The Second Letter

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After showering I head downstairs to get something to eat. I've never liked to venture around the house at night but that seems to be all I do lately.

The fridge is full of leftovers. Lasagna captures my attention. After popping it into the microwave, the squeak of the letter slot makes my heart race. "Good God, why me?" I whisper to no one.

I make my way to the front door and see an envelope on the floor. I pick it up and open it. This time there are words: It wasn't just a dream.

I let the letter fall from my hands and I hear the soft crinkle of paper landing on hard floor. "What the-"

"FUCK!!" I jump as the microwave signals that my food is ready. I almost would have laughed if it wasn't for another note being slid through the letter slot. I snatch it up quickly and rip it open: He didn't understand.

"What's with all the shouting, Tess?" My brother says groggily from behind me.

"Fuck! You scared me!"

"Jesus! Tess, calm down." He says in a hushed tone. "What are you doing awake anyway? You need to be resting."

I nod slowly, having lost my appetite. As I make my way back up the stairs, I take a glance down at the door, it looks the same as it always looked, nothing to hint at the strange happenings around it.

I step into my room, locking my door behind me. I slide down into the covers and let sleep take me again.


I see nothing but her, surrounded in the all consuming darkness. She is so still and lifeless, her body is at a strange angle. I feel a tear run down my cheek as I hear her whispering indecipherable words, trying to move her hands, trying to tell me. But I know she can't. Not anymore.


As I wake, I can feel the dried tears on my face. I squeeze my eyes closed and shake my head, "No no no no..." I whisper into my hands. A gust of cold air rushes in through the open window, "Jesus, that's cold." I think out loud.

I can feel that she's not OK. That she hasn't been OK in a long time. Hearing her speak smoothly and freely had me wondering who she could be, how was I supposed to know it was her when I've never heard her voice? I remember watching her sign in precise, fluid movements. She never let being deaf stop her, she was so spirited and strong-willed. 

Why did me getting a boyfriend have to change things between us? She's been Alfie's girlfriend for the past two years and yet she's she always made time for me. I've been so busy with Dylan that we haven't been able to hang out like we used to. She was my best friend and I haven't talked to her in over a week, now I might never be able to again.

I feel the tears flowing down my face and I don't attempt to wipe them away. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, "Please, let this be only a bad dream..." I whisper my prayer to God, the Devil, angels, demons, deities, anyone who will listen.

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