Then there was Ninja Sex Party

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One pretty awesome night Danny Avidan was walking to the boneing convention from the grump space. When... "Give me your money!" "F*ck no!" Danny said in a strong voice. "Should I help him...." Ninja Brian thought. "Eh one time won't hurt...." Then Ninja Brian leaped from the rooftop stabbing the thief in the head. "Woah thanks ninja dude!" Danny said. Brian nodded as a "you're welcome". " well I'll be off to the boneing convention thanks again!" Then Brian's eyes widened. "Wanna come?" Brian nodded. "Sweet!" So the two went on and conversed... Kinda.... Danny talked and then learned to speak Ninja. "Here we are the boneing convention..." "Hey Danny, how was your year of boneing?" "Not bad my friend but I plan to make next year even better with my buddy here Ninja Brian. We're forming a band called Ninja Sex Party and will start our year of boneing, NOT EACH OTHER! Oh look at the time... Alright Ninja Brian lets head back to my place and get ready to ninja sex and party!"

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