Let's Talk It Over

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(Scarlet and Wolf's conversation)

"Yes?" Wolf questioned.

"Hi, Ze'ev," Scarlet knew his real name? Odd. "If you want to prove your not your brother, now's your chance."

"Ran is a jerk that got himself into trouble all the time. He was part of Levana's crew and did her dirty work. I steered clear of those people after I realized they were hurting others. After he attacked you, he said his punishment was more what was needed. I, on the other hand, agreed with the school. He was a bully and he got sent away because of it." He prayed that he was proving his point.

"How are you different from him, though? How do I know that you aren't trying to trick me to get revenge for your brother?!"

"Because I could never bring myself to hurt you!" Wolf did not mean to say that. Shit! Now she thinks I'm obsessed with her. An agonizing silence trailed behind his words. "Scarlet," here goes. "I know I just met you, about half an hour ago. But I like you, more than I've ever like another girl. If you would even just considered seeing me in person again, I'd be so grateful. And if you never want to talk to me again, I'll leave you alone."

"Wow," Scarlet seemed unimpressed. "I guess Levana was right." Wolf was stunned. He hadn't done a thing to help his case, or so he thought. "You did succeed where Ran failed. Whatever that means." His heart stopped. He felt like he'd just earned everything he'd ever need in life. He'd just saved the world from a power hungry villain.

"So are you gonna come out of that room?" He needed to see her face, celestial emerald eye, and fiery red hair. He would give anything to see them once more, for just a fraction of a second even.

"Maybe," Wolf could hear the smile on her lips. "I'll ask the others. They'll probably say yes. Goodbye Wolf."

"Bye," Bliss sunk into his mind. He almost stumbled over his own feet at the ecstasy that consumed him. He leaned on a set of lockers that was within reach. She cut the line only moments ago. But it felt like hours since they last spoke. He imagined her body was against his. Her head resting on his shoulder, her arms wrapped around his chest, her piercing eyes gleaming up at his. He loved her. There was no point in denying it now. And he didn't want to.

(Jacin and Winter's conversation)

"Hello?" Jacin saw the number. It was dangerously close to one he saw in a horror movie.

"You were supposed to wait for me to come back to the gym," Winter scolded.

"I was worried someone would try to hurt you."

"Like who?"


"She wouldn't leave the gym if she was being black mailed."

"You don't know that."

"Actually, I do. She never leaves the gym during dances. It's a fact."

"Well if you told me that, I may have stayed put." That was a lie. He would have trailed her even if no one wanted to kill her. His curiosity and trust issues had gotten the best of him. He had no idea who sent her the text that forced her to leave him. Without her, a part of him had disappeared. A side to him that had never existed previous to their meeting. His outlook, on well, everything, greatly improved after they began to discuss random topics.

"I highly doubt that."

"So now you're the pessimist. Super."

"No. I'm saying what I think is the truth. That's completely different."

"Well, can we see each other again, soon?"

"That depends. Are you going to follow me everywhere after?"

"I don't think so."

"It's a yes or no question."

"Fine. I guess I could leave you alone after the dance," Jacin groaned trying to sound playful, not creepy.

"Good. Now, maybe my friends and I can come out to see you guys. Oh, sorry, I have to go. Bye!" She ended the call without letting him say 'Bye' back. Damn it! She's a real piece of work.

(Cress and Thorne's conversation)

As Thorne's phone rung out, he debated on whether or not to respond. The only person he wished to speak to was Cress.

The number trying to reach him was unknown to his device. Maybe it is Cress. "Who's calling?"

"Someone who doesn't like being stalked by jerks," Cress replied.

"Cress," trying to reason with the girl who refused to hear him. "I didn't ....." rephrase that, Thorne. "I never wanted to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you, Cress. And you may not know this, but you lied to me."


"When you said that I taught you no one would love you."

"How was that a lie?"

"There is someone, on this planet, who cares about you."

"Who?!" she gasped sarcastically. "Is it Matt Smith?! Or maybe, it's Markiplier! Wait, I got it. It's Steve the Minecraft guy."

"I'm serious!" He needed her to listen to him. Just for a minute. "I like you, okay Cress. You may not be able to see it. You may hate me for something you think I did. But I don't care! I like you and nothings going to change that!"

"You like every girl in the school! I bet you've used this stupid monologue a hundred time!"

"Why can't you see that I like you?!"

"Because it's more than likely that you're lying."

"How can I show you that I'm telling the truth?"

"I don't think there is anything you could ever do to get me to believe you."

"Well," His nails were digging into his palm. This was a bad approach. He was shouting at Cress, saying he didn't care what she thought. That was never a good way to save a burning bridge. Try to make her feel better. "Cress. I want to get to know you better. I want to forget what Sybil, and I, did to you. You're a great girl, who's sweet, pretty, funny, and a fantastic dancer. So please ... can you just ... give me a chance." Neither spoke for what seemed like hours.

"Maybe ..." He was about to respond but the line went dead. At least I got a maybe rather than an I hate your guts.

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