I miss them

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"Max, I think your phone is going off." Chloe said whilst shifting eye contact between me and the road.

I placed my hand on my left pocket of my jeans, she was right, it was my phone. Weird, I never even heard or felt any sign of it going off. I pulled it out and looked at the screen, 13 missed calls?

"Who is it?"

I took a look at the names being shown to see it was my mum and dad. Both called and texted a fair amount of times.

"Oh just my parents that's all." As I said this I placed the phone back into my pocket after switching it off.

"What the fuck Max, you're not going to let them know you're okay? They must be worried shitless about you you know."

"Yeah. Oh well, I don't feel like talking to them right now, or anyone."

Chloe didn't respond at all to this.  I tried to look at her but her body posture was positioned in a way I couldn't see her face. I was just about to say her name to get her attention but the car came to a sudden halt. We were already outside a fast food.

"Here's some money, go get me my usual if you actually still remember it after all these years."

I wanted to respond but chose not to. She seemed really annoyed as if something was on her mind. I know the feeling.

I took the money out of her hand and once outside the truck, I slammed the door shut not even taking a single look back at Chloe. For some reason I felt the need to be annoyed at her which I was but I don't exactly know why. It's not really her fault I murdered a whole town for her, it's mine.

Once I got mine and Chloe's orders in my hands I made my way to the exit almost dropping all the condiments that I was just about holding onto in my grasp. As I got closer to the spot Chloe parked I could make out a figure with blue hair with it's face turned the opposite way of where I was facing. I ran over.

I opened the car door dropping all the food on the floor, luckily they were in a bag so it wasn't spoilt.

"Chloe? Holy shit are you okay?" She turned further away from me. I got inside the car and closed the door behind me. I slowly started rubbing her back as the gentle weeps came from her. Chloe was crying. There were many suggestions of why she was, going through my head at once but one stood out the most. Her parents.

"What's wrong Chloe?" I move closer to her, this time she didn't hesitate.

"I miss them Max. They're gone and I will never get them back, it's all my fault." This time she started crying even more.

I was struggling with what to say. Chloe was always so calm and never really gave a shit about anything, especially when it came to her parents. But one idea suddenly struck me.

"What if they're not dead though."

She turned around slowly revealing her red face. Her bloodshot eyes were staring right back at me, she looked a mess.

"What? Of course they're dead Max, it was a fucking tornado."

"Chances may be slim but they could still be alive. Who says that the tornado killed everyone?"

She turned away. I could tell that she wasn't convinced.

"Chloe, I know it hurts. It hurts me too, but we will never find out if they're alive or not if we don't go back and look."

"So what you're saying is, we go back to that hell hole and see if we can find them?"

"Basically yes, that is what I am implying. And you never know, we could find other survivors too if the police and that haven't already."

"Okay. I'm only doing this because I want to find my parents. Don't give one about Warren though."
Once she mentioned the name 'Warren' a flashback of the cafe went through my mind. The way everything blew up right in front of me and the only way to prevent it from happening was something that I myself had to do... I then thought of Joyce, who also happened to be with Warren at the time of the explosion.

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