Empty Bed.

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I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around me, the bed was empty. When I finally found myself regaining strength I decided to look around to see where Chloe was. I heard the water from the tap running.

"Chloe? Is that you?"

"No it's Warren, who the fuck do you think it is." She suddenly showed herself from the bathroom with nothing but a bra and some pants on.

"Oh." I said, swallowing the sudden guilt of destroying a whole town for her. I know she's my best friend and I love her but to be honest, can you even imagine the phases I was going through ever since yesterday? I didn't really like Warren much but he didn't deserve to die, especially not like this. Even people like David deserved to live, he may have been fucked up a bit but even Chloe said herself. She even called him her step father for once. Maybe it was the wrong decision, but no going back now. Even if I still had my rewind powers there was no way I could even go back that far. It was never going to happen, but I've probably done most of what everyone thought was impossible already. 

"Oh shit yeah, sorry Max. I forgot."

"How the fuck can you forget about me killing thousands of innocent people?" I didn't want to sound harsh but that's how it came out.

Chloe's face changed from a normal expression to a sudden sad, defeated one.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap like that but you know, this shit is going to stay with me for quite some time now and you know that right."

Chloe came closer to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I started to feel my vision getting blurred from the tears that were forming. I wiped them away, I wasn't going to cry right now.

"Max if you want some alone time, it's fine. I can go out and get us some food if you want. Maybe that will cheer you up?"

"No no, it's fine. But that food idea sounds pretty good."

Still having one arm around me, Chloe used her other hand to wipe the left over tears away.

"I just want you to be happy you know Max. It's difficult for me since I don't really know what to say."

"Theres nothing for you to say really, I mean you're doing your best and that's all I ask." I leaned in to her face for a kiss. It was a short one, but it felt right. Made me feel a lot better anyway.

"Haha, come on, let's grab some food." Said Chloe whilst grabbing my hand making her way over to the door. I held onto it firmly, I never wanted to let go. I know we've kissed quite a few times now, but I'm still not sure if anything is official. I didn't think I would feel this way for Chloe but she's the best damn thing that's ever happened to me. I wanted more than friendship but maybe I only felt this way about her because she's the only one that's been by my side through out all this. Maybe I just felt the need to love her but either way, I still wouldn't mind being with her for the rest of my life.

"Oh shit, I should get changed first. Can't go out like this!" She said whilst turning around heading towards the corner we piled all our clothes for the night.

"Well you can if you want..." I mumbled quietly. She heard anyway.

"Well I know you won't mind Max but damn I guess other people don't see me the way you do."

"If people saw you the way I do then everyone would be all over you." I joked, but I wasn't.

"Oooo Max has became flirty all of a sudden, I like it!" She laughed whilst putting her ripped jeans on. I watched her as she put the rest of her clothing on. I bit my lip. I didn't mean to stare but I felt myself slowly drifting away into a deep trance until she awoke me.

"Earth to Max?"

"Oh shit sorry I uhh" I choked. Was it that obvious I was staring? Shit, it was probably too noticeable...

"Anyway, about that food. I heard there's this hella awesome new restaurant near by. Wanna go?" She asked whilst grabbing her car keys and a few belongings. Thank God she didn't care about me staring.

"Yeah yeah sure." She was just too damn cute, but I didn't want to sound deeply in love with her since I don't know if she felt the same. Instead I tried to play it cool.

"Okay nice, meet me in the truck."

The door closed. I went to grab my jacket from the floor beside the bed. Was this a date? Max, don't be stupid. It was probably just a way to maybe forget all the shit that happened back there in Arcadia. But how can you forget that? How the hell can you forget killing so many innocent people? Exactly, you can't. Shut up Max, you're making things worse. As I thought these thoughts tears started to form in my eyes once again. Shame Chloe wasn't here to wipe them away like last time. I missed her and she's only been gone for like 2 minutes and is still waiting for me in the car park unless she's drove off without me. Doubt it but Chloe does like her food, though on that note, so do I. 

I grab my bag and other useful stuff and close the door behind me. I see Chloe in her truck beeping at me. Maybe she didn't like her food as much as I had thought.

"Okay, okay I get it! I'm here." I laughed getting into the passenger seat next to Chloe. She smiled at me and started the engine of the car. I just wanted to spend every minute of my life with her, but I know I just can't.

*Sorry for not updating for a while but I want to take my time with this fan fiction. I know it may not be as good and frequent as others you have probably read but I'm trying:) Thank you for reading and the next chapter may be out in a month, or a few weeks depending on the amount of time I have due to school and stuff!*

*Plus if you guys have any ideas for the fan fiction please let me know! I'm a bit short on ideas at the moment!*

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