around to see Harry scrunching his face up on the bed and trying to find the covers.

"Draco." He lets out with a deep sigh. "Where are the covers?" He now turns to look at me with a stern look on his face.

"Here?" I say sheepishly as I hand then to him, untangling myself from them. We got dressed, left the dorms and went for breakfast. After that we wondered down and fed the animals and gave fluffy her early morning walk. The day drifted by, not much was said but nothing needed to be, the feeling of another person in a relatively close proximity to you was enough.

"Hey, Draco, wanna go and get some butterbeer? We're pretty much done now" Harry shouted out from behind a tree.

"Sure, only if your buying" I shouted back. He looked at me and I looked at him, smiling we finished and left for the Hogs Head. We strolled down the path leading to Hogsmeade arms linked together and striding with a slow pace. Both our minds were else where.

We strolled into the pub and sat down at our usual table, towards the back in a corner, and ordered, Harry paying of corse. We sat and reminisced over the care of the animals and the progress fluffy was making. We had trained her to sit, just about.

A grizzled old man wondered over to the table, smothered in a dirty trench coat. He pulled his hands out of his pockets and checked his notepad.

"Harry Potter" he began "Haggrid has informed me that you are caring for his animals right?" He cocked his head to the left slightly. Harry nodded cautiously. He smiled and continued. "No need to be alarmed, he told me I'd find you here. I have a new, well, pet for him and he said you'd take it back to the school and look after it until he is able to. It's outside in the crate. Be careful, it's only a baby" he smiled once more before ripping a price of paper out of his pad and slamming it on the desk. I looked down towards it, it was a receipt signed by Haggrid.

"We should finish our drinks and go then" Harry said, slightly baffled. We quickly drank our butter-beer and left the Hogs Head to find a crate. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either.

"Well," I started "guess we'd better get it back". We both grabbed an edge and lifted. It was heavy, very heavy. We carried it back to the castle, taking regular stops, and continuing. The wood was warm so we'd sit on it as the daylight disappeared and the cold nipped at our finger tips. The temperature dropped massively on the way back, we made it just as it started to rain. We put the crate down and pushed it to the Gryffindor common room, lifting it up stairs. The fire bust into flames as we entered then room then settled down to a slow steady burn. We place the crate near to the fire, a small cacklely grumble emerged from the box. I looked up at Harry, he looked equally confused.

"You may have the honors" Harry declared as he mockingly bowed down and crouched near the box. By now a could of first years had crowded around, eager to see what was in the box. I knelt down besides the box, opposite Harry, and unlocked the crate. I opened the leaver top  crate. The inside was filled with straw, that squirmed more towards the middle. On top a note. I opened it.

     She was difficult to find but what can I say, I am the best. She's the runt of the litter so watch her carefully, she won't be as big either so don't go telling me that it wasn't what you expected. She's all yours now, good luck

I put my hand into the straw and rummaged around. A soft, leathery surface gauged my attention and I pulled it out carefully. It was a small leather bag. The bag moved.

"Open it!" A small boy squealed from behind. I unthreaded the bag and everyone grew near on baited breath. With a small squeak, a newborn dragon crawled out onto my arm. It looked around, dazed slightly and scurried into the crook of my neck where she made herself at home and curled up. Everyone was awe struck. Harry looked at me smugly, the others hopelessly surprised.

"Umm, Harry, what do we do with her?" I said rather quietly.

"Well, I guess, we look after her until Haggrid comes looking for her" Harry said, still awestruck.

"Until then?" I questioned a little louder.

"We find out what she is and how to look after her" Harry shrugged as he stood up and shooed the first years away. I stood gently and walked to Harry's room quietly, trying not to disturb the sleeping frog in on my shoulder. I knelt down, keeping as straight as possible and grabbed my scarf. I stood again and wrapped it around my neck, almost tucking the dragon in and left the room and made my way to the library with Harry, arm in arm.

It wasn't huge, the dragon, about the size of a kitten. It had wrapped its tail around my neck and and its body curled along the ridge of left shoulder. I used my right hand to look through books and Harry handed them to me. We where trying to work out what breed of dragon she was. Stacks of books lined the table, dragons for dummies, dragon breeds of Europe, the hitchhikers guide to dragons and where to find them. I was currently flicking through 'identifying dragons, an illustrated guide', Harry was looking over my shoulder.

"She's green and quite small. She also came from a litter so..." Harry mumbled gently against my ear. His voice was very quite, so much so it was very deep and husky. The corners of my lips teased upwards and I looked towards him. His face was deep in thought, eyebrows knitted together, eyes dashing backwards and forwards across the page.

"What" he spoke louder now. I looked down. "What, I can feel you looking at me, what?" He looked at me now, confused but smiling.

"You spoke in my ear, it was deeper than usual, I umm..." I lost trail of thought. His eyes captivated me. The green, brilliant in every sense of the word.

"Earth to Draco" he chuckled, waking his hand in front of my face. Blinking, I shook my head gently and looked at the page.

"Draco" Harry's voice pierced through the silence "it's basically time to eat so grab that pile and I'll get this and let's go, I can tell your getting tired." He closed the book in front of me and placed it onto the biggest pile, sliding it off the table he lifted the stack and waited for me. I picked up the last stack and balanced the lantern on top. We left the library and entered the hall. We where late, as usual, and we slung the books down and are. We sat further away from the first years as to keep the dragon calm but it was soon becoming the talk of the table. Most of them where looking at us but we didn't care. We are relatively quickly and returned to the dorms. Harry had brought some spare chicken just in case. We set the books down and sat on the edge of the bed. The room was particularly cold today and rain hammered against the windows. I drew the curtains but it didn't help much. Harry has slithered into bed already. I unwrapped my scarf from my neck and curled it around into a small nest shape. I gently picked the dragon up and placed her into the nest. Her eyes flicked open briefly but she took a deep breath in and curled back up and confined to sleep. I changed into my pyjamas and slid into bed with Harry. We snuggled together. Our bodies fit together perfectly. He snuggled his head into the crook of my neck and snaked his arm over my waist and rested it lazily against my torso. He moved to kiss my cheek then returned to his nuzzling. I pulled the 'dragon nest' closer as to give it warmth. Lighting stuck and thunder roared simultaneously. The dragon perked up eyes wide. In another strike of thunder the dragons features became apparent. She had deep purple eyes and mossy green scales, much like Harry's eyes. It reminded me of a plant that muggles valued.


"What?" Harry mumbled, hot breath against my back.

"The dragon, she's called Iris." I repeated. I raised a hand and lay it over the dragon gently. My thumb gently ran backwards and forwards over the small spines along its back until I fell into a blissful sleep.

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