Chapter 7 : The Search

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Josh's POV (30 days ago)

"Ok you're tim- FUCK!", I screamed as i walked into the bathroom to find that Melanie had kicked through the window thats behind the shower curtain. I stormed out of the bathroom and went downstairs. "What the hell were you thinking? I told you to super glue all the fucking windows in this goddamn place!" I screamed. "WHY are you screaming at me?" Haley asked confused. "Oh no reason, just.. MELANIE FUCKING ESCAPED YOU IDIOT!! WHY ELSE WOULD I BE SCREAMING AT YOU?" "I thought you were freaking out because i put too much jelly on your sandwhich or something." "Why, why the hell would i freak out over that?" "Well you have before so i wasnt sure." She answered sarcastically. "I dont have time for this Haley! Why didnt you do what i told you to?." "I guess i missed that one." "The point of you being here is to help me ruin her life. You can't miss one. God i hired an idiot." "Yea still here and i can hear you, asshole." Haley said without even looking up from her phone. She was always glued to that thing. I grabbed her phone out of her hands and put it in my pocket." Hey! What are you doing!?", " Go find her." I say quietly. "What?", " I said, GO FIND HER!". I was getting so frustrated with her that i could just smack her, and i might if she doesn't listen to me. "Why do you want me to find her? Why cant you do it?", she said in a whiny voice. "Because she knows who i am and what i look like. She has no idea who you are and has never seen your face before. ", "Ok but what exactly do you want me to do?", "Look for her, befriend her, bring her to your 'house' and then stab her in the back.", "What!? You want me to stab her? Dude theres no way im killing a person.", "No Haley. I meant like you betray her.", "Oh. Thank god. I thought i was really going to have to kill someone." She said while letting out an exasperated sigh. "Do you want me to go now?", "That would be fantastic." I say in a sarcastic tone. "When do i get my phone back? What if i need to call you? I swear i wont play on it." She says rather fast. "Here." I say holding out the phone. She walks forward to grab her phone but i put it behind my back. I turned my head to the side and tapped my check indicating a kiss. She looked confused at first but then giggled and leaned forward. Just as she was about to kiss my cheek i quickly snap my head forward and her lips landed on mine. She tried to pull away but i grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. She slid her hands up my chest and placed them behind my neck. She ran her fingers through my hair and i pulled away.

"Now remember, if you get emotionally attached to her, i swear i will slit your fucking throat.","why?", "because i dont want you getting in the way of anything, you understand me?", "yes i understand.", "Good. Now GO!" I say, scaring her. She gathered her things, grabbed her phone out of my hand and rushed out the door.

Haley's POV (28 days ahead)

God this is taking too long. I cant find that little bitch anywhere and its freezing out here. I honestly have no idea what he sees in her. Josh has me to swoon over.

Josh gave me enough money to stay at a hotel for a couple nights. I dont really like hotels, they give me the creeps. The people are way too happy to be at their jobs. Their smiles always give me nightmares at night which ends with me not sleeping until i get out of there.

I have been walking around Mullingar for hours and i still havent found her. I knocked on a bunch of people's doors acting as if i were a house inspecter and so far nothing.

I came to a flat that looked quite abandoned. I thought that maybe someone wouldn't be in there so i decided to skip it. Right as i started to walk away i heard the door creek open to reveal a young man who looked like he was in his twenties. He has blonde hair, he's tall- not short- not ginormous-but tall. He had the most beautiful blue eyes i had ever seen. They would have been even better looking if his eyes werent so red and puffy, i wonder what happened to him. "Can i help you lass?" He let out a sheepish voice. "Oh- uh yes actually- im a house inspector and i will need to-","This isn't a house, its a flat.", "Yes i see that but those count as well." ,"Oh ok then. Come on in." , "Thank you." I say as i quickly rush into his flat. The gust of warm air hit me as i walked in making me let out a long sigh. "Must have been freezing. How long were you out there?", "Oh not too long. People just dont have very warm houses." I let out a small giggle not making eye contact. "So, do you mind if i just take a look?", " Yea sure. Can i come with ya?" "Why?", "i just want to see what you do. You know, so that i know what i should look for in the future." Crap." Of course. Follow me" He sort of rushed over to my side as if he were anxious over something. "Soooo what are you going to look at first?" Shit. I never actually had anyone follow me. "Well- umm- i have to look at- these walls." I say pointing to a wall in the living room. "Why?" He asked looking confused. "Well first i have to ask, is it dry wall?" He gave me a confused look then shook his head. "I dunno what it is. I think it is but im not 100% sure."," oh ok well- have you had any problems at all with your flat?","No.",he said straight forwardly. "Oh- well ok then umm- im going to have to ask you to step aside while i finish looking around if you don't mind.", "yea sure-but dont go in that room." He says shutting the door i was about to open.", "Er- why not?" I say trying to open the door. "Because its private." He said while putting all his weight against the door. "What's so private about a room?", "Erm-its my- masturbating room! Yea that.", he shouted a bit quickly while looking embarrassed. "Oh." I say looking away while blushing. I quickly walk to the next room, but when i look over he looked really relieved that i didnt go in there. Well i would be too if i had a masturbation room. Eww.

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