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All night, people had been spamming my twitter. Alright, I do have 10 million followers on Twitter so you can expect lots of spamming, but this night they were all about specific things.

@Yourtwittername and @joesugg are going to have the hottest babies in the universe

Y-N and @joesugg are seriously my OTP there so cute together!!!

And those are just two of the thousands of tweets I had received overnight. I feel like my fandom had just arranged to tweet us this because I had announced that today I would be filming a video for my channel with Joe.

Okay, let me clear this up: Joe and I were not dating. We collabed a lot and always laughed to the point we were both shedding tears in all of our videos together, so I guess that's why people want us to be together so desperately. I mean, we definitely are always at our happiest when we're together.

I think Joe is a good looking guy. But his great sense of humour and personality just tops it all off for me. And I'm sure he thinks I'm a good person too, because we're pretty much best friends, but I'm not sure he feels that way.


At around two in the evening, my doorbell rang and I sprinted over to the front door, opening it to see Joe standing there with a grin on his face.

'Hi!' He waved and giggled.

'Joseph! Come in,' I opened the door wider for him and he walked in.

We got settled on my couch in the living room, and he was looking through his Twitter whilst I set up the camera, the microphone and the lights. 'You have such nice and professional filming equipment,' He said, looking up as I was pretty much done with getting everything ready to film.

I giggled at him. 'Thanks? How are the asks going?' I asked him, since he already had his phone in his hand. Today, we were going to be filming a good, average Q&A together. Both of us had tweeted out to our followers and subscribers to send us some questions about anything they wanted.

'Well, there's a lot of them...' Joe said with a chuckle and I rolled my eyes dramatically at him.

'No shit,' I said and we both laughed heartily. I pressed record on my camera and sat down next to Joe and I started the video.

'Hi everyone, today I'm here with the lovely thatcherjoe, also known as Joe Sugg.' I smiled a the camera, and from the corner of my eye I could see Joe wave.

'Hi,' He giggled.

'So, a couple of minutes ago we asked you to send us some questions on Twitter, and we're going to be answering them. Joseph, would you like to start?' I asked, reaching for my phone and then looking at him.

'Um, sure.' He said, also reaching for his phone, unlocking it with his fingerprint quickly and then scrolling through his feed. 'Who has the best taste in music?' He said, looking up at the camera.

'Oh, that's an easy one.' I said. 'I think you do,'

'Really?' He raised his eyebrows, looking surprised.

'Well I was going to say that you have the best taste in music.' He said and it was my turn to raise an eyebrow. 'Y-N always listens to really chill, nice music. It's the sort of music that kind of makes you want to dance, but also kind of makes you imagine yourself relaxing in a hot tub.' Joe explained to the camera.

'That was specific,' I laughed and he giggled.

'Next question,' I said, opening my phone. 'Who gives the best hugs?' I smiled to myself.

'Definitely me,' We both said at the same time, and then both bursted out laughing.

'I'm taller so surely I give the best hugs,' Joe reasoned.

'Yes but when I give hugs it's because I really like you and I'm happy around you and obviously those kind of hugs are the best ones,' I said. The words flowed out of my mouth before I had the time to think, and suddenly I noticed I might've said something I shouldn't have.

'How about we both hug each other right now and decide who's the winner,' He smirked.

'Is that just an excuse to get a hug from me, Suggy?' I asked, smirking as well.

'No,' He chuckled and stood up.

The hug was most probably out of shot, and then we sat back down.

'I definitely give the best hugs,' Joe said with a stupid smile on his face.

'No,' I mouthed to the camera.

'Hey! I saw that!' He pretended to sound offended.

It was Joe's turn to read out a question from Twitter, and he mouthed a couple of words as he read through them.

'Will Y-N and Joe ever be a thing?' He read out softly.

'I don't know.' I murmured. He looked up at me with surprised blue eyes.

'If you want it to be, then it can be,' He murmured back quietly.

'Okay, I think I might have to edit that bit out of the video,' I said and blushed looking away.

'Aw, she's blushing,' Joe giggled and placed a warm hand on my thigh.

BY: fluffy-minter on tumblr

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