Making Ghosts

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A/N: This chapter is the first chapter but a 3rd person perspective on Alfie.


"What do you mean, you kissed my sister?!" Alfie is furiously signing at Sarah after she's told him the reason for her distance the past couple weeks.

"It's exactly how it sounds! I'm in love with her!" The doorbell almost makes him jump but she doesn't hear it as she impatiently waits for him to respond.

"So y'all have been together behind my back this whole fucking time??" He can hear Dylan and Tess talking in the other room, but he tunes it out.

"No, it's not like that! It was beautiful and it felt right, I wasn't trying to hurt you!"

"Well, you did, Sarah, you did.

"I'm sorry, but I need you to understand that I still care about you."

He paces the room now, "Understand?! You need ME to understand that even though you cheated on me, with my own sister, that you still CARE about me?! I thought we were deeper than that, I thought we were in love! And... and you tell me that wasn't real!"

"It WAS real! I swear! But feelings change! I've changed! And I'm sorry..."

"You can't this by just saying you're sorry, Sarah! You broke my trust... and my heart."

"I don't control my feelings, Alfie. People grow apart. It just happens."

"No, it doesn't just HAPPEN, people make it happen with the choices they make!" He grabs her and pulls her into a kiss, hoping that she might still have those feelings for him that he knew at least used to be there.

She pushes him away and a tear rolls down her cheek as she signs, "I'm sorry, but I'm not in love with you anymore..."

His eyes burn with fury as he grasps her slender neck, squeezing her windpipe closed. In a sudden wave of realization, he lets go and she pushes away from him in such a rush her balanced is lost and she topples out the window with a loud thud into the bushes below. Shocked, he stands there for a moment, staring out at the beautiful blonde, her body now lifeless. 

He hears his sister's voice, loud as if he can suddenly hear the rest of the world, "Was that outside?"

"Oh fuck..." He whispers. Panicked, he runs down the stairs as fast and as quietly as he can, being careful not to slam any doors as he runs to her body outside.

When he finds her, he sinks down to his knees and pulls her out of the bushes, "Oh my God..." He whispers to her and touches her broken neck with a gentle hand. He cries for her, "What have I done? I was mad, but I never meant for..." He sees the bruising on her neck from his own hands, lifting them to his face he curses them. "Why? Damn you, damn these hands..." 

He sits there beside her until he hears Dylan's voice break through the silence of his mind. "Fucking Alfie!" Did they hear her fall? Oh God, what do I do?

I have to get her out of sight. He runs up to the front door and peeks in, Dylan and Tess are headed back upstairs. Now's a good a time as any. He runs back to her and lifts her into his arms. 

Setting her down on the guest bedroom's bed seemed like a bad idea to him, instead he sets her down on the floor and steps out of the room, closing the door behind him. He had to take some time to collect his thoughts, breathing heavily against the door. Turning around, he walks over to the stairs and takes a seat on the steps. 

"You killed me!" Her voice shouts in his head. He jumps up, oh God...

A vase smashes against his face, It's her. He would not give her the satisfaction of crying out in pain. He searches the hall, but he can't find her. The vase by the guest bedroom slides of it's stand and shatters across the marble floor, he runs to the room, Thank God I have shoes on

He turns the handle and finds her still laying on the floor, still motionless. He shuts the door softly and sits next to her, whispering, "I'm so sorry, Sara."

"Mother Fucker!" Tess's scream rings through the house.

He looks around frantically for a place to hide Sarah's body, The armoire... After shoving her in and latching it closed, he dashes over to the door, but it won't open. As he tries to call out to Tess, a pair of icy cold hands wrap around his throat. "You never understand." And with a final *CRACK* his neck is snapped and he fall to the floor. 

As his ghost rises from the still warm body, the words continue to run through his head, "You never understand." He looks around and sees the body on the ground. I thought I already put her body in the armoire... He unlatches the armoire and places his own body on top of hers. Closing and locking it, he will find a better place for her later, he will bury her in the yard. Yes, that's what he'll do. But first, there's a mess in the hall to clean up...

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