Chapter 4 : "Gotta Get Out" Part 2

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 I am losing way too much blood. I stand up, but it hurts too much I see black spots everywhere and then I fall with a thud. A car stops several feet away from me and I see a male get out of the car and run towards me. I look in to his blue eyes and then everything goes black.


Niall's P.O.V. :

I am so freaking hungry I got to get home and make my self dinner. Ooh I can order Nandos, that sounds so good right now. "Niall keep your eyes on the road" I though to my self.

*20 minutes later*

Only 5 more minutes 'til I get home, driving if so frustrating when your hungry! To distract myself from the boring view, I looked to my right mirror and I could see a small silhouette running. Well, you don't see that everyday.. 

*2 more minutes passed*

 Just to see if that person is still running, I'm going to look again. Surprisingly the girl is still running I slow down to see where she is going. She looks very worn out. Oh shit she just fell, I have to help her. As I park the car on the side of the road, I see that she tries to stand up and keep running but fails and fall down with a thud and whimpers. There is blood trailing down from her left foot to the grass, her brown long hair is in her face, her face is pale, and she looks like she is out of breath, and her body is going limp from her sitting position. Now, I know she is gonna faint. I run up to her just in time to grab her head gently before it touches the ground. She is beautiful. She looks up at me with those big brown eyes and looks into my blue eyes just for 2 seconds, and then all her body goes limp and her eyes close.

I pick her small body up and put her down gently in the backseats. Then run to the drivers seat and start the car. I speed up to the hospital that is about 7 minutes away, luckily there isn't too much traffic.. I wonder why she was running? or who she was running from?  

I go and park the car in the ER section outside the hospital and take her small, limp body out of the backseat and rush into the hospital. "Help! Please help me this poor girl has and is losing way to much blood!" I yell. When two nurses hear me they both grab a hospital bed tell me to lay her down in it. I do as I am told. When she is in the bed the nurses run into a room. Another nurse this one is middle aged and seem to have woken up in the wrong side of the bed, she comes to me with some paperwork and starts asking me questions. (A/N the nurse is "N" and Niall is '' N.H").

N: "Name?"

N.H: "I-I'm Niall Horan." why does it always show that I'm nervious?

N: "Are you related to the patient?"

N.H: "No ma'am"

N: "Are you her boyfriend?" 

N.H:" No?.."

N: "A family friend?.."

N.H: "Uh.. no."

*Looks up at me irritated*

N: "Then what are you Mr.Horan ?" she hisses.

N.H:" I-I was driving and I saw her fall through my mirror and she looked hurt and was fainting so I stopped and helped her".

N: "Alright, I'll need you to fill the rest of this paper work" she said handing me 2 papers " and some nurses will come and tell you how she is doing and what is wrong with the patient."

N.H: "Alright, Thank you."  she gave me a small nod, and with that she returned to her counter and computer, and I started filling up the paperwork.

*1 hour passed*

Okay, I am really bored and worried right now they are taking foreverrrrrr....  plus I am still hungry, but the girl's health matter the most to me right now. Oh thank God a nurse is coming out of the room.. wait she is coming towards me! "Ello sir, are you Mr. Horan?" she asks. "Yeah, that would be me. Is she going to be alright? What's wrong with her?" I asked, scared that she might said that she passed away or that she is terribly wrong...

"She is doing fine, but we won't really know anything until she wakes up, it could take hours, days, or even a few weeks until she wakes up . But most likely it will be just hours, because she didn't hit her head. " she said calmly. "Oh...uhm.. thank you.." I said. I hope she wakes up soon...

* 2 Years Later *

Niall's P.O.V. :

This hospital has become my second home, because I come here every single day to see if the girl that I love has woken up. Cheesy I know but, since I first saw her beautiful face...I just fell for her.. I just hope that one day I'll get to see those big brown eyes again.

"Niall?" Dr. Jacoby said. "I-I need to have a word with you about her."

"Ehm, okay" I stood up and we walked side by side to her room. (A/N remember Niall doesn't know what Melanie's name is).

"Look lad, its been two years.. and she is not responding, she didn't hit her head and there is no brain damage. I wish I could help you but.. she seems to have been traumatized, she make never wake up and just pass away sleeping.. so we have no choice but to disconnect her." Dr. Jacoby said.

"W-what?... so your just gonna give up on her?!" I yelled. No, they can't do that she needs to live! I need her to be with me. I have came here every damn day morning and night to see her brown eyes to hear her voice, I can't give up on her... I love her.

"There is no other choice Niall." the doctor told me.

" There has to be another choice. You can just kill her. She is human, she has the right to live!" I hissed.

"Of course she has the right to live, but who knows she may never wake up.." he said calmly.

" I won't give up." I said.

"You have to... I'm terribly sorry.." he said.

By now tears where forming and soon the ran down my face, "Let me just make a deal with you. Let me take her home and give her the treatments that you've been given her." I said my voice cracking at the end.

The doctor sighed "Alright, but you have 30 days. If she doesn't wake up we'll disconnect her. We'll send a nurse everyday to check up on her." he said, "but before we give you her  to you, you'll have to sign a contract saying that you agree to give her back if she doesn't wake up by the 30th day."

"Okay, thank you". I said smiling through my tears.

It took just 10 minutes to get her ready. She was already laid down in the backseat of my car, where two years ago she once laid as I took her to the hospital...and her medicines are in the trunk that she will be given everyday by me, and the hope still lives in my heart that she wake up. As I took one last look at the hospital before I sat down in the drivers seat the doctor yelled, " Thirty Days Horan!!". I nodded. I  hope she wakes up soon. These thirty days are gonna be crucial, each day counts. 


A/N :

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