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One week passed since the two boys drove to and back from university every day. They used to be awkward at first, but as time went by, the two found themselves in many conversations and argued about many things, such as their view on different things in politics, etc..

Their conversations were so enjoyable, that they were sad when they saw the familiar building that turned into the driveway of their university, which meant that they had to stop talking soon. It saddens them since they wanted to carry on their conversations without getting interrupted.

It was a Saturday morning, which meant that they had no university today. Seungcheol sat on his couch, holding a cup of coffee while staring at the television. Instead of focusing on the two animated characters fighting against a dragon, he had to think about his neighbor, who was probably in his apartment by himself while breakfasting. As much as Seungcheol didn't think it was appropriate to just invade his privacy, he found himself standing up and walking to his own front door, keys in his hand as he made his way to the white door next to his.

He knocked on it, waiting for Jeonghan to open the door. And soon enough, a sleepy looking boy opened it, yawning while his hair stuck out in every direction . As soon as he saw who awoke him from his slumber, his eyes widened and he regretted not fixing his hair or change into new and fresh clothes. "Hyung, what are you doing here?" asked Jeonghan.

Seungcheol stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets, biting his bottom lip while trying to push away the thoughts in his mind. He couldn't help but to find the boy extremely appealing by the way he looked right now. And his deep morning voice only made it worse. The older wanted to hear his morning voice, his sleepy state, and his probably peaceful looking face while sleeping every day.

"I- uh- I came here because I thought that we could, you know, hang out?" It came out more like a question than a statement. Why did he feel so nervous?

The other boy chuckled, holding the door open wider and gestured for his neighbor to come in. As he did so, Seungcheol could smell Jeonghan's scent lingering in the air. To him, it was like Heaven.

"I'm going to wash up and be right back. In the meantime, do whatever you want." Jeonghan told Seungcheol before rushing into his room.

His eyes wandered around the small living room, taking in everything. On his walls were hanging pictures, which Seungcheol observed closer. They were mainly pictures of Jeonghan and his college friends, but one picture caught his attention. It was Jeonghan with an old woman, who Seungcheol thought was Jeonghan's grandmother. They were both smiling why holding ice cream in their hands. It looked adorable to Seungcheol.

He kept on looking at the photographs, wondering if he would ever see himself on the wall, smiling next to the beautiful angel. Then he sat back down on the couch, finding a piece of paper on the coffee table along with a flyer. 'Build A School in Africa' the flyer said. He read the flyer, realizing that Jeonghan wanted to donate money to the organization. Then his eyes landed back to the letter, seeing that he had signed up to work at a food shelter. He kept his promise of wanting to help someone.

A small smile crept on his face, laying down on the couch. The boy Seungcheol had a crush on, was the most perfect person anyone could ever be. Everything about him just was.

As if on cue, Jeonghan walked into the living room with just dried hair, jogging pants and an oversized sweater. He didn't feel like leaving the house at all, so he didn't roam around his closet for long. "Sorry for taking so long." Jeonghan apologized, walking into the kitchen.

"No, it's okay." Seungcheol said, his eyes glued on Jeonghan. He looked adorable with the sweater paws.

They stared at each in awkward silence, not knowing what to say. It was so different from the time when they were in the elevator and also in Seungcheol's car. Now Jeonghan felt weird because the older visited him without a warning. But it wasn't a bad thing. He enjoyed his company and was sad himself to not be seeing Seungcheol over the weekend again.

"So you were signing up to work at a food shelter and so on?" Seungcheol broke the silence, gesturing at the papers on the white coffee table.

Jeonghan nodded, sitting down next to his neighbor. "I said that I'm going to do it. I still need to send out my application, though." he explained as he ran a hand through his hair. A streak fell onto his face and Seungcheol tugged it behind Jeonghan's ear, a small smile on his face.

"That's a good thing," Seungcheol said. "Is there anything you want to do? Have you even breakfasted yet?" Seungcheol asked, not wanting the awkwardness to come back. He inched closer to Jeonghan, and to his surprise, the younger leaned onto him, putting his head on his shoulder.

"I haven't eaten yet and I want to stay home and do nothing if that is okay with you?"

"As long as I'm getting to spend time with you, I'll be okay with anything." Seungcheol answered. Jeonghan felt his face heating up and was glad that Seungcheol wasn't looking at him, or else he would tease the boy again.

After getting some food inside of Jeonghan's stomach, the two sat back on the couch and watched a movie. It was a rather boring movie, so Jeonghan decided to annoy his visitor. He kept poking Seungcheol's cheek, doing weird noises as he did so. "Stop it," Seungcheol muttered. Jeonghan refused to stop. "Stop it already, Jeonghannie."

Seungcheol smashed Jeonghan's body onto the couch so he was laying on it, with Seungcheol laying on top of him. Then he held Jeonghan on both of his wrists, holding him back from moving his hands. The younger was struggling to get out of his grip for a moment until he noticed that struggling made everything worse; he was laying right under Seungcheol, and when he kept moving under him, he could hear the older grunt. As their eyes met, Jeonghan bit his bottom lip.

"Honestly, Yoon Jeonghan, you drive me crazy." Then he pressed his lips on Jeonghan's, their lips moving in synch. As always, it made the butterflies in Jeonghan's stomach flutter. He felt a sensation which he never felt when someone else kissed him. With Seungcheol everything was different, but different didn't mean worse, it meant better.

The two pulled away, gasping for air. Jeonghan smiled at the older widely, who smiled back at him. Then he pressed his lips onto Seungcheol's for one last time, feeling himself melt into the older's touch.


The next chapter is going to be the last.

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