Odds On?

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Standing in the kitchen with Joe – who was definitely your best friend – perhaps a little bit more but you two often got mistaken for a couple, however that was not the case.

Today was a day you were both a nightmare to be around as you were both being very competitive and no one had time for you when you guys got like that. "Odds on?" Joe asked you as you turned around to see him holding a glass of milk in his hand.

"On?" You asked curiously. "Taking a sip of this milk that Caspars let sit on the counter since last night." He started to laugh. "Oh fuck no!" You almost got sick at the thought, "One in ... Ten?" You suggested not really wanting to lose that bet.

"Uh, weak." Joe muttered. "One-Two-Three..." He counted down and at the same time you said; '6' he said '8' and you victory punched the air. "YES!" You then clapped excitedly as Joe muttered under his breath. "One in ten – such a wuss." He shook his head, putting the glass down in the sink and you bit your lip;

"Odds on eating a bite of this?" You asked Joe, pulling what you both assumed was some kind of seafood pasta dish from the back of the fridge. "One in seven." Joe nodded and you smirked. "Three-Two-One." You said as you both came out with; "5." at the same time. "EAT IT SUGG!" You exclaimed loudly seeing the horrified look on his face as he came to realise what he was going to have to do.

"I could get poisoned from that!" He exclaimed. "Awh – that is true..." You said sympathetically and he nodded, figuring you'd let him off the hook. "Lemme get you a fork so you can get food poisoning with class." You snickered, opening a drawer and handing him a fork,

"bitch." He whispered and you giggled. "I know!" You watched watching as Joe opened the lid of the dish very carefully and the smell of cold – possibly gone off food filled the kitchen.

"Oh that is rank!" You pulled your shirt up to cover your mouth and your nose as Joe picked up a very small piece on the end of the fork and examined it, he gagged moving his head away, "I can't do this!" He held the fork away from him and you snickered.

"Shouldn't've picked five." You snickered and he glared at you, "fuck off." He muttered which made you laugh even more.

"What if I forfeit?" He asked and you shrugged in thought, "I get to pick something else out of this fridge for you to eat and as we both know ... There could be something far worse in there... Caspar never clears out his leftovers." You pointed out and Joe sighed, you felt like such a bitch – it was great.

"Yeah, you're right – fine." Joe plugged his nose and brought the fork passed his teeth, closing his mouth around it he took the piece of food off it and slowly chewed.

He gagged. "I CAN'T!" He yelled making another gag as he dropped the fork to the floor and rushed around the kitchen island, spitting the food into the sink and turned on the tap leaning over it, rinsing his mouth out quickly, using his hand to rub his tongue. "Oh fuck, the taste isn't going away!" He groaned, lowly as you continued laughing at his agony.

"You're such a wuss, Joe." You managed to get out through your fit of laughter and he just flashed you the finger as he continued letting cold water run through his mouth.

"I need to brush my teeth, oh my god you're going to suffer for that." Joe said as he rushed downstairs.

"I can't believe you guys do this stuff just for fun and not for a video." Caspar had walked up the stairs after Joe rushed them down, with his hood up, holding his earbuds in his hand. "We don't have lives... Or partners... What else are we suppose to do in life?" You pointed out, leaning against the counter, looking over him.

"Date each other like you both want to but don't have the guts to admit it?" Caspar suggested while leaving the flat and you just stared at the closed door. "Weirdo." You muttered to yourself, as you headed downstairs to see if Joe had finished brushing his teeth.

"Oh my god, that was fucking disgusting!" Joe looked up with the tooth brush in his mouth, he was watching you through your reflection in his washroom mirror. "I thought it was really funny." You nodded and he rolled his eyes. "Of course you did – you're sick." He said before brushing his tongue. "I am." You nodded to agree.

"But I'm being called sick from the guy who wanted me to drink left out in the warm milk." You pointed out and he nodded, putting the tooth brush down. "This is true." He added rinsing a pale pink toothbrush. "JOE!" You excited. "Is that my tooth brush!?" You watched as he turned back to look at you with a smirk.

"Well you didn't think I was gonna use my own to get that shrimpy-nasty taste out did you?" He started to laugh as you stood in shock. "Ewww!" You watched him put it back in the little cup on his sink. "No... Just – no!" You repeated, grabbing it and throwing it into the trash can, "I'll buy another one!" You assured, shuddering at the thought.

"Okay, so... Odds on." Joe looked into your eyes. "Go on..." You said watching him feeling suddenly nervous. "Odds on you... Kissing me?" He asked carefully and you felt a burst of nervous-excitement in your chest. "Gross. One in a hundred?" You suggested trying to play it cool and he rolled his eyes. "No, don't be a wuss this time." He smirked.

"Fine." You sighed dramatically. "One in ... Four." You smirked seeing risky and his eyes widened at you. "Are you sure?" He asked and you nodded. "I'm aways sure." You pointed out. "Three-Two-One..." Joe said slowly and like usually as the same time you said '2.' Joe said '2.' and you both just stood there staring at each other, instead of the typical winner shouting victory and loser complaining.

"You could forfeit." Joe whispered and you shook your head. "I don't forfeit." You whispered back and he nodded slowly; "So ... Quit stalling." He continued with the low tone of voice.

"I'm not stalling." You said quickly as you both went back to staring at each other, before you stepped up to him and stood on your tip-toes just a bit, putting your hands on the sides of his face, you lent in and brought your lips to Joes kissing him for what must have only been a few seconds, before you pulled away and stepped back.

You both found each others eyes again and yourself, you felt lost for words – for once.

"Your turn..." Joe finally broke the silence and you nodded. "Odds on..." You felt like your mouth was dry, "you kissing me?" You asked him and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"I don't need an odds on for that." He admitted, before leaning in close, his lips coming to yours, kissing you, you felt him press you back against the cool wall, one of his hands brushing into your hair as you kissed him back...

BY: Imagines-joesugg on tumblr

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