Girls Just Wanna Run 2

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(Cinder and Kai's Chase scene)

Cinder darted down each hall as fast as her legs would allow her. Winter's plan was working. Kai had chased after her and she would lead him away from where they once were. She hoped he would stay on her tail for just a few more turns.

She rounded a corner and appeared before her worst nightmare. An angry Levana. "YOU!" she screamed. Levana began to sprint to her position. Cinder could either face her, or go back the way she came, in Kai's direction. Naturally, she'd pick Kai over Levana any day. She charged back near him, hoping he'd let her run past. As she got closer, Kai shifted and placed himself in her path. She was going to fast to stop, so her force knocked them to the ground when he caught her.

When she tried to get up, Kai held her down. "Why are you so bent on getting away from me?"

"Levana's right behind me!" She whisper yelled. The joy and accomplishment of his victory was replaced with fear and worry. He let her go to stand. Cinder shot up and held out her hand for Kai. He took it graciously and she pulled him to his feet. They were about to run when an all too familiar hand latched onto Cinder's wrist.

"Great!" Her face a twisted combustion of elation and hatred. "You found her. Now, you can tell her what you think of her disgusting burns." Cinder twisted herself from Levana's hold only to land in Kai's. His eyes pleading for her to stay with him. He pushed her back a foot and held her arms length. "So Kai. What do you think?"

"I'm sorry, Cinder," He's going to say your a monster. He's going to call you a freak. Her desire to hide was never greater than it was now. He has to do this. To protect his title. "But I think I don't care about your scars. And that I want you just the way you are."

His words filled her with a happiness beyond life, beyond description. They had a totally different impact on Levana. She screeched and stormed off to go pity herself. Kai drew Cinder back into his arms and held her tight. Cinder felt that she was so glad she could have floated into the night if he wasn't acting as her anchor.

They just stood there for a while. Exchanging heat and positive emotions. His hold around her shoulders was complimented by her embrace on his chest. Kai moved one of his hands to cup her cheek. "I like you a lot, Cinder. So can you stop running now?"

"I like you a lot too, Kai. And yes, I can stop running from you now." He tilted her head to face him and began to lean into her. She bent in closer to meet him. Just as they touched, they had to part. For one of their phones went off and they had to reply.

It was Thorne who had called. Cinder still felt uncertain about him. He hurt Cress, what was she supposed to think? Kai hung up with a sigh."Cress locked herself back in that room. Thorne asked me to come help him."

"Oh, Cress!" Everyone present at the time the plan was made agreed to it, in exclusion to Cress. After a few minutes of coaxing, the girls thought they changed her mind. "We should go. Who knows what she's up to in there?"

"How bad could it be?"

"She's a genius hacker and programmer, in a room with tons of technology, who wants to get a guy away from her. She might make a robot to destroy your friend."

Kai let out a laugh and looked back up at Cinder. She was plain and not happy. "Wait. You're not serious. Are you?"

"I hope not." They began to follow the path back to 'the Satellite'. "Let's just pray that Thorne doesn't do anything stupid." Reality set in. Yep, he's doomed.

(Cress and Thorne's ... thing)

"OW!" Thorne yelped. "What the?!" He looked up and saw the metal door that just whacked him in the face. He checked his nose, he wasn't bleeding. He peered though the small window into the room. It was like a mini lounge. It had technology, places to sit and rest, and the paint job was fairly good (The window's made of Plexiglas so he can't see very well). "Cress! Come out here right now!"

"No! You're just trying to screw with me like you've done with every other girl in the school! You're just a jerk that doesn't know when to stop!"

"Cress! Just let me come in and talk to you!"

"So you can hurt me again? No chance!"

"Ugh! You can't even listen for a second!"

"I'm listening now!"

She was correct. "Fine," She better be listening. "I did cut your hair. I did let Sybil do those things to you. But I never wanted to. I just want to stay with you and make up for what I did."

"So you pity me and want to make me feel better by dating me and then dumping me. That's sound like fun!" she screamed with a heavy amount of sarcasm.

"NO!" That was the wrong way to phrase that. "I want to be with you because I like you. Not because I pity you. I really like you, Cress. Please. Please let me in."

"Never. I never want to see you again. You made me this way and you made me think you cared about me. I can't believe I actually fell for it."

"So you admit that you do like me!"

"Yeah. I do. But I also hate you for being a total jerk!" Her heard her begin to weep. "You tricked me. If you didn't have to look my scars, we could still be having a good time out there."

"Cress," his voice became more tender and caring. "I didn't trick you, okay. I got scared when I felt the scars under your dress. I knew that you were the girl Sybil hurt as soon as I saw your neck. And if you want to go back out there, we can," He couldn't understate it any longer. "Cress. I love you. Please let me in." She didn't respond. Thorne heard a banging of metal and overflowed with worry. He pulled out his phone and called his friends. To each he said an identical message. "Cress locked herself in a room and she's not talking. I need some help to open the door. Come as fast as you can."

He pounded on the door. "Cress!" He shouted her name more times than he could count. The glass wasn't completely clear, so he couldn't her. He was blind in this situation. He could only think of what she was doing in there. She could get hurt. She could need his help and he would be unable to aid her.

He back away from the door and charge at it. The collision set a burst of agony to his entire body. Still, he tried again. He had to get to Cress. Whether she wanted him there or not, he'd get to her.

Jacin and Winter came along first. Winter ran over to the window and screamed, "CRESS! You come out of there right now!" Of course that didn't work. Jacin attempted to rush the door like Thorne did. Soon after, Scarlet and Wolf came his aid. Wolf too rushed the door, with similar results.

"Compliments to the guy who made this thing," huffed Wolf.

"Cinder and Cress made that back up door to withstand being hit by a car. I doubt that any of you could break it," declared Scarlet.

After a few more minutes, Kai and Cinder showed up. The girls tried to talk Cress out of the room. When that didn't work, Thorne and the guys proceeded to beating down on the door.

Failure after failure, Thorne still refused to give up. The other guys stopped, but he continued. Then, out of nowhere, the door slid open and Thorne fell into the room. Winter chimed in, "None of you told them about the button in the locker? And you guys think I'm the forgetful one."

Thorne lifted himself off the floor to find Cress. He scanned the entire room, but she was nowhere to be found. The groups came in to investigate her disappearance. "Guys," Kai spoke. "Is this vent supposed to be uncovered?" Everyone crowded around him. One of the vent covers was on the floor under its frame on the wall. So that's the metallic noise I heard.

"Is she small enough to fit in there?" questioned Wolf.

"Yes," replied all the girls at once.

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