Am I . . .

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I walk out of Mikey's room and find Cal getting the pizza from the delivery person.

"Hey, babe. What were you doing?" Cal asks,

"Mikey - he's missing home apparently." I tell him,

"Pizza time?" He asked,

"Definitely!" I say.

We both walk into the room and into the bedroom. Cal puts the pizza on the bed and sits down, to which I follow. He opens the pizza box and we dig in.

"You were right babe, this is great pizza." Cal says with a full mouth,

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Cal! I'm fairly certain your mom raised you better than that." I say with a laugh.

He swallowed the food in his mouth, "So you're an expert on how I was raised?" He says in a joking tone,

"Yeah, I am." I say back with a laugh,

"Would you like to watch a movie, babe?" He asks,

"Yeah." I simply reply,

"Have anything in mind?" He asks,

"No, I picked last night. You can pick today." I say,

"Do you like the Avengers movies?" He asks,

"Yeah of course." I inform him,

"Have you seen the newest one?" I just shake my head, "We can watch it together then." He says happily,

Cal gets his computer again and connects it to the TV so we can watch the movie. My mind drifted back the Mikey, did he mean it when he said he doesn't say 'I love you' to everyone? I mean he's said it to fans before and he hasn't known me long enough to 'love' me as a friend like he does his band mates.

I was brought  back to reality when Cal kissed my cheek,

"Ready, babe?" He asks,

"Yeah." I say simply.

[Mikey's POV]

I didn't mean to cause a scene, the guys were just talking about Cal and Kells all day and I didn't want  to imagine what was going on between the 2 of them right next door. I've barely known the girl a day, why do I feel so jealous. She's so pretty and sweet, of course she'd pick Calum over me. I don't know what it is about her, but I just want to spend time with her. Sadly, she seems to really like Calum, not to mention Calum barely leaves her side whenever she's around - not that I can blame him.
She said she loved me, I mean I hear it all the time from fans but it felt different coming from her. I don't get like this with girls, I mean maybe I do. I put too much of myself out there and hurt, but I've never felt the instant connection I felt with Kells. She thinks I say 'I love you' to everyone, fans - yes, family - yes, but never a girl I've dated before. I meant it differently when I said it to her, not that she'd ever believe that or care.
We leave in a few hours to go to the next town and we'll probably never see her again. I don't even know how Calum got her number from my phone, she'd be in my room right now and would've .spent the day with me if not for Calum. What is this girl doing to me . . .
Holding her in my arms, even the first time I felt something between us. Everything just feels right, and with a girl I barely know - which scares me a bit honestly.

[Kells POV]

I couldn't focus on the movie, I kept thinking about what was going to happen when the guys leave town tonight - more like a few hours. The past 48 hours have been great, I saw them preform twice, not to mention I've gotten to hangout with them. I've kissed Calum Hood! I got to spend the day with Calum! He bought me things - not that I'm a materialistic girl, I just can't believe all this happened. I swear I'm going to wake up and this will all be a dream. I never thought I'd have feelings for Cal, but that's hard to judge when you don't actually know a person. Calum always makes a point to make me feel special but what if I'm just the girl he picked for the weekend and next weekend it will be the same routine with a different  girl. I don't want all the rumors of groupies and sleeping with fans to cloud my judgement but I don't want to be naive and ignore them either. I don't know how to feel about all this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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