Concert 2

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Kells POV

We were waiting for the concert to start and we're talking and getting to know each other. I introduced Harry to Michelle and Valerie. Michelle, like me is a Mikey girl and Valerie an Ashton girl. So what happens when you get 2 Mikey girls and a Mikey guy together - well you hope it doesn't come up! Because me and Harry get into fights o er who loves Mikey more. I once told him Mikey would pick me simple because I'm a girl, to which Harry said bromances are strong then simple boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. He gets very defensive over Mikey and others claiming Mikey, so I hoped it wouldn't come up.
Soon Hey Violet was coming on and it was amazing to be this close to everything. I've never been this close for a concert - actually that's a lie but that was a small concert it wasn't big like this. So I've never been this close for such a big concert with so many people. And it was amazing and 5SOS wasn't even on yet. Once again I liked Hey Violet's cover of Blank Space better than Taylor's. I think it's because they play a less pop version of the song. I don't like the new Taylor Swift, I liked her old stuff. She's too pop now and she has a good voice but you can't tell with all the auto tune and everything in pop music.
When Hey Violet was done we decided to go look around and maybe get something to eat. Everything was pretty expensive here, even water. We looked around, we all had already bought merch at the concert the day before so we didn't have to bother with those lines - thank god!
Harry decided on a bottle of water, I wasn't hungry at the time and didn't want all my screaming amd dancing to upset my tummy. I also had to pee so us girls walked over to the line for the bathroom. Harry did too but there were not many guys here so he was done and we barely moved. It only took about 10-15 mins and we were heading back to our seats which was perfect because 5SOS should be coming on soon.
The clock started counting down again, and you'd think after seeing the show last night and spending part of my morning with 5SOS that I wouldn't be freaking out as much. But let's be honest, I was freaking out more now than than I ever have about anything having to do with these boys.
The clock hit 0, the boys were out and they were lit up by the stage lights. They started singing End Up Here and I sang every word. I sang every word to every song they played. Luke was the first to notice me, as we were closest to him. He smiled at me and shortly after went over to Cal and told him something and a smile formed on his face.
You know when it came time for a song that was dominantly Mikey's the 2 Mikey girls and the Mikey guy in the front row (us) got really excited and screamed our heads off. So Permanent Vacation, Wrapped Around Your Finger and American Idiot we were crazy . . . Well crazier.
When they started playing Kiss Me Kiss Me, Luke kept looking over at Cal during the first verse of the song. Luke had a smirk on his face and seemed like he was trying not to laugh. When it came to the second verse, which was Calum's, we locked eyes and he ended up about a second behind with the lyrics. I laughed at that, not in a making fun of him way but I thought it was cute. Although Cal seemed like he was a tad embarrassed.
When it got to Mikey's part in Good Girls,
"CALUM HAS A CRUSH!" Mikey said really fast.
Everyone laughed at that and when Calum had a chance he gave Mikey the middle finger.
The boys were on their last song - What I Like About You. Calum was looking at me for his verse and sang it perfectly. The boys finished the song through out their picks and drum sticks, to which Calum made a point to personally hand me a pick, and went off stage. Calum seemed to take a strong interest in me, I was flattered but confused. I never thought of Cal like that, but he's a nice guy and after everything today the kiwi boy definitely has a place in my heart.
We were waiting for everyone to leave because there's only 2 ways in and 2 ways out of here and I didn't want to deal with the crowd. The crew came out and started to take down the stage setup. Michelle and Valerie decided they were going to leave as most of the crowd had cleared out, I on the other hand knew that the parking lot would now be a disaster. The 2 thanked me for the hundredth time for the tickets to which I said it was no problem because aside from Harry no one I know likes 5SOS. 5 minutes after Michelle and Valerie left someone walked over to us.

"Hi, Kelly?" The man asked, he looked a bit familiar.

"Yes?" I asked back.

"I work with 5SOS, they sent me to ask if you'd like to come back stage." He informed.

"I-I huh . . . Yeah sure." I said or more like stuttered.

"There's a big gate around the corner, to the left here, if you meet me over there I will bring you back." I motioned in the direction of the gate.

"Okay, Harry can come too right?" I asked.

"Of course, I was told there were 4 of you." He said,

"There were, the others left already when the crowd cleared out." I informed.

"Very well, I'll let the guys know you're coming and I'll meet you at the gate." He said,

"Okay thank you . . .?" I asked

"Cory." He said and gave me a smile to whoch I returned. I said another quick thank you to Cory as Harry and I headed to the gate. It was about 5 minutes til Cory met us, that included the walk over to the gate and waiting for Cory.

"These girls are with me." Cory informed the person who work here that was guarding the gate. He let us through amd Cory lead us by the tour buses and into the building.

"Did you enjoy the concert?" Cory asked,

"Yeah, it was amazing." I said, "What do you do for the guys?" I asked,

"I'm one of their bodyguards." He informed.

"I'm knew you looked familiar." I told him in a really excited tone.

"Well I'm not as popular as Dave." He said jokingly. We arrived at a door, and Cory knocked.

"Yeah!" We heard Ashton shout from behind the door. Cory opened the door and let us enter first.

A/N: I'm sorry if it seems like I switch back and forth between telling the story like it already happened and telling it like it's currently going on.

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